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What would you do if RS was real?


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id go slapping everyone with my rubber chicken.








i would follow people for 5 hours straight saying: "Z0MG PHR33




ST00FS PLX!!!! ILL R3P0RT Y00 IF Y00 D0NT!!!! Z0MG I AM L33T!!!








i would go to a church and scream: Z0MG PRAYER N0000000000000BS!!!!!








thats because u r a complete noob



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wow, runescape in ways resembles the dark ages just much is taken out because well the dark ages were very very barbaric times.








Now, sure ok, so if u were in the dark ages today ud kill ppl for no reason and all this yeah ok.








But see, our minds have evolved and we have learned morals.








So if you really want to expirience runescape first hand, go back to the dark ages by building yourself a time machine, take whips and cannons with you.








Sorry, but i have to dissagree.








The image we got from the dark ages is wrong in many ways. We think it was very barbaric and stuff like that, but thats just because the people from the Renaissance represented the time before them as barbaric just so their intellect would be more stressed.




Also, the dark ages is a period of 1000 years. And many of the qualities only apply for a part of that period.








Btw: did you know the persecutions of witches only started after the dark ages? From 1700 to be precise (if I remember it right).








At least, thats whay i recently learned. And yes, i was also quite astonished.








i agree with you mostly, however witch hunting is recorded in the 12th and 13th centuary right up until the early 19th centuary - the inquisition were set up in spain in 1560 something (i realy should no that, i'm doing a spanish history a lvl) and they burnt a lot of witches, but mostly with sexual crimes (and for some reason horse theft...)



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i feel really bad for being the first perso to say this buuuuut......




If we have no computors how are we gonna get illicit movies downloaded and seen. :?: :?: :?:









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