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Why can't F2P have...?


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Rune arrows and Wave spells. Melee gets all the way to the fourth level (rune) in f2p... so it dominates




also a separate highscores page so we can see the number 1 f2per, cuz no1's gonna notice u at 1494 total if its not ranked high. Also fletching up to maple, since we can make our own weapons with magic and melee.




as a lifelong f2per, i agree: melee is easily the style of choice in f2p, not because it is overpowered (hardly) but because the other 2 are extremely underpowered. to be maxing out under 20 with a lvl 99 skill is completely unreasonable. as for making our own range equipment... its cheap enough.




id also love to see capes of achievement go f2p, do we not work as hard (or harder) to get 99s in our skills as members do?

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Rune arrows and Wave spells. Melee gets all the way to the fourth level (rune) in f2p... so it dominates




also a separate highscores page so we can see the number 1 f2per, cuz no1's gonna notice u at 1494 total if its not ranked high. Also fletching up to maple, since we can make our own weapons with magic and melee.




I greatly support a separate highscore board.




Not only do you not get noticed, but it's also much harder to get our skills up and posted on the board. Aside from the actual fact that members have ways of leveling up skills much much quicker than an F2Per does, they also have more skills to level up.




Where a F2Per has to get 99 in all areas to get 1494, P2Per just has to get 63 in all the skills. While a lot of the skills can be costly like herblore or time consuming like summoning, it takes 368,599 xp according to the xp table to get to lvl 63. It takes 13,034,431xp to get to 99.

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What I want F2P to have the most is be able to post on the forums, and have halberds. They could even keep rune halberds members, like rune arrows. I REALLY like halberds! :thumbsup:


F2p posting on the forums would be insane everyone would be begging and making spam (no offense to f2pers but there are some 9 year olds out there -.- ) and besides the forums are a member benifet.



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Nice double post [wagon], use the edit button.




The real reason why the forums aren't F2P is the required server space, bandwidth and like. The forums were f2p during the beta. The servers couldn't handle 10 million more posters unless they made some expensive upgrades.




If they were to allow F2P players on the forums, they would only make a certain number of people able to post. They could thin the crowd out by making a totallevel/exp required, time played, no blackmarks in x amount of time, good reporting history and how mature they are and if they would use them responsibly. I don't see that happening because it would be too much work. However, you never know.




The stuck up, arrogant 13-15 year olds are worse than the 9 year olds. And that is part of the age group in RS. The 9 year olds would be a minority. And quite a few of those people begged and whined for their parents to buy them membership, so they are there too. (This is not to say all 13-15 year olds are stuck up and arrogant, there are plenty of calm and mature ones)




About the spam and begging, try wearing a godsword and some bandos armour into a p2p varrock center. Watch the 0mg!!!@!@@!!!!! l3nd me gs plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz221!!!!!!!!

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F2P really needs to be able to use forums, vote in polls more often, and the occasional quest




At least 1 or 2 quests a year, doesn't that seem fair?


I couldn't care less about the forums honestly. If the restricted thing happened, I wouldn't mind it. Same with the quests. I would like them, but I won't push for them. Unless they gave something that helped f2p runecrafting. It's a dead skill honestly.

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Same with the quests. I would like them, but I won't push for them. Unless they gave something that helped f2p runecrafting. It's a dead skill honestly.




well, only because the highest thing one can make f2p is like, body rune.


F2p needs access to chaos alter, that would give more incentive for higher RC. Much thanks to Jagex for releasing the RC gloves... made f2p training from 30 to 49 a breeze.

99 dungeoneering achieved, thanks to everyone that celebrated with me!


♪♪ Don't interrupt me as I struggle to complete this thought
Have some respect for someone more forgetful than yourself ♪♪

♪♪ And I'm not done
And I won't be till my head falls off ♪♪

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What I want F2P to have the most is be able to post on the forums, and have halberds. They could even keep rune halberds members, like rune arrows. I REALLY like halberds! :thumbsup:
halberds are bought in isfaldar....a memeber area.....


PSN: Skaterguy1224 Tactical Nukes - 22

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Halberds are ONLY bought in isfaldar? They aren't available through the Grand Exchange? Trimed and God armors are only available through clue scrolls, yet they can be bought, sold, and used in F2P.
they were bought origanly in isfaldar 1 place and clues are obtained everywhere.


PSN: Skaterguy1224 Tactical Nukes - 22

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Capes of Achievement. Both to Free skills AND to Member skills. "Why to Member skills too?" you might ask. If F2P would have Member skills' skillcapes too, Members who like to wear their skillcapes in F2P would be able to unequip-equip them without having to hop back to Members server to put them on. Of course, Free players would be unable to get Member skills' skillcapes because of their unability to get a 99 in these skills.

Master of Attack ~ August 29th, 2010

Proud to have served the awesome Tip.It Crew <3





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Halberds are ONLY bought in isfaldar? They aren't available through the Grand Exchange? Trimed and God armors are only available through clue scrolls, yet they can be bought, sold, and used in F2P.
they were bought origanly in isfaldar 1 place and clues are obtained everywhere.


That's not the point. It doesn't matter where it comes from. Even if it's originally from P2P, you can still get trimmed armor in F2P. The fact that they're from a minigame that is not accessible to F2P doesn't stop them from being used there.

Matt: You want that eh? You want everything good for you. You want everything that's--falls off garbage can

Camera guy: Whoa, haha, are you okay dude?

Matt: You want anything funny that happens, don't you?

Camera guy: still laughing

Matt: You want the funny shit that happens here and there, you think it comes out of your [bleep]ing [wagon] pushes garbage can down, don't you? You think it's funny? It comes out of here! running towards Camera guy

Camera guy: runs away still laughing

Matt: You think the funny comes out of your mother[bleep]ing creativity? Comes out of Satan, mother[bleep]er! nn--ngh! pushes Camera guy down

Camera guy: Hoooholy [bleep]!


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Now like BESIDES Capes of Achievements, updated every so often with quests and maybe more of the world map. And houses...


houses involve con but i agree capes of achievments..f2p has achivments 2 ;) they should be able too shine


PSN: Skaterguy1224 Tactical Nukes - 22

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Now like BESIDES Capes of Achievements, updated every so often with quests and maybe more of the world map. And houses...


houses involve con but i agree capes of achievments..f2p has achivments 2 ;) they should be able too shine


Maybe P2P players could design and build basic houses (No fancy things, no throne room, only things up to oak, no guilded things, no altar or butler. Just a basic limited house. They could sell these to F2P players for a profit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why are they giving f2p mini games??? I know there cool n'all but I would rather they allow f2p to have skill capes... I know this seems lame but when I see some one with a SC I will always say "Can you do emote plz" but they allways say "No you fat f2p noob" (Wow that makes me feel stupid :wall: )






Ya -.- Well thanx for reading my post


And good luck to you in all ur 99 skills




15ching15 OUT :!:




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for all you people saying that f2pers should have forums, that would be a horrible idea.




If they had forums the rant forum would be FILLED with rants about rants f2pers have. Same thing with suggestions. "oh i suggest that f2pers should be able to use some dragon items because it would be helpful to all of us."






i swear i saw that on the tip.it forums before. If you are f2p and want more stuff, pay the 5 dollars.




Jagex is soooooo nice to f2pers already thats why they are the top free game in the world! for the second year!




Once jagex gives somthing small like halberds or somthing like that, they will keep asking for more and more and more via the FORUMS which is another reason NOT to give them the forums.




'Nuff said -.-

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There are been solutions to this problem posted on this board way too many times. Also, try looking at the RSOF, the P2P players have screwed it up enough themselves. Adding all of the F2P world probably wouldn't help.


Gee, your name perfectly suits you!






I agree with you the forums won't be opened up to all F2P players simply because of lack of server space. If the requirements on F2P were to have over 1k total level, over 50 hours of playing time, under 2 blackmarks, but they blackmarks have to be x years old, y years of playing time and maybe a system for granting forum privileges similar to player moderator nominations.

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What I would like too see on f2p Is dragons in lumbridge hehehe I would like to see all the noobs do that. Im P2P. That would be fun if dragon of tutorial got out and summoned the remaining king dragons (3 heads) and they destroyed lumbridge then some noobs decided to kill it they died. It could be new quest Noob slayer.

My username is jamesrules90 NOT jimmyjames227.


Click here to feed me!

A nice undieable one!!!

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