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Items kept on Death


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So, the basis of this rant is that i just got lured for an AGS


i can afford another, and i can make the money back staking quite quickly.


However! what makes me rage, is that the item i knowingly but stupidly picked up was a Blessed Spirit Shield


Bss - 1.8m

AGS 54.3m


so thats a 52.5m difference, heres where it gets tricky


AGS - 750k

BSS - 840k


a 90k difference


So, in Jagex's flawed logic, the AGS is worth LESS (and therefore must be easier to get) than a BSS, which may very well be true


But comparing the usefullness of the two items, AGS comes out far superior, hence its higher price tag..


So why does Jagex insist on keeping this ANCIENT item kept on death system, it may be a difficult process giving each item a variable value, but im sure the worlds leading Java games developer could figure it out (with a few game breaking bugs of course), its just truly baffling why they keep this system, it would only be beneficial to players to change it, many people have been lured by dragon battleaxes, halberds whatever, and yes they're stupid for following a stranger into the wilderness, but it really is an outdated system


Also, what happened to the 10 second PJ prevention? that was a great feature.

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Well, how do you determine what items to keep on death then?


Having players choose what items to keep is a pretty dumb idea because every time you get an item - you have to choose whether to keep it on death or not.

For players that change their inventories/equipments a lot - this is going to be a huge hassle and people are going to start complaining about that.


Others say - keep the item worth at the GE price.

Now, there are a few flaws with this

a.) The GE price fluctuates all the time

b.) The GE price may not be true (due to the maximum/minimum increment in trade value a day)

c.) Items that don't get put on the GE (untradables) will not have a value.


So what kind of plan would you implement that would be better then this admittedly poor rating system for items kept on death?

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I say you should choose the ones you keep prior to entering the wilderness. Once you enter wildy, you'd have to stay a minimum of 1hour, and any/all items picked up in wildy would not be affected by your previous choices...

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I say you should choose the ones you keep prior to entering the wilderness. Once you enter wildy, you'd have to stay a minimum of 1hour, and any/all items picked up in wildy would not be affected by your previous choices...


Why would you have to stay for an hour?

That seems like a terrible idea - RS activated the wildy to encourage pkers and you want to discourage them?



Even so, this is more of a global problem.

You never keep your dragon boots/claw/etc. So if you happen to hit an unfortunate lag spike when bossing - gf you.

You lose all your items and in some cases - you can't get back to the boss that you were at in 15 minutes.


My favorite is when the screen white/blacks out. Wtf are you supposed to do about that?

Restart your browser? Yeah, but you still can't log in if somebody is attacking you. If you're in an aggressive zone - you won't be able to log out but just being plummed to death :(

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don't take items into the wilderness you aren't willing to lose


i swear you always post short statements on every post that just make you sound like a [bleep].


anyway i think jagex should jus do it based on the ge, why the hell not? its a fairly accurate representation of an items worth, usefulness etc..


why should i have to worry about keeping oak logs over my santa?!


or think about what i pick up when i pk with ags/claws, which kinda makes us hav to learn 2 prices for all pk items.,.


loads of people think thats a bad idea for some reason tho..

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don't take items into the wilderness you aren't willing to lose


i swear you always post short statements on every post that just make you sound like a [bleep].


anyway i think jagex should jus do it based on the ge, why the hell not? its a fairly accurate representation of an items worth, usefulness etc..


why should i have to worry about keeping oak logs over my santa?!


or think about what i pick up when i pk with ags/claws, which kinda makes us hav to learn 2 prices for all pk items.,.


loads of people think thats a bad idea for some reason tho..


It's not a bad idea - but how do you factor in untradables?

What about GE prices that are wrong? There are plenty of items whose market value is vastly different then that of the GE based on how the GE has limitations on the average worth of each item.


It's not as easy as you think.

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don't take items into the wilderness you aren't willing to lose


i swear you always post short statements on every post that just make you sound like a [bleep].


anyway i think jagex should jus do it based on the ge, why the hell not? its a fairly accurate representation of an items worth, usefulness etc..


why should i have to worry about keeping oak logs over my santa?!


or think about what i pick up when i pk with ags/claws, which kinda makes us hav to learn 2 prices for all pk items.,.


loads of people think thats a bad idea for some reason tho..


It's not a bad idea - but how do you factor in untradables?

What about GE prices that are wrong? There are plenty of items whose market value is vastly different then that of the GE based on how the GE has limitations on the average worth of each item.


It's not as easy as you think.


Ok the untradeables is tricky.. but i swear the ge gives a pretty damn good guide on price, like say p hats are majorly wrong, but ud still keep a blue over a white or ags :P

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anyway i think jagex should jus do it based on the ge, why the hell not? its a fairly accurate representation of an items worth, usefulness etc..


Many of the items on the Grand Exchange are priced as they are because you lose them on death. Take the Guthan's set for example.



High alch = 61k

GE Price = 1.2mil



High alch = 168k

GE Price = 666k


Both items are rare drops that can only be brought into the economy through Barrows mini-game. When a player's drop pile disappears, the helm is removed from the economy. The platebody, however, is more likely to remain on the player when they respawn. Less helmets in the economy, mixed with more players replacing helmets, equates to more demand and less supply, ergo higher price.


By placing the Grand Exchange price as the basis for drop on death, you would end up with a system where prices fluctuate even worse than they do now. The helmet would be kept, meaning its price would drop and the platebody would rise, until a point where the prices intersect and the helmet begins to drop, and the platebody is kept, starting the whole process over again.


Keeping the system stable keeps the economy stable.




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I say you should choose the ones you keep prior to entering the wilderness. Once you enter wildy, you'd have to stay a minimum of 1hour, and any/all items picked up in wildy would not be affected by your previous choices...


Why would you have to stay for an hour?

That seems like a terrible idea - RS activated the wildy to encourage pkers and you want to discourage them?



Even so, this is more of a global problem.

You never keep your dragon boots/claw/etc. So if you happen to hit an unfortunate lag spike when bossing - gf you.

You lose all your items and in some cases - you can't get back to the boss that you were at in 15 minutes.


My favorite is when the screen white/blacks out. Wtf are you supposed to do about that?

Restart your browser? Yeah, but you still can't log in if somebody is attacking you. If you're in an aggressive zone - you won't be able to log out but just being plummed to death :(


My favorite Pk ever was years ago, attempting to die in the wilde without anything on me, ended up killing a person who for whatever reason just stood there and got punched and kicked to death....


anyway i think jagex should jus do it based on the ge, why the hell not? its a fairly accurate representation of an items worth, usefulness etc..


Many of the items on the Grand Exchange are priced as they are because you lose them on death. Take the Guthan's set for example.



High alch = 61k

GE Price = 1.2mil



High alch = 168k

GE Price = 666k


Both items are rare drops that can only be brought into the economy through Barrows mini-game. When a player's drop pile disappears, the helm is removed from the economy. The platebody, however, is more likely to remain on the player when they respawn. Less helmets in the economy, mixed with more players replacing helmets, equates to more demand and less supply, ergo higher price.


By placing the Grand Exchange price as the basis for drop on death, you would end up with a system where prices fluctuate even worse than they do now. The helmet would be kept, meaning its price would drop and the platebody would rise, until a point where the prices intersect and the helmet begins to drop, and the platebody is kept, starting the whole process over again.


Keeping the system stable keeps the economy stable.


Aaaacccckkk. When you put it that way, I really DON'T want the GE to determine items kept on death o_o

Squab unleashes Megiddo! Completed all quests and hard diaries. 75+ Skiller. (At one point.) 2000+ total. 99 Magic.
[spoiler=The rest of my sig. You know you wanna see it.]

my difinition of noob is i dont like u, either u are better then me or u are worst them me

Buying spins make you a bad person...don't do it. It's like buying nukes for North Korea.

Well if it bothers you that the game is more fun now, then you can go cry in a corner. :shame:

your article was the equivalent of a circumcized porcupine

The only thing wrong with it is the lack of a percentage for when you need to stroke it.


Poignant Purple to Lokie's Ravishing Red and Alg's Brilliant Blue.

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anyway i think jagex should jus do it based on the ge, why the hell not? its a fairly accurate representation of an items worth, usefulness etc..


Many of the items on the Grand Exchange are priced as they are because you lose them on death. Take the Guthan's set for example.



High alch = 61k

GE Price = 1.2mil



High alch = 168k

GE Price = 666k


Both items are rare drops that can only be brought into the economy through Barrows mini-game. When a player's drop pile disappears, the helm is removed from the economy. The platebody, however, is more likely to remain on the player when they respawn. Less helmets in the economy, mixed with more players replacing helmets, equates to more demand and less supply, ergo higher price.


By placing the Grand Exchange price as the basis for drop on death, you would end up with a system where prices fluctuate even worse than they do now. The helmet would be kept, meaning its price would drop and the platebody would rise, until a point where the prices intersect and the helmet begins to drop, and the platebody is kept, starting the whole process over again.


Keeping the system stable keeps the economy stable.

Guthan's set is unique in that the weapon has the lowest alch value, otherwise you are correct.


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anyway i think jagex should jus do it based on the ge, why the hell not? its a fairly accurate representation of an items worth, usefulness etc..


Many of the items on the Grand Exchange are priced as they are because you lose them on death. Take the Guthan's set for example.



High alch = 61k

GE Price = 1.2mil



High alch = 168k

GE Price = 666k


Both items are rare drops that can only be brought into the economy through Barrows mini-game. When a player's drop pile disappears, the helm is removed from the economy. The platebody, however, is more likely to remain on the player when they respawn. Less helmets in the economy, mixed with more players replacing helmets, equates to more demand and less supply, ergo higher price.


By placing the Grand Exchange price as the basis for drop on death, you would end up with a system where prices fluctuate even worse than they do now. The helmet would be kept, meaning its price would drop and the platebody would rise, until a point where the prices intersect and the helmet begins to drop, and the platebody is kept, starting the whole process over again.


Keeping the system stable keeps the economy stable.



i really dont reckon thats why, i think its just a rarer barrows drop.


i mean how many items of value do you think actually disappear a day, nowadays. like u can get an 11 minute grave, then items are shown. theres pretty much nowere in runescape you cant get back to in time that wont be populated by other players. literally i cant think of any activity people do regually where they can easilly die with nobody around. even in gwd if you soloing someone will probally crash within 11 minutes lol, and some people can even get back in 11 minutes, probs the people more likely to solo. literally i think its fairly impossible for an items to disssapear now.


or if not for everything, at least discontinudes.. it wont affect the market and i think its just fair that if u get unlucky you can just lose an item youve worked unbeleivable ammounts of time for,

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i really dont reckon thats why, i think its just a rarer barrows drop.


i mean how many items of value do you think actually disappear a day, nowadays. like u can get an 11 minute grave, then items are shown. theres pretty much nowere in runescape you cant get back to in time that wont be populated by other players. literally i cant think of any activity people do regually where they can easilly die with nobody around. even in gwd if you soloing someone will probally crash within 11 minutes lol, and some people can even get back in 11 minutes, probs the people more likely to solo. literally i think its fairly impossible for an items to disssapear now.


or if not for everything, at least discontinudes.. it wont affect the market and i think its just fair that if u get unlucky you can just lose an item youve worked unbeleivable ammounts of time for,


Losing items to your grave is a lot more difficult, but disconnection is the cause of a lot of deaths, and graves cannot be repaired or blessed while the owner is logged off. However the market changes, however, it's going to need more time to reflect the new gravestone system than simply twelve days. If does indeed become less dangerous to the point of being trivial, than you will see prices set solely based on rarity. Otherwise, it will remain this way.


The amount of untradeables that get lost upon death is negligible, considering how few of them still exist. Also, rares still aren't traded on the Grand Exchange enough (to my knowledge) to have an effect on prices.




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i think jagex should should adjust the alch value for stuff players would OBVIOUSLY want to keep like the ags case.

no ones actually gonna alch an ags so why not make the alch value higher?


Go Chicago Bears!


"Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity

To seize everything you ever wanted-One moment

Would you capture it or just let it slip?"

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The best system would allow players to choose which 3 items they keep at death, this would allow people to keep untradables like chaotics over other items. Should the player not choose which 3 items they keep, then the system should be based on GE value not high alch value which really is a meaningless arbitrary value that has no logical basis whatsoever.

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i think jagex should should adjust the alch value for stuff players would OBVIOUSLY want to keep like the ags case.

no ones actually gonna alch an ags so why not make the alch value higher?


everything changes with time back in rsc no one ever thought anyone would alch d meds but i do when i know it protects over something else in my inventory i want to keep


still think it's annoying that the hand cannon alchs for 12k. (yes even a dds protects over it)

i don't play psykick anymore... i play 2ed: "pure fett"


26081 to get 99 herblore

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dropping 4 dragon halbards and luring someone with a whip to wildy is a mean lure cause when they pick up the d hallies they get saved over whip. But if you get this lure done to you its nice to grab em then get away.


u haz so murch smrt brain celz

Main Account - Max cape achieved 10th September 2011
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I'm glad the majority of people here actually agree, whereas the others i suspect to be lurers themselves..


Yes there is a button which shows you what you're going to lose.. too bad if you pick something up and are immediately in combat.


Giving players a choice of 3 items would be a good idea (or set a protect value of your items when you first enter the Wild, this then saves to your character and can be edited at the Doomsayer?)


With barrows sets. its unlikely that only a helm(spear) will be lost nowdays anyway, in PVP it recirculates into the market, and if otherwise 90% of the time you'll either get back, or someone else will get it and sell it, so since free trade has returned very little will actually 'dissapear'


At the end of the day Luring is essentially Scamming, and is against the rules (using biased trickery to obtain someone's items at their expense) and more measures should be put in place to stop this, especially something like seeing how many things are noted on the ground.. 'Dragon battleaxe(4)' for example would be an easy fix to that problem.


To be honest I've lost lots of things to my own stupidity before (barrows BGS claws firecapes.. the list goes on) and i continue to play, and rebuild every time, when things are out of my control (luring, 'hacking', or old BH mechanics) are when it makes someone feel like 'whats the point'..


At the end of the day we go to the wilderness to have fun, risking whatever you want.. when the odds are stacked against you, and you're put into a situation where you are no longer in control of what you're risking.. its just a slaughter, and nobody in their right mind wants it to happen to them. Consider it akin to staking.. and your opponent glitches in a Summon, or potions.. or tricks you into accepting biased rules.


TL;DR The system needs to be changed in some way, not to baby people in the wilderness, but to maintain the little bit of controlled risking and the fun associated with it.

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dropping 4 dragon halbards and luring someone with a whip to wildy is a mean lure cause when they pick up the d hallies they get saved over whip. But if you get this lure done to you its nice to grab em then get away.


u haz so murch smrt brain celz

I know

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