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Remove the 5% cap


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I agree with this partially due to the fact that the cap makes it impossible for certain items to raise/lower in value (ie: anything under 20gp). They should remove the cap on those, but nothing else seeing as those items need control to prevent the economy from hurdling into the sun.


That is all.

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Bad idea mostly.

The prices will get to where they shuld be eventually.


The issue is if you do not limit daily price change all you need is 1 rich person to buy masses of resource (that they already have lots of) at waaayy over value thus causing the price to skyrocket during 1 day. Creating an artificially raised price they can use to flog their goods just under.


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Bad idea mostly.

The prices will get to where they shuld be eventually.


The issue is if you do not limit daily price change all you need is 1 rich person to buy masses of resource (that they already have lots of) at waaayy over value thus causing the price to skyrocket during 1 day. Creating an artificially raised price they can use to flog their goods just under.

are you some kind of stupid? if the ge says chefs hats are 1 bil each, that doesn't mean anyone will actually buy them for that much


agree with op

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Exactly. The price will adjust itself to what it NEEDS to be on its own without a cap.


The prices will get to where they shuld be eventually.


If that was true, prices would have gone "where they should be" with the price cap on. The 5% cap on the GE price of something is ridiculous. And the rs economy has already been hurtled in to the sun. I believe that removing the cap would only create a faster return to a "normal" market.

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Remove the cap that's just an impact on a SUGGESTION to begin with? If you know what an item is actually worth more (HINT: it might be involved in an update) then sell or buy the item for more. Nobody's forcing you to followed the suggested price, which is for the most part based on completed trades. Fairly sure for a majority of items, the cap is more than enough. For the exceptions, charge as you see fit on the GE as P2P trades should not be impacted (unless you're dealing with a noob that only goes by the average trading price).


Now, if you want my suggestion, it's to allow decimal bidding at the GE for items less than 100gp. Imagine buying 20k Air Runes at the exchange, the price is either 15 or 16 gp each. That's a 20k difference. However, if there are decimal bids, I can ask for 15.5 or 15.6 each which is a 2k gp difference. Probably not technically feasible, but is useful for low price, high bulk items.


Exactly. The price will adjust itself to what it NEEDS to be on its own without a cap.


The prices will get to where they shuld be eventually.


If that was true, prices would have gone "where they should be" with the price cap on. The 5% cap on the GE price of something is ridiculous. And the rs economy has already been hurtled in to the sun. I believe that removing the cap would only create a faster return to a "normal" market.

Umm, think about it. A 5% daily change takes roughly 14 days (2 weeks) to double or halve in value. So, yes, you might have to wait another 2 to 4 weeks to see outlier items traded for junk prior to free trade to approach closer to true mass player conceived value. After that point, it'll take a major shift, such as an update to radically alter prices, and that's usually a short term instance anyway where suggestions go out the window.


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Exactly. The price will adjust itself to what it NEEDS to be on its own without a cap.


The prices will get to where they shuld be eventually.


If that was true, prices would have gone "where they should be" with the price cap on. The 5% cap on the GE price of something is ridiculous. And the rs economy has already been hurtled in to the sun. I believe that removing the cap would only create a faster return to a "normal" market.


It is true.


The issue before free trade was the ge monitored ONLY ge trades.

Thus items junk traded due to incorrect ge value did not self correct an jagex slowly manually altered them getting nowhere near the true value.


Since the free trade update ge monitors ALL trades to calculate the average trade value of an item it means all prices can normalise themselves now.


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With the 5% limit, some items will NEVER reflect their true values in the GE's guide price:


Party Hats and Ancient Armor come to mind immediately. And with Ancient Armor, it's a real problem because with the low GE prices on those items, nobody will do CS. And Nex just costs too much to do LS. So nobody does Nex.

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How am I suppose to know the "street" value of a price? Back in the day, before free trade was ever removed, the market was a fairly stable thing. Nats and laws were 300 each. Sharks and magic logs were 1k. If you had something you didn't know the price of (say a Zamorak Platebody) you would go to world 1 or 2 and sell for whatever it was currently being sold for. But now people are so used to using the GE that it's seen (but the average player at least) as a huge indicator of what prices are at.


I just see no point in leaving the cap on. What purpose does it serve? If you think it would "disbalance" the economy even more, you are wrong, and you likely weren't around in the days before the GE even existed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

How am I suppose to know the "street" value of a price? Back in the day, before free trade was ever removed, the market was a fairly stable thing. Nats and laws were 300 each. Sharks and magic logs were 1k. If you had something you didn't know the price of (say a Zamorak Platebody) you would go to world 1 or 2 and sell for whatever it was currently being sold for. But now people are so used to using the GE that it's seen (but the average player at least) as a huge indicator of what prices are at.


I just see no point in leaving the cap on. What purpose does it serve? If you think it would "disbalance" the economy even more, you are wrong, and you likely weren't around in the days before the GE even existed.


It's true, there's no point worrying about 'stable economies' in RS right now, because right now the economy is a fraction of what it could be. We need to unleash free trade completely upon it, have a long period of screwy GE sales and then it will look better than ever.


Before the GE existed... ah yes, I remember the General Stores being full of general crap people were getting rid of; at bargain prices!

[Examine Goblin (level: 5)]


This would be worth more cut.

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How am I suppose to know the "street" value of a price? Back in the day, before free trade was ever removed, the market was a fairly stable thing. Nats and laws were 300 each. Sharks and magic logs were 1k. If you had something you didn't know the price of (say a Zamorak Platebody) you would go to world 1 or 2 and sell for whatever it was currently being sold for. But now people are so used to using the GE that it's seen (but the average player at least) as a huge indicator of what prices are at.


I just see no point in leaving the cap on. What purpose does it serve? If you think it would "disbalance" the economy even more, you are wrong, and you likely weren't around in the days before the GE even existed.


It's true, there's no point worrying about 'stable economies' in RS right now, because right now the economy is a fraction of what it could be. We need to unleash free trade completely upon it, have a long period of screwy GE sales and then it will look better than ever.


Before the GE existed... ah yes, I remember the General Stores being full of general crap people were getting rid of; at bargain prices!

That was the best... Fighting to sell your full inventory of assorted iron items...


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How am I suppose to know the "street" value of a price? Back in the day, before free trade was ever removed, the market was a fairly stable thing. Nats and laws were 300 each. Sharks and magic logs were 1k. If you had something you didn't know the price of (say a Zamorak Platebody) you would go to world 1 or 2 and sell for whatever it was currently being sold for. But now people are so used to using the GE that it's seen (but the average player at least) as a huge indicator of what prices are at.


I just see no point in leaving the cap on. What purpose does it serve? If you think it would "disbalance" the economy even more, you are wrong, and you likely weren't around in the days before the GE even existed.


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How am I suppose to know the "street" value of a price?



That's what I am wondering, too. It' so confusing nowadays.


I just see no point in leaving the cap on. What purpose does it serve? If you think it would "disbalance" the economy even more, you are wrong, and you likely weren't around in the days before the GE even existed.


Agreed. Why should Jagex care if the price of an item goes up or down on the GE when free trading is back?

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I agree with this partially due to the fact that the cap makes it impossible for certain items to raise/lower in value (ie: anything under 20gp). They should remove the cap on those, but nothing else seeing as those items need control to prevent the economy from hurdling into the sun.


That is all.

This. :thumbsup:

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"All it takes is one rich player to buy out an item and control the market".


What keeps them from doing this now? The only difference is that they would have to do it the old fashioned way, aka world 2/ forums...


I think it's a joke that jagex only allows the items to rise/drop 5%. That is pretty much socialism at it's best. It's funny when you see an item take a week to rise to it's eventual value. Remove the 5% limit, and it goes there within a day. Also, people should know that if someone or a group of people tries to create an artificial demand, one of two things happens.


1. The supply would eventually meet the demand, ie, people would gather those resources.

2. People buying these items will just accept the price increase and pay it.


I also dislike the buying limits. If I have the money to buy 10k diamonds, I shouldn't have to wait 80 hours to do it. I could spend my timing obtaining them the old fashioned way, but isn't the whole point of the GE to remove these annoyances from the game?

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