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What was your first post?


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If you go to the search and just type in your name and just put your name, go to the last page and you can get your first posts! Have you changed since that first post?




I know I have! Heres mine:




dwarf, mysterious old man, swarm + genie = standing still / doin stuff while standin still








rock golem, smokin rock and pick axe head comin off = mining








ent + spirit = woodcutting








strange f ...




I dont think this was my very first post... Ah well...








Whats YOURS?

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This was my first post. actually im just kidding, thats a link to the last thread like this that was posted.








anyways, as it said in the thread above my first post on TIF was about morrowind. cant remember my first scape post, just wish we could get those databases back.



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My first post was on my opinion about the american idol shows












Corruption at its finest












Basically when it boils down, the top 16 or whatever people are all equally good singers. The tie-breaker? Looks




Ever notice how every person that ever won (except the obese black guy, that was to throw people off) was by definition "hot"? Of course thousands of hyper teenage girls are going to call in and vote for "Bob" because OMG HES SO HOTTTT OMG OMG








So yeah......you can't say that the winner was better than any of the other finalists, just more appealing to the public.

Metal fans, check out my band!


Still the King....

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Hey im new. Ive been searching for about 3 hours now. first i tried goblins. Then i was told its really hard with them. then i tried theifs, and i got nothing. now im onto gaurds. but it still aint working. How rare are these things? am i trying in the wrong places?








That was me, wayyyy back... its like looking at a picturte and saying i looked stupid back then...


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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Guest GhostRanger
This was my first post. actually im just kidding, thats a link to the last thread like this that was posted.








anyways, as it said in the thread above my first post on TIF was about morrowind. cant remember my first scape post, just wish we could get those databases back.








Yeah...the last time this topic was posted I tried to find my first real post and then realized we don't have the Scape database... :?

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Probably not the first on these forums. But this was the last hit.








he we seem to be all new to the forums :lol: but welcome and have a nice posting time :!:








At some guy or girl who opened a topic that he/she was new to the forums when the new forums openen.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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I think I said something stupid and everybody ignored me. Things really haven't changed much.








*edit*- I just found it:




What moral standard are you comparing his statements and religion in general too?
What can I say, I was trying to look smart.

This is the way the world ends. Look at this [bleep]ing shit we're in man. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. And with a whimper, I'm splitting, Jack.

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God was I obnoxious >.<




I think I might go back and edit that >.>








Heh talk about stealing someones thunder..








*runs and ask's N64Jive*








I wish I knew what my first post and when I joined scapeboard was though ;P


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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What? How do you get your first post?




This makes no sense to me: If you go to the search and just type in your name and just put your name








Heres your's:




holy crap man those are amazing drawings! and it probably took you like 10 minutes.








I found mine and I was wondering what muddy keys were for :? .

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What? How do you get your first post?




This makes no sense to me: If you go to the search and just type in your name and just put your name








Heres your's:




holy crap man those are amazing drawings! and it probably took you like 10 minutes.








I found mine and I was wondering what muddy keys were for :? .




Huh, atleast i used periods :) not capital letters thought :(

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You cant show any proof? Like a pic?








I was a duschbag.








We all were! :lol:

The Enrichment Center reminds you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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My first post was, uhh, something about me wanting to sell over-price mithril hatchets.








My other ancient posts used things that I now despise. Shortcuts like "u," "r," and other stupid things.






Woah, I never knew Tip.It had that sig. I'll keep it since it's cool (and to make people wonder what was in my sig).

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I can't find mines but from what I remember I had horrible spelling and acted like a complete jack @$$.l




You just registered last month...








Anyway, I forgot I posted on another name before this one. Lord9000 :P




First post on that account was removed - something to do with Matt and the Olsen twins..., but oldest normal users can see is.. http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=434

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I can't find mines but from what I remember I had horrible spelling and acted like a complete jack @$$.l








It was your 'life of a noob post'... it was supposedly a diary of your first days on rs, even though you said later that you made it months after playing rs and you made it up. On top of all that, it was littered with censor evasions and the whole story was written as such:








lol nty if ucan make ruen however il lglady except nother set








Though mind you, what I quoted was your second post, you edited your first post.

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