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End of the World :|


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This topic has always been a mystery... some say that people are just trying to make some money by saying this some say it's real... 4 years ago... I was studying something about the Mayans with my teacher... my teacher stated that the Mayans predicted the world to end at December 23, 2013. From this point on, I've always had that date on my mind. Then last year, my good ol friend told me he saw something on the discovery channel that stated 2010, california will suffer from a huge earthquake, my friend told me that philosophers uncoded the bible, THERE ARE fine discriptions too small to see with the naked eye, that stated many things that have happened to this world, even things that may have something to do with the future... In the bible, ( this may seem strange ) but in fine print, it said something about september 11, 2001, this shocked me at first but it really said something about this date, at this point on, my friend told me that a terrible disaster will happen at any day 2012 stated by the bible.. this may be a fib from my friend, but because the Mayans said the end of the world was near, I believe this.... anyways, how will the world end? some say that 2012 another galaxy will colide with our galaxy then in a flash... BOOM GONE! Anyways, my friend told me that he thinks the bible is made by aliens who knows the future and just looking out for us... who knows??? but when 2012 comes or even the Mayans prediction comes Dec. 23, 2013, I will remember this date for the rest of my life...

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This topic has always been a mystery... some say that people are just trying to make some money by saying this some say it's real... 4 years ago... I was studying something about the Mayans with my teacher... my teacher stated that the Mayans predicted the world to end at December 23, 2013. From this point on, I've always had that date on my mind. Then last year, my good ol friend told me he saw something on the discovery channel that stated 2010, california will suffer from a huge earthquake, my friend told me that philosophers uncoded the bible, THERE ARE fine discriptions too small to see with the naked eye, that stated many things that have happened to this world, even things that may have something to do with the future... In the bible, ( this may seem strange ) but in fine print, it said something about september 11, 2001, this shocked me at first but it really said something about this date, at this point on, my friend told me that a terrible disaster will happen at any day 2012 stated by the bible.. this may be a fib from my friend, but because the Mayans said the end of the world was near, I believe this.... anyways, how will the world end? some say that 2012 another galaxy will colide with our galaxy then in a flash... BOOM GONE! Anyways, my friend told me that he thinks the bible is made by aliens who knows the future and just looking out for us... who knows??? but when 2012 comes or even the Mayans prediction comes Dec. 23, 2013, I will remember this date for the rest of my life...








The San Andreas fault has been inactive for a while, thus a large Earthquake in California is due sometime soon.








In terms of the bible, I don't believe the 9/11 reference, because we're talking about natural disasters; not those caused by other living creatures. I've seen a supposed method that "decodes" parts of the bible which supposedly predicts the future, by arranging certain verses in and then observing various patterns which are supposedly indications of the future, but that can be done with any phrase; not just September 11.








After a discussion I had with my father on this, and some books he has given me, the bible doesn't sound as unbelievable to me as it first did. Of course, I don't believe in the religious aspects - but, apparantly, there is evidence to suggest that some of the events in the bible did actually occur. HOWEVER, what were meant to be miracles were in fact scientific phenomenon, which at the time couldn't be explained, and were therefore linked to divine entities.








There are many flood stories around the world from when the Noah's Ark story occured, thus there is a general agreeance (I think) that there was a large flood at that time. When Moses supposedly parted the waterbed when attempting to escape the Egyptians, it is believed that that was due to a tsunami; at first, the water levels dropped, allowing him to cross, and then, as the Pharaoh and his soldiers crossed, the tsunami struck, wiping them out.








Meteor showers were often thought to be the Gods fighting. One term was the "Dragons and serpents", as meteorites in the sky, with their trail of fire, could look like a tailed dragon to people unaware of the relaity at that time.








There are many more examples of this which I might detail once I start reading some of these books. It's actually rather interesting.








So, perhaps with the bible, we must read between the lines for scientific evidence. That's my belief, to some extent, anyway.

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we aint gonna die on the 6 of june. This all started from corranation st with the to "goths" on there saying that we are gonna die on the 6 of june 2006 coz it makesthe number of the beast.








I have much doubt it :lol:

And no lol why do you always want to get stuff from John Lewis. Its over ̣̉300 more then than what i paid.


John Lewis is a great, great shop.

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we aint gonna die on the 6 of june. This all started from corranation st with the to "goths" on there saying that we are gonna die on the 6 of june 2006 coz it makesthe number of the beast.








I have much doubt it :lol:








Nah, I think there is still a chance that we may die on June 6, 2006.












wait.. *looks at date*. :P

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we aint gonna die on the 6 of june. This all started from corranation st with the to "goths" on there saying that we are gonna die on the 6 of june 2006 coz it makesthe number of the beast.








I have much doubt it :lol:








Nah, I think there is still a chance that we may die on June 6, 2006.












wait.. *looks at date*. :P








Nadril where the hell you been :D

And no lol why do you always want to get stuff from John Lewis. Its over ̣̉300 more then than what i paid.


John Lewis is a great, great shop.

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dude i learned about that in my history class




i think it means the world will have a massive change like with tech or sumthing








All the compass needles are gonna spin around and look wierd. if this happens then we will know what has happened

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we aint gonna die on the 6 of june. This all started from corranation st with the to "goths" on there saying that we are gonna die on the 6 of june 2006 coz it makesthe number of the beast.








Sounds about right








theres a simple end of the world theory, when i die the world ends for me, so i don't care about any of you, because i'll be forgotten and i won't care at all... so when i die, the world ends for me








The most inspiring thing i have heard on this topic yet

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Why are you people so grim, I'm pretty sure the end of the world will never happen in our life times and even if it does (I don't mean to sound ignorant here) who cares? I mean at least its everyone's world and not yours that's coming to an end. I say, whatever happens, happens. As long as I die with no regrets.

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I say, whatever happens, happens. As long as I die with no regrets.
I agree, except I say, whatever happens, happens. As long as I die quick and painless.

This is the way the world ends. Look at this [bleep]ing shit we're in man. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. And with a whimper, I'm splitting, Jack.

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I'm terrified of the world ending :shock:








It's not like you'd be able to do anything about it, so there's no sense in being terrified. :D








It would be kinda cool to be able to say/think "I was there the day that mankind as we know it came to an end".




And who would u say that too?


Thanks to Jopie for this great signature.

99 Slayer|Fishing|Summoning|Hitpoints|Attack|Strength|Defence|Fletching.

Anyone at Manchester University PM me

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