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new random event


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I was thunking aout a new random event when you die, with a bit of a twist to it.








If you're unskulled when you die, you will meet Saradomin. You complete a task of him, and when you're done, you respawn with your 3/4 best items and the reward from the random, the sword of Saradomin. It has the same stats as a rune long, but with +7 to prayer and +5 to all defences. The weapon looks like a silver sword with the hilt looking like a saradomin star.








If you die while skulled, you meet Zamorak, and you do a task for him. The reward is the Sword of Zamorak, which has +5 prayer and the stats of a rune long with 10 more slash/stab bonus and strength bonus increased by 5. The weapon looks like the blurite sword, but the hilt is in the shape of the symbol of zamorak.








If the two weapons are used against each other (one player with the Saradomin sword and the other player with the zamorak sword), their attacks will be amplified, and there is a chance that prayer will be drained upon a hit.








if two saradomin swords or zamorak swords are used against each other, both players will hit 0s forever.








If you lose the Saradomin sword, you can get it back from the priest in the lumbridge church. If you lose the zammy sword, you can get it back from a monk in the wine of zamorak temple (a new monk that you can talk to would be added)









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I like the idea, but the swords are too powerful.




But maybe not when u die.. when u recharge prayer maybe..




A lvl 3 could wield a sword powerfuller than a rune long, not very good.




Change it to a amulet which adds +10 to prayer, which looks like the holy/unholy symbols, but sara's one is blue and zammys red.




And no giving back there items tht they lost.




Make them kinda easy, like running around searching boxes for a key the open the 'holy/unholy door'




And also, Guthix will have to be supported in some way.

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Personally, I don't PK, nor do I ever take big risks in the non PKing world. I've died a total of three times in many years of playing. This idea would mean I'd have to die on purpose to get a chance at this reward. That sounds strange. So, no. Thanks for posting.









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i like the idea. i dont think it should be that powerful though. it only should have a prayer bonus, and would be only really effective if the opposing player happens to have the other type of sword. it would be a weak weapon for every other reason, kinda like the excalibur or silverlight.








besides, its a random event, and isnt always gonna happen everytime you die. think of it as a troll event or golem event. you dont get a troll everytime you fish or a golem everytime you pick a rock. youd have to die lots of times just to get this event








and if its a non-tradable item (like all other random event items are) then nobody can profit from it.








it would be a fun item to use in a duel arena, kinda like good vs evil. i think its a cool idea

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I want you to specify the following points, as without these I cannot determine whether this is a good idea or not.








Do these weapons have level limits?








Are they tradeable?








The weapon limits isn't too important (as long as the random event is RARE), only that we would see low levels walking around with weapons with the power of a Rune Longsword.








If they are tradable it would be disasterous. Since if you lose it you can just get another one, the lucky ones who got the random can just keep selling these swords, and combined with no level limits all metals under rune would be worthless as low levels can just get these toys from people...








All the same however, this idea seems rather nice, BUT make the swords weaker: maybe the same power as a Black Longsword, and keep the nifty prayer bonus.

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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Well, since I originally stated that the swords had slightly better stats than rune, I also included all the requirements for a rune long (40 attack). I assumed this would be obvious. Clearly, I was wrong.








Of course they wouldn't be tradable, if they were, you'd see people queueing up to to get murdered by the KQ, standing in the desert wth no water, and running into dharok's tomb with no armor. And they would most likely go for millions.








Hmm.....yes....on further reflection, rune does seem too powerful. Perhaps the stats of a mithril long, but since most saradomin items focus on defence (holy symbol, holy book), I think this sword should give +2 to all defences. The zammy sword could have Mith long base stats, but an additional +2 to slash and stab.
















Addition: If you die while skulled, but wearing saradomin items (armor, books, symbols), Zamorak will curse you, and you won't be able to use ANY prayer for 5 hours (let me know if it's a bit too much). The same will happen if you were wearing Zamorak items when you meet saradomin.








(Needless to say, you don't get any reward, unless you consider prayer disabling a reward)

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Yes, that is very helpful indeed. If you have nothing intelligent to post, simply don't post. = ="

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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This will ruin pking..... and when you die. The person will have to wait like 10 minutes before he gets like 2 items that are worthless. Quite unreal. Bad idea.








Why do you have to wait ten minutes? And if you argue with the useless items thing we might as well remove all Random Events, since the Mime Suite and Prince/Princess Robes are worthless anyway. Yay!








And do you seriously think that the event happens whenever you die? Hello, it is a random event! It is rare. You would probably get one every a thousand deaths, so I doubt it would change much.

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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ppl would just go and die on purpose. maybe u can have the swords in the game and u get it from doing sometin else like a quest. and u can only have 1 off the swords. i mean y does the person who dies deserves a reward


all f2p stats...My stats go up so not accurate :P

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*Grits teeth*








It is a RANDOM EVENT. Do you seriously think it is that common? Heck, it would probably happen only one in ten thousand times!









Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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You can solve all this by sticking it into a quest. At the completion, depending on which god you chose to help you would have the ability to buy it from a priest. It could be tradeable, but like the dragon scimitar it could only be used if you completed the quest. An additional requirement of one only being able to wield the sword of the god he chose in the quest, and also have a prayer requirement to wield it (perhaps 31, as that's the monastery req). Finally, bring back the first commented stats by Unrealist.

Abutebaris modo subjunctivo denuo.




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I thought that every time you did a God quest you got The item for free?








maybe you finish the quest after you finish it you get a damaged sword(kinda like god books) where you have to find the damaged parts through treasure trails and when used with a god book(Both sword and Book will have to be completed) you get a weapon special.




And when you find/buy the damaged part of the weapon you have to have 50 smithing to smith it together








Zamorak Should have a Sword with the special being Hack(you hit twice quickly)




Saradomin Should have a Staff with the special being Clobber(you hit the person with slightly raised Attack and Strength and it stuns the Person for 4 Seconds)




I think that Guthix should have a Staff sword with the special being rip(you stab into the person then rip it out)








The reason i think Guthix should Have a Staff Sword is Because he is a God of Balance








Any ideas to suggest something better tell me.

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