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Goodbye Everyone! (Plus a warning!!) [EDIT] Ban shortened!


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sad to hear tat dude..




i bet ur friend whom u pmed juz backlashed u...




one of the rules is no advertising?




i never give full webby name.. juz the middle like instead of forums.tipit..




i juz merely said tip it.. if tat folk cannot get it.. juz too bad..








man.. there is no true friend out in the world of RS... G.D.I

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Thats your side of the story, would be fun to hear Jagex.








Exactly, always two sides to the story. And half the time people come here complaining about getting banned... its for a just reason.


R.I.P Shiva

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that really sucks man, i've already been blackmarked for saying something along the likes of 'anyone here belong to tip.it?' (before our homeworlds were declared) and someone said omg dude you can't advertise, and i thought nothing more of it until i got the message in my box :cry:









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I want to ask my p mod friends now about this deal. How far you can go into saying "Tip it, Tip.it, Forums tip it, Rune Hq" or any variation of those. Cause tip.it is a site but tip it is not even close to a url :lol:





















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Last night was a pretty normal night for me, training range at Fire Giants (I was getting close to 70 range).








I logged out to get a snack, when I tried to log back in I got the disabled account message.








I thought: Well it cant be too serious, I have no black marks.




Oh no..oh god.








For what?! advertising websites!?!








All I did was tell a guy to go to Tip.it for quest help.








Of corse I appeal the ban.








This is a new low for Jagex.








Now for the warning!








Jagex auto-perm bans anyone that types in a url in a private message.








This is also a goodbye to the friends and foes I made here.








No more Runescape, no more addiction.
















When I read this I had to log on ASAP, I had told someone about Tip.It earlyer today throgh PM and I wasen't banned *thankful to whoever out there has his back* I feel for you man, I had a char, built up all the money for a phat set and bought BAMB perm ban for acc sharing, I didn't even acc share, I was on my friends computer, this was before ban appeal.

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What does Jagex really have against website advertising? I mean, come one, they censor out more than two w's in a row! They censor com! It's really stupid. Jagex definitely sunk to a new low by doing this.

I've beaten the Heroe's Quest, oh yeah! Ummm, now what? I know, magic training! How FUN is that? Yippee!


And that was my waste of space called a sig.

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There is no such thing as an autoban.








Jagex doesn't allow site advertising for the safety of players, you wouldn't want to see people being told to go to scam sites, macro sites or key logger sites would you?








Fan sites ego and demands haven't made them popular with Jagex either.

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That sucks man. I mean Tip.It and Runehq are like helping Jagex. I hope your ban is appealed, somehow.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Its kinda sad that i wouldnt be able to confuse you with dragonfirzen :cry:




(dunno if I spelled correctly... its really confusing to me...)












I hope youre in a better place now...








Farewell! :cry:

The Enrichment Center reminds you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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i think this is the one time that people should b told how to circumvent the rules. tell ppl to google runescape and pick the second option that comes up. nothing is filtered, and no websites mentioned. unless mentioning one of the biggest websites on the internet (google) is now against jagex rules...

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Last night was a pretty normal night for me, training range at Fire Giants (I was getting close to 70 range).








I logged out to get a snack, when I tried to log back in I got the disabled account message.








I thought: Well it cant be too serious, I have no black marks.




Oh no..oh god.








For what?! advertising websites!?!








All I did was tell a guy to go to Tip.it for quest help.








Of corse I appeal the ban.








This is a new low for Jagex.















EXACT same thing happened to me, except someone hacked my acount and then i was banned. I need to get my ban down. If i appeal alot of times, can i get it down? Please add "dussst" in game if u have any tips i can use to get my Bourbons3 account's ban down. thanx

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Last night was a pretty normal night for me, training range at Fire Giants (I was getting close to 70 range).








I logged out to get a snack, when I tried to log back in I got the disabled account message.








I thought: Well it cant be too serious, I have no black marks.




Oh no..oh god.








For what?! advertising websites!?!








All I did was tell a guy to go to Tip.it for quest help.








Of corse I appeal the ban.








This is a new low for Jagex.















EXACT same thing happened to me, except someone hacked my acount and then i was banned. I need to get my ban down. If i appeal alot of times, can i get it down? Please add "dussst" in game if u have any tips i can use to get my Bourbons3 account's ban down. thanx








They do tend to check in cases like that if you state that you were hacked if it was your usual IP when the advertising happened. that is if you clearly stated that you were hacked then, if they check and find that you weren't or the sneaky hacker used your computer then they won't unbann him i'm affraid.

Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either

a fool or a coward.


Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law

is both.


For a wounded man shall say to his assailant:

"If I live, I will kill you, If I Die, you are forgiven."


Such is the Rule of Honor.

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ty ty ty ive already been banned (then unbanned luckly) it was bc i just got hacked and i got really angry......lol dont try this at home...

How about you stop having a whine about RuneScape and buy some of my steel nails for 28gp ea in the grand exchange, maybe some oak planks, and a hammer, build a bridge and get over it?
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I'm a pmod myself, and I will guarantee 100% there is no way you were "auto banned" for something you said to a friend via ingame PM.








Since you didn't offer up any sort of supporting documentation I'm gonna step up and call BS.








It's possible that the person you PM'd reported you, or you did something other than a single little PM to someone telling them to go to tip.it.









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Regardless of the circumstances (and yes, always listen to both sides before crying foul), this brings up the point that companies like this may be tempted to ban higher accounts after ppl spent lots of money on them (if members), just to have to start over again and pay more money.








This, coupled with the increasing importance of mmorpgs in the lives of the players, always makes me wonder whether a neutral commission or non-profit org should be set up to help players in their "communication" with these companies in the event of disputes. (eg. "account sharing" vs. "i was on a friends' computer"), lest these companies gain too much power over peoples lives. After all, RS is a virtual dictatorship; the company has the last word.

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Ok, I've played RS for years now and love it (joined when they took away pvp over the whole world)..








But I'm thinking if something happening to your guy on a little java game has some sort of control on your real life, you should probably see someone who can help you with that problem.








To entertain you in your conversation though, I think just the opposite would take place if a company started banning high level characters with the hopes that they would pay longer to build up another character. Most high levels I know (including me - 1450 total - not that high, but high enough) would just quit all together instead of starting a new character.









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After all, RS is a virtual dictatorship; the company has the last word.








If it was a democracy, Full purple golden fishy armor would be out right now.




I don't want all those noobs deciding what updates we are going to have, however, they already do...








On the ban: If they banned you just for a little pm saying "tip.it" in it, it was a big mistake, however, I somehow find it kinda too low even for jagex standards.




Anyway, glad you will recover your account :)


^The most disturbing signature on Tip.it^

Last.fm|HELLY KAYLA!|Oh the mehagurtz!|#Siencemakers

"they care less about their spelling mistakes then I." - Lionheart

"apinagez... let me

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So the only way not to get banned is not to talk in english and when u really need to show a friend a website only say the domainname and code it with a code no1 else on this planet knows...




Seriously... I see bans for walking around coming >_> or even just standing somewhere >_<

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