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amazing lvl 3-10 people


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There seems to be a growing trend of legitimate high skill leveled people with level 3 combat...








If you think about it a little, it adds challenge to the game. Challenge that is typically missing. If you have to constantly dodge monsters and vicious random events because you have 10 hits, 1 defense, and nothing but iron armor, then you have to pay attention or lose something.








Not to mention you have to be careful what you do, because if you mess up and end up hitting much, you can easily gain a combat level.








Plus, you have the added challenges of not being able to kill anything for any possible supplies, not being able to use magic, and having several useful areas(like the entire morytania area) locked off to you because you're a level 3 combat who aims to stay that way.








Not to mention that in the quests you can do without gaining combat-related experience as a reward, you often need to kill stuff. Not only that, but what if you choose to attempt to raise slayer on a level 3 combat account...? Imagine trying to kill enemies with no prayer using nothing but rings of recoil and flowers so you don't accidentially gain combat experience.








It's meerly a different way to play RuneScape.








I think it's rather sad that most bots are used on level 3 combat characters , which causes legitimate level 3 non-combat skill levelers to be almost automatically assumed to be evil by most players. Those legitimate level 3 combat players I think are amazing.

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I've seen 3-4 lvl 3 Runite miners while trying to Rune-Pk.




They're not all autoers of course. Think about it.








The majority of people who runite Pk are lvl 50+, at the very least.




If you're lvl 3 and mining Rune, Pkers can't touch you. Most of them anyway ...








If you are solid mining for like, 2-3 hours a day you can have a Runite miner in a month, month-and-a-half tops.








Besides, macros aren't what they were on Classic. The top of the line for RS2 is probably Scar and GhostMouse, and even those only work half the time.


Oh yeah. That's right.

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just outa curiosity, is there any pre-rs2 people that are like, i'd totally pay double for everything if it meant no autoers?




There's hardly a difference now, now that most of the skills are basically automatic, and exp earned in rs1 has been just about rendered obsolete since they decided to make leveling up many times easier.








I hate to sound like a whiner, but the change in leveling time is just too dramatic to not acknowledge. I sometimes wonder what I could have done with the time I would have saved achieving my same stats in the rsc days, had they used the current exp gaining system all along. And no doubt many people have wondered that regarding those who were able to rapidly gain incredible stats through autoing.








But I digress.




I'm not here to try to blame anybody, or give anyone a hard time for reaping the benefits of the new system. On the contrary, I don't mind anybody, autoer, legit player, or whatever, getting really high up, because now that getting stats in the 70s isn't necessarily even top 100,000 material, I don't even find any of it a big deal. I would never auto myself, for one because i'm done advancing stats, but also because i wouldn't want my character banned, but I'll put my neck out there and say that there's not much prestige to be had for high level players any more (unless you're really really high.. well into the 3 digits in combat). Back in the day of bluerose13x and tks and all them, I hated autoers as much as the next guy, because they were trying to get respect they didn't deserve. But now that you (at least to my knowledge) have to be there at the keyboard to get the kind of levels required for being revered in runescape, I really don't think it's a big deal. So they have in the 80s or 90s in this stat from autoing.. heheh.. scandalous back in the day when that would have placed them among the highest ranks in that stat, but now, when tens of thousands of others can boast the same, I don't see why that should ruffle my feathers.








Believe me, I absolutely understand the reasoning for not tolerating cheaters and autoers, and I certainly don't condone using those methods, but I just thought maybe I'd give a little bit of a different perspective to think about.

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i just had lots of fun with an autoer lol...........




firstly, i see a lvl 3 in cammy, picking flax.i wen to spin my 5k. an hour or 2 later, he is still there, and i diside to go check it out...




he used the exact same path everytime. he had defolt cloths, and everytime you said his name, hed start going 'what well............'




i knew he was autoing. firstly, i grab a gnome ball, and mark him. second me and my high lvl friends start casting tele-others on him. lol, that stoped him. then an hour later, around a force of 50 people came with me to try and stop him. all we did was pick the same flax as he did. he spent an hour there. then the real person came back, and we all said we know you auto. well he says no i don't




i follow him to bank, and he takes out around 50k flax, and puts on a auto typer. he said "red: wave: selling 50k flax only 100 each!!!1!1!1" every 1 and a half seconds, perfectly. no one traded, and an hour later he is still there saying it perfectly. then, after hours of waiting, sandwhitch hag!!!!!!!




he doesn't answer her, so she teles him. he comes to wisard tower, as my friends an i found him there a little later, saying what he was saying before, and we all reported him. so funny :P

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They're not all autoers.








I've talked to Zzzamorak tons of times, he's true lvl 3 ownage. 30 + Slayer plz....1100 + Skill total.
















Zzzamorak totally rocks! I saw him fishing at Catherby once!


Are you blind or ignoring me on purpose?

Even though I sometimes side with religious people in some debates, I no longer consider myself religious.

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some of em r so dam hard 2 catch out aswell (autoers), i gottam mate hu gets 15M a night off it and he wont stop til he's bankrupted the whole of rs. he always has chat off and he uses this new bot called sbot3 r summat, supposedly its undetectable. we'll se about that wen he gets b4n5w0rd! :D

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Zzzamorak and outkast r0se








lol im outkast r0se and i dont auto, ruins the fun of rs 8)








<< draconicx owns!! >>








I never said you did...and this thread is about extraordinary lvl 3-10's :P


De_Pk - Level 117 - Banned September 30th '06.

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