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I found the biggest level 103 member noob


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I will say it again an again I'm F2P for life..








I'm a level 73 F2P so when some members come to my free world an see me they think since im F2P its easy to out smart me.. but time after time they all fail.. this time it was a lvl 103 member that made me wonder an laugh at the same time








This is what goes on most of the time I traded 5 red mask for a yellow phat I get level 50's 70's an 80's all saying to me can I buy it for 3K? 40k? 100k? an so on an I always say "NFS" as in Not For Sale an they get the point right away








But this time some lvl 103 came up to me an told me " are you selling yellow phat? " I said "NFS" after that he wouldnt want to leave me alone then he followed me around for about atleast 20mins then he pms me an this is what went down
















Kinda pathetic?

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You did something wrong in actually replying to his arguments (like saying "I don't care what level you are" etc...). All you have to say is "it's not for sale" and if he sais something like "but I'm a level 103" then all you have to reply to that is "yes but it's not for sale". That will shut people up sooner. Usually. You got in a discussion about if you trust him and if you know who he is, which is keeping you away from the main point, being that it's not for sale.

Runescape: Lodev (Combat level been fixed at 101 for years now, Total level 1500+, playing since march 2002)

Arenascape: Lode (Level 240+ Warlock)

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I just say give outrageous prices or be like, " OK OMFGERZ PHAT FOR 1K! I RICH" then decline and sit there and yell at him for declining the trade. :roll:








hahah. yea bombard him with trade options and decline as fast as possible or put up a wood shield, mind runes, and wizard hat asking for free stuff plz cuz u just died, people take a long time to figure out you are messing with them.

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I wouldnt class some one following you as being a noob, if he wants it he aint gonna give up.








If anything, your the noob, you dont realise the competitive nature of rare selling now.




So your saying because of the "competitive nature of rares" Its ok for a high lvl to try and scam someone who he thinks is gullible? :? Also was it needed to call him a noob? You got some strange strange opinions :lol:

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I suggest you take out the word 'noob' from the title before this threads locked.








I see nothing wrong with it.








The 103 level guy said 'Just a try on value'-- which smells like scam to me, and if that's the case, I'd call him a noob too.








Now, I think the word should be reserved for players that do truly idiotic things (including scammers), not for folks that somehow got the best of you in a fair way.









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Oh noes. I better not even blink ortherwise I'll be called a "noob".








Why not just call him "scammer"? Do you have some kind of "noob" [specialInterest]? 90% of the speach I see when I have public chat on is people yelling "noob". Noob for not selling, noob for selling, noob for lvling, noob not for lvling, noob for trying to bargain, noob for not trying to bargain.. It's sick. So 90% of the people playing are just as that "scamer", they think they are the supreme rules, no matter what lvl they are. That just shows that they are noobs as well with such a noobish attitude.

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Oh noes. I better not even blink ortherwise I'll be called a "noob".








Why not just call him "scammer"? Do you have some kind of "noob" [specialInterest]? 90% of the speach I see when I have public chat on is people yelling "noob". Noob for not selling, noob for selling, noob for lvling, noob not for lvling, noob for trying to bargain, noob for not trying to bargain.. It's sick. So 90% of the people playing are just as that "scamer", they think they are the supreme rules, no matter what lvl they are. That just shows that they are noobs as well with such a noobish attitude.
















The 103 was trying to scam the guy though?

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