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"Karil's bombing the Middle East" ~Leik - #1 Bad Maxer - 2595/2595

Max Cape Vote!  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Max Cape Design to go for? (Other choices shall be added if suggested)

    • Patriotic Cape - Red, White, Blue.
    • Becca's Cape - Pink, Pink, Pink.
    • Subjugation Cape - Blood Red, Black.
    • Auror's Cape - Green, Pink, Black.
    • Tan's Lannister Cape - Gold and Red.
    • Q's Cape of Redness - Deeper saturation for darker/deeper Red.
    • Kim and Aiel's Sceptical "Ian wont Max" Cape of nothingness.

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7 deaths normal... You have really got to learn survival strategies. Lol. as for breaking hood for plate... You're seriously regret that? I did the same and have never had more fun DGing. You gotta learn what to kill in what order, where to stand, side-stepping, etc. :P.


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I need to do a dg without a hood, and get a prom plate at earliest possible time in it, just to test how bad hoodlessness really is. Inb4 Survival prodded.


^^My blog of EoC PvM, lols and Therapy.^^

My livestream- Currently: Offline :(

Offical Harpy Therapist of the Mad


Barrows drops: Dharok's helm x2, Guthan's helm, Ahrim's top, Hood and skirt, Torag's hammers, Karils skirt, Karil's top, Torag's helm, Verac's skirt, Verac's Flail, Dharok's Platebody.

Dag kings drops: Lost count! :wall:

4k+ Glacors, 7 Ragefires, 4 Steadfasts, 4 Glaivens, 400+ shards![/hide]

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You're still getting 120. You just don't know it yet. Also refer to Stev's post above plz.

ruins.png De_Elite_One.png

Inefficiency = fun. That's objective and can't be debated. Ever.


Blog to 200m in all skills.

Max cape achieved November 5th, 2011.

Completionist cape achieved December 29th, 2011.

Final Boss title achieved December 28th, 2014.

Trimmed completionist cape achieved November 7th, 2015.

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Oh you guys <3: I've missed you all...


Anyways! I'm back for now :) Dissertation is done pretty much, just needs binding and submitting on the 23rd and have only 2 essays left for the 9th and 11th May, which means 2 weeks on each essay :D :thumbsup:


Also new Horrible Histories, I'm the very proud owner of a hammered silver King John Short Cross Penny and Edward I Short Cross Penny, and I've began doing some weight training again.


Things be looking up :)





Reacting impulsively and saying what's on your mind feels oh so good.. for a little, until you realize you just started WWIII.

2672nd person to reach 2496 total.
Thanks to Wicked for the awesome siggy :D

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Been thinking of your challenge for the race... Me to 120, you to 200M... There is NO WAY that it's possible for me to cut from 7 deaths per floor to 4.5... You'll smash me unless you RQ DG, yet you promised to help me get 120 if I ever came back... WHAT DO?!





Reacting impulsively and saying what's on your mind feels oh so good.. for a little, until you realize you just started WWIII.

2672nd person to reach 2496 total.
Thanks to Wicked for the awesome siggy :D

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There is NO WAY that it's possible for me to cut from 7 deaths per floor to 4.5...

You've really psycho'd this into yourself, I see :mrgreen:


Because it's true!


Also... I go back to DG today because I wanted to try it again... Few minutes into floor this gets said:




So... Screw DG :) I don't need to be putting up with that...





Reacting impulsively and saying what's on your mind feels oh so good.. for a little, until you realize you just started WWIII.

2672nd person to reach 2496 total.
Thanks to Wicked for the awesome siggy :D

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tbh ian, as soon as arttu said to mgt and you had no runes you should've said for him to run it :P Just get ontop of always having a tk and stuff to mgt right out of ht, or dont take a path out of ht if you dont have them and you'll be fine :)


Play Safe! smile.gif - Got useful information for the tip.it website? Post here!

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Or do as I've just decided now after talking to some people - Don't bother DGing. I'm seriously not up to scratch... I've got no form, I lag too much, I've got too many bad habits, I slow down floors too much trying to stop them, people [bleep] about slow floors times because of it, and according to people I can't even sui properly and I still take up too much time doing that.


I don't know, I just... I can't stand DG anymore, it was the one last thing I enjoyed in the game and I just can't do it, try it, bother with it or the people anymore... it's too much effort, time, and hurt.





Reacting impulsively and saying what's on your mind feels oh so good.. for a little, until you realize you just started WWIII.

2672nd person to reach 2496 total.
Thanks to Wicked for the awesome siggy :D

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Or do as I've just decided now after talking to some people - Don't bother DGing. I'm seriously not up to scratch... I've got no form, I lag too much, I've got too many bad habits, I slow down floors too much trying to stop them, people [bleep] about slow floors times because of it, and according to people I can't even sui properly and I still take up too much time doing that.


I don't know, I just... I can't stand DG anymore, it was the one last thing I enjoyed in the game and I just can't do it, try it, bother with it or the people anymore... it's too much effort, time, and hurt.


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gtf online and MH with me and Dan.



YES! Even though you've rq DG it doesn't mean you can't MH :D I miss it too really, just doing zam with Joe yesterday was great fun! :)

I'll be around tonight if you neebs are up for it


Play Safe! smile.gif - Got useful information for the tip.it website? Post here!

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