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Investigating the Wise Old Man


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Humm... stupid people to practice summoning with, does that sound like Grayzag and his imps... Maybe WOM is trying to learn summoning now and he is practicing with penguins?




But what about the thing on his desk?








Hmm...he might have summoned the penguins and now he can't get rid of them...which would explain why he would want us to kill the monster (read: penguins) under his bed.








Well I did some more investigating today in the basement of the Wizard's Tower. I tried to find the spot where WOM's telescope is pointing, but it was off the map somewhere. His telescope points to 2 places; first it points close to the 3 logs on the ground floor, and then over to the table with the boot respawn. The 1st spot is right above the northeast corner of Seridor's room, right were the weird-looking tapestry is, but the second spot isn't anywere within the map.








I looked back into the area where you're supposed to get the skull from during the restless ghost quest. A lot of things about that area struck me as curious. First, there's Saradomin altar down there, probably from a new graphics update. But the area his separated in two by a fence, kind of like prison bars. Why would you put an altar to Saradomin in such a secluded place, behind big iron bars? That doesn't make a lot of sense to me, unless alterior motives are somehow involved. What if there is some kind of Saradominist secret society that gathers down there? I mean, look at all the secrecy involved with it. An altar in the basement behind prison bars - weird. The Catholic Church has Opus Dei, maybe the curch of Saradomin has something similar that WOM is trying to get involved in or uncover.








Outside of that area is a smaller room with a large bed. There are portraits of a King, probably of Varrock, on the walls. There were no similar portraits anywhere else in the tower. Ironically, when I examined the big bed, it said "fit for a king." I made a connection with that - could the King be a frequent visitor of the tower's basement? Why would the King possibly want to visit the basement? Could the King of Varrock be a member of this secret society, and makes regular trips down there to participate in the society's meetings or rituals? Could he live down there and sleep in the bed during his more extended stays?








This got me thinking; maybe there's some kind of political background to WOM, or some political motive to his actions. It's possible that he hates the wizards in the tower because he tried to join this secret Saradominist society but was rejected, and is seeking revenge on them by destroying the society or exposing it and blowing their cover. But...








What if the King is not only a member of the secret society, but is their leader? What if it was the King himself that had rejected WOM's entry to the secret society? Now, maybe WOM is seeking revenge against the King and his society. This could be why he is waiting to attack the tower, until the next meeting of the society. That way the King will be in the tower when he attacks, and could possibly burn down the tower while the King is inside, killing him and completing WOM's revenge.








I wonder if WOM has any relation to the King...he could be the King's brother, and since the King has no known children, WOM would claim power if the King were to die. Well, I'm going to look into this further.








By the way, secret societies = totally awesome. Since this hypothetical society has no known name, I think it's our civic duty to give it one that we can refer to it as. I'll open the floor with: "Opus Saradomin." :mrgreen:

the russians are the best! Hands down!
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im surprised no one yet mentioned the book of the wise old man (aka dionysius) yet, the one found in swan song, it contains a lot of evidence












the young Dionysius was educated in Varrock, where records tell us that he regularly attended the local saradominist chapel. Local tradition has it that Dionysius led a band of young men to graffiti the Zamoriakan temple in the south of the city








it was expected that Dionysius would become a priest, but he seems to have had other plans....












there are a lot more of interesting points, but i cant be bothered copying them








First: I know I could have put all these posts together, but I'm too lazy,lol.








Alright, on topic now... Dionysus is the Greek God of parties. Jagex usually uses names from history for their NPCs. Could Dionysius have lived a similar life to Dionysus? Here's a link to wikipedia's version of Dionysus. Click here




God of parties? Could that be anything to do with the WOM's party hat? He seems to be rather fond of it... maybe for other reasons than that it costs millions? It might relate to his history. Perhaps he worshipped Dionysus before he worshipped Saradomin?








I doubt it. Since when did Greek gods come to rs? I think he's just a copy of Dionysus or one of the other names. (I re-edited the post and added what Dionysius came up with) Kind of like the brothers south of Rimmington. I think Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo were two of their names.




Since when were evil chickens worshipped by certain covens? I think anything can happen in a game. I mean, the WOM could end up being a follower of Zamorak and kill everything in the game.








Haahaa, maybe Jagex is saving this quest for the downfall of Runescape and the opening of a new game, lol. Maybe they'll say, "The Wise Old Man was a double agent for Zamorak and after winning trust from his equals, he betrayed his new friends and destroyed Runescape. Not to worry though, Guthix was able to create a new world where all your accounts will be transferred. No items nor experience will be lost during the voyage to the new land. On this island live new monsters, new items, and new quests awaiting to be discovered. As proof of your voyage over, we will give you a medal of achievement."




Lol, that's just my thoughts.




That made me chuckle. But you could be right. Wouldn't that just be the biggest turnaround ever? :XD:








In the response to the post above me, maybe the Wine Guy is actually a cleverly planted agent of Grayzag? Maybe he is going to team up with the Wise Old Man, but at the last second, betrays him and pours wine on the fire made by the tinderboxes, thus blowing up the whole Wizard's Tower, but first allowing Grayzag to escape with the runes. But the WOM is trapped and dies in the explosion.








The problem with that is he can't die or else no one will be able to get any more quest capes or anything else WOM has to offer.




He could have a brother who is just as wise as him, and able to do what he does and give what he gives. Jagex could probably do anything with the WOM and find a way around it.








Or maybe WOM has a evil twin brother who does all that stuff, and we have a quest to find the real WOM and then he saves the day!!! (and then banishes his evil brother to the penguin island, where his brother will take over the penguins and blow up runescape?)








I like all the quotes this post contains ::'













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Hmm...he might have summoned the penguins and now he can't get rid of them...which would explain why he would want us to kill the monster (read: penguins) under his bed.








Well I did some more investigating today in the basement of the Wizard's Tower. I tried to find the spot where WOM's telescope is pointing, but it was off the map somewhere. His telescope points to 2 places; first it points close to the 3 logs on the ground floor, and then over to the table with the boot respawn. The 1st spot is right above the northeast corner of Seridor's room, right were the weird-looking tapestry is, but the second spot isn't anywere within the map.




Is it possible that there is something behind that 'weird looking tapestry?' Like, for example, a storage of summoning runes? Barely anyone goes down there, so it would be a logical place for Grayzag to store all these runes. Slowly he may be getting ready to summon bigger and more powerful things than imps (like the mentioned Lesser Demon in the cage).








I looked back into the area where you're supposed to get the skull from during the restless ghost quest. A lot of things about that area struck me as curious. First, there's Saradomin altar down there, probably from a new graphics update. But the area his separated in two by a fence, kind of like prison bars. Why would you put an altar to Saradomin in such a secluded place, behind big iron bars? That doesn't make a lot of sense to me, unless alterior motives are somehow involved. What if there is some kind of Saradominist secret society that gathers down there? I mean, look at all the secrecy involved with it. An altar in the basement behind prison bars - weird. The Catholic Church has Opus Dei, maybe the curch of Saradomin has something similar that WOM is trying to get involved in or uncover.




Another curious thing to add to that would be the skeleton. Even after the Restless Ghost quest, it is still there. Unless it's a thing Jagex forgot to take care of, why would you have a skeleton next to an altar to Saradomin? Does not only Zamorak crave death and destruction? And another thing- didn't the ghost say that a warlock had stolen his skull? Now, how many warlocks in the Wizard Tower or associated with it do we know? Yep- Grayzag and Maliginus.








Outside of that area is a smaller room with a large bed. There are portraits of a King, probably of Varrock, on the walls. There were no similar portraits anywhere else in the tower. Ironically, when I examined the big bed, it said "fit for a king." I made a connection with that - could the King be a frequent visitor of the tower's basement? Why would the King possibly want to visit the basement? Could the King of Varrock be a member of this secret society, and makes regular trips down there to participate in the society's meetings or rituals? Could he live down there and sleep in the bed during his more extended stays?








This got me thinking; maybe there's some kind of political background to WOM, or some political motive to his actions. It's possible that he hates the wizards in the tower because he tried to join this secret Saradominist society but was rejected, and is seeking revenge on them by destroying the society or exposing it and blowing their cover. But...








What if the King is not only a member of the secret society, but is their leader? What if it was the King himself that had rejected WOM's entry to the secret society? Now, maybe WOM is seeking revenge against the King and his society. This could be why he is waiting to attack the tower, until the next meeting of the society. That way the King will be in the tower when he attacks, and could possibly burn down the tower while the King is inside, killing him and completing WOM's revenge.








I wonder if WOM has any relation to the King...he could be the King's brother, and since the King has no known children, WOM would claim power if the King were to die. Well, I'm going to look into this further.




Now that would make a lot of sense. The Wise Old Man is not only motivated by greed, but by jealousy as well. Maybe he tires of his brother always being better than him, the King is a king, and he gets to be leader of a secret society that worships Saradomin blah blah blah, wouldn't a lot of us be a bit annoyed if our brother was like that? We can gather that the WOM has a bad temper (remember the bank robbery?) and something like this would surely give him enough fuel to murder. But another thing- what if Grayzag also wants to kill the King, but not for the WOM's motives, instead for summoning experience. Maybe he has enough power now to summon the Lesser out of the cage, and will use that to kill the King? The WOM and Grayzag have the same goals (killing the King), so I would imagine they end up fighting each other, with one of them dieing and the other escaping. If it is Grayzag that lives, I think he will return to Maliginus, telling him of his newly advanced summoning power that allows him to summon beings beyond Lessers, but Maliginus betrays him, kills him, and steals all his summoning power so that he can awake an army of the dead, and destroy all of RuneScape.








By the way, secret societies = totally awesome. Since this hypothetical society has no known name, I think it's our civic duty to give it one that we can refer to it as. I'll open the floor with: "Opus Saradomin." :mrgreen:




Nah, let's have Opus Penguin. :mrgreen: Kidding.

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Another curious thing to add to that would be the skeleton. Even after the Restless Ghost quest, it is still there. Unless it's a thing Jagex forgot to take care of, why would you have a skeleton next to an altar to Saradomin? Does not only Zamorak crave death and destruction? And another thing- didn't the ghost say that a warlock had stolen his skull? Now, how many warlocks in the Wizard Tower or associated with it do we know? Yep- Grayzag and Maliginus.








I forgot to mention that skeleton. That should really set off some alarms. I'm going to do the Restless Ghots quest on my other account to see what I can come up with.








If you've heard of the Skull and Bones Society - at Yale university, or maybe it was Harvard - that a lot of really important people were apart of, maybe that's the significance of the skull or the skeleton.

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Wow... this topic goes everywhere. but back to the point. I don't think that the skeleton has that much to do with it . Jagex has this habit of leaving things from a quest.




The whole thing with the tapestry sounds likely, but why hasn't it been discover by one of the wizards, or maybe that is how Jagex would plan to introduce this?




The idea with the WOM and the king related doesn't make sense, unless the WOM is like an uncle. I think it is likely though that maybe the WOM and Trailborn are brothers because they are both old, and maybe the king is their uncle?


What has become of the runescape community???? :wall:

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Posted what the book said on page 18. Just making sure you knew :XD:








One of the books was on elderly dragon and another on evil chicken. Maybe behind the tapestry might be the elderly dragon (supposedly the world pretty much rides on their shoulders). Just a thought ::'

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A lead!!
















The young Dionysius was educated in Varrock, where records tell us that he regularly attended the local Saradominist chapel. Local tradition has it that Dionysius led a band of young men to graffiti the Zamorakian temple in the south of the city, although doubtless such things have happened often in the busy city that is Varrock. It was expected that Dionysius would become a priest, but he seems to have had other plans...








This is from a book about WOM's life from a members quest. As it says, he was active in the Saradominist church, active enough to vandalize the Zamorakian temple. The kind of person you'd expect to join a secret society, right? He could have easily become a priest, but perhaps his "other plans" involved gaining membership in the secret society. Read on...








At the age of 15, the age at which children of that era completed their education, Dionysius is reported to have turned down a prestigious invitation to study on the holy island of Entrana. Instead he declared a wish to travel the world before settling to a permanent career.








Why would somebody as devoted to Saradomin as WOM turn down the chance to live and study on Entrana? That doesn't make much sense. I think something happened to him about this time that disillusioned him, maybe he was denied entry to the secret society and was so disappointed with the Saradominist church that he decided to wander around instead of going to Entrana.








It's also possible that he was related to the King of Varrock at the time (not Roald, but Roald's father), and was somehow set to inherit the throne when Roald's father died. However, he had Roald just prior to his death, and WOM wasn't able to inherit the throne. It says that he was 15 when he decided to wander around, and if Roald was born about then, I'm guessing WOM is in his 60s or 70s judging by appearance, which would put Roald at about 45-55 years old. If you ever look at Roald, I would say 45-55 is a good estimate based on appearance, wouldn't you?








Maybe they're connected. Maybe the King of Varrock is the traditional "leader" of the secret society, a role that nobody outside of the society knows about. Perhaps WOM wanted both kingship and leadership of the secret society. Being a powerful mage that he is, he could have used his new power position to wage a final war on the Zamorakians and crushed them. Now he finally wants to do this, by killing off Roald and taking his place, using his wealth from the bank robbery to help him raise a powerful military, and his skill in magic to help as well.








That leads me to think about the whole family lineage question. Maybe WOM is Roald's uncle. It's possible the WOM was the rightful inheritor of the throne, and that Roald has some kind of illegitimacy somehow. Maybe this and the fact that Roald got the throne over him has made him angry enough to want to commit murder. Maybe he has bided his time to get himself in a position like this to finally pull it off.

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Humm... that sounds likely KC. Maybe he was working on building his army, and the Kalphite under his bed is going to be one of his warriors? Also maybe he was trying to summon the penguins?




And that thing on his desk, maybe that is his thing that he was going to send around to recruit his army? After all he asks for weapons for his little tasks.


What has become of the runescape community???? :wall:

There is a community?

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Humm... that sounds likely KC. Maybe he was working on building his army, and the Kalphite under his bed is going to be one of his warriors? Also maybe he was trying to summon the penguins?




And that thing on his desk, maybe that is his thing that he was going to send around to recruit his army? After all he asks for weapons for his little tasks.








Way back when I was a member I did errands for him and he made me bring him a bunch of bars. Maybe he's arming himself?








Anyway, back to summoning. I did the Restless Ghost quest on my secondary account, and when you go to get the skull from the altar in the Tower basement, that skeleton in the corner jumps up and attacks you. It's obviously a dead skeleton, maybe one of the bigger wizards in the tower put a necromancy spell on that skeleton so that it will attack anyone that disturbs the society's meeting place.

the russians are the best! Hands down!
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I noticed something else about those portraits of the King in the Tower basement. When you examine them they say "A painting of the King looking royal." There are tons of identical paintings of the king elsewhere, in particular Lumbridge castle and the Blue Moon Inn in Varrock. However, all of those paintings say "Hail to the King!" when you examine them. I think that's rather curious.








I also noticed that there are many very ornate decorative candlesticks in the basement. That's peculiar. Most basements in Runescape are lit with torches that are hung on the walls. But these candlesticks are golden and are all along the wall nearest to the room with the altar. Perhaps these ornate candlesticks are used in ceremonies for the secret society. That would only seem to explain their presence in a dingy basement like that.

the russians are the best! Hands down!
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has anybody mentioned the October Postbag from the hedge:







Dear Wise old man,








Why did you rob the bank in Draynor village? Why didnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t you teleport somewhere like Varrock or Falador or Edgeville? Also, WHAT DID YOU DO WIITH ELFINLOCKS? Give her back her bloo party hat! That wasnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t nice! Go to your room! Also, what the hack is under that bed? Heck, itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s fun to kick, so jagex, donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t you dare mess with that! I thought it was something like a lesser demon from something it said, and also, could you hurry up with destroying the wizardÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s tower again? I want that bridge to blow up of dynamite! Why canÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t you blow it up with that Saradomin staff? Why am I asking so many questions?








Your almost-banned and currently muted criminal hater,
















Dear Marioman318,








I gather from your letter that you have been quite assiduous in your studies of my little house and my recent activities. Well, my dear chap, I shall start by thanking you for your interest and enthusiasm! It gives me a great sense of satisfaction to see that the world has not forgotten me since I retired from my adventurous life.








In the course of my little escapade in the bank, your friend Elfinlocks was unfortunate enough to get in my way and I was forced to incapacitate her. Now you have written me a letter demanding that I right her wrongs. However, perhaps it has not occurred to you that, even if I were to accede to your curt request, it would not benefit you in the slightest!








Allow me to elaborate. In the distant past, when I travelled the world solving people's problems and saving those in distress just as you do today, I held the hope that my efforts would be appreciated and met with appropriate gratitude. But what did I get? When I grew old and the time came for me to retire, I found myself forced into this poxy shack in Draynor Village, neighboured by a pigment-obsessed hag and a 'navigator' whose prowess at knitting exceeds his ability to steer a boat. Not to mention the constant flow of unashamed thieves through the village market! (The hideous harpy who sits gawking through my window will gladly show you a picture of the house as it was when I first came here.) My meek and placid nature notwithstanding, I realised that if I did not take my reward for myself, I would receive nothing at all. So I took up my trusty staff and headed for the bank. I am sure you would be likewise frustrated beyond belief if you were to dedicate a lifetime's effort to the service of others and receive no reward.








Now, let me return to your other questions. I chose the Draynor Village bank because it is convenient and local. Rural branches of banks are useful, and we should make full use of them. Otherwise there may come a day when the Bank of RuneScape closes its outlying branches and the Council has them transformed into trendy wine-bars.








I am indeed mystified by the matter of that creature under my bed. Many times I have persuaded willing folk to rid me of the nuisance, but always it returns. I suspect it to be a subterranean creature forced out of its natural habitat by those ridiculously attired xenophobes who call themselves HAM. On account of its incessant snoring at night, it is not welcome to seek asylum under my bed, and I shall continue to send people to deal with it until it ceases to trouble me.








Finally we come to the question of the Wizards' Tower. As you may have noticed, I have been training my telescope on it for quite some time now. I have not yet finalised my plans, but I do find myself terribly short of runes these days, and I feel that a short excursion to the Tower might solve my problem permanently. But I doubt I will make any move for a considerable time; the powers of Wizard Traiborn are not to be underestimated.








I thank you again for your letter.








Strength through wisdom,















First, he must be an opponent of Traiborn. So any theory involving Traiborn and him teaming up is gone. Next, if you notice the signature, it says "strength through wisdom." that is the same signature that Saradomin signed in the god letters. Obviously, he is somewhat against Saradominism, since he did not go to Entrana. Perhaps he seeks to war with the god himself?

This is where they want I should sign?

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Maybe he is trying to do to Saradomin, what zamorak did to zaros, and try to attain god status.




that's exactly what I said....








Okay I was just rephrasing it, clarifying it, and adding the fact that since Zamorak stole some of Zaros' power, the WOM is trying to steal Saradomin's power

RSN:Dark_Arcane5 P.S. if anyone knows an easy way to get up hunter from level 1-25, or farming from 9-25, p.m. me

Mysteries of the Wise Old Man


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Hey KC did you get all those pm's i sent you about all that butt load of WOM stuff i sent you?








Yeah, some of those we've already looked in to. But the pentagon thing is interesting.

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Humm... that sounds likely KC. Maybe he was working on building his army, and the Kalphite under his bed is going to be one of his warriors? Also maybe he was trying to summon the penguins?




And that thing on his desk, maybe that is his thing that he was going to send around to recruit his army? After all he asks for weapons for his little tasks.








Way back when I was a member I did errands for him and he made me bring him a bunch of bars. Maybe he's arming himself?








Anyway, back to summoning. I did the Restless Ghost quest on my secondary account, and when you go to get the skull from the altar in the Tower basement, that skeleton in the corner jumps up and attacks you. It's obviously a dead skeleton, maybe one of the bigger wizards in the tower put a necromancy spell on that skeleton so that it will attack anyone that disturbs the society's meeting place.




... Maybe it is there to guard the meeting place, but why would a secret society of Saradomist have their guard be a skeleton?




The restless ghost was killed by a warlock... so maybe he stumbled onto the secret society, and they killed him? Maybe that was why the WOM moved to Draynor in the first place, so he could head up the meetings of the society.




But the letter says that he considers Trailborn an enemy. If he is an enemy then why would he head up a society in the wizards tower? Maybe the society booted him out and now he wants revenge.




Or maybe it is an even more simple solution. He wants to know how to craft runes? or it maybe he wants to overthrow the secret society.




It sounds like to me maybe he was not let into a high position in the society and now he wants revenge. Trailborn could be the leader of the society and that is why he says not to underestimate the power of Trailborn. After all at first look trailborn is muddled, could that be a disguise so that no one relizes that he is the leader of the society?


What has become of the runescape community???? :wall:

There is a community?

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... Maybe it is there to guard the meeting place, but why would a secret society of Saradomist have their guard be a skeleton?




The restless ghost was killed by a warlock... so maybe he stumbled onto the secret society, and they killed him? Maybe that was why the WOM moved to Draynor in the first place, so he could head up the meetings of the society.




But the letter says that he considers Trailborn an enemy. If he is an enemy then why would he head up a society in the wizards tower? Maybe the society booted him out and now he wants revenge.




Or maybe it is an even more simple solution. He wants to know how to craft runes? or it maybe he wants to overthrow the secret society.




It sounds like to me maybe he was not let into a high position in the society and now he wants revenge. Trailborn could be the leader of the society and that is why he says not to underestimate the power of Trailborn. After all at first look trailborn is muddled, could that be a disguise so that no one relizes that he is the leader of the society?








There are a lot of curious things about the Wizards Tower. On one of the floors the torches on the walls are made of human skulls exactly like the ones in the Zamorak temple in SE Varrock. And yes, I was thinking the same thing about Traiborn. He has some peculiar artifacts in his little room, like a dragon head...








I wish Jagex would pay more attention to WOM! :x

the russians are the best! Hands down!
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... Maybe it is there to guard the meeting place, but why would a secret society of Saradomist have their guard be a skeleton?




The restless ghost was killed by a warlock... so maybe he stumbled onto the secret society, and they killed him? Maybe that was why the WOM moved to Draynor in the first place, so he could head up the meetings of the society.




But the letter says that he considers Trailborn an enemy. If he is an enemy then why would he head up a society in the wizards tower? Maybe the society booted him out and now he wants revenge.




Or maybe it is an even more simple solution. He wants to know how to craft runes? or it maybe he wants to overthrow the secret society.




It sounds like to me maybe he was not let into a high position in the society and now he wants revenge. Trailborn could be the leader of the society and that is why he says not to underestimate the power of Trailborn. After all at first look trailborn is muddled, could that be a disguise so that no one relizes that he is the leader of the society?








There are a lot of curious things about the Wizards Tower. On one of the floors the torches on the walls are made of human skulls exactly like the ones in the Zamorak temple in SE Varrock. And yes, I was thinking the same thing about Traiborn. He has some peculiar artifacts in his little room, like a dragon head...








I wish Jagex would pay more attention to WOM! :x




Humm... Maybe they are brothers and now WOM doesn't like his brother because he kicked him out of the society.




Maybe the society really are evil Zamorockins masquerading as Saradomists...




Or back to some of the other ideas. Maybe Zaros is coming back to power and why he is siding with saradom for the moment is because he hates Zammorock because he is a traitor, and Guthix because he disturbed his nice little war with Saradom. In that thinking Saradom would be the least hated, so Zaros would side with him.




But I still think summoning has something to do with it. Maybe the WOM plans to take over the society with summoned creatures...




And why would he say "the powers of Wizard Trailborn are not to be underestimated?" Why not the leader of the tower? Could it have something to do with Trailborn is one of the original wizards that was there when the tower was first burnt down?


What has become of the runescape community???? :wall:

There is a community?

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Theory: The WOM is the last descendant of a family in west arougne, their parents sacrified their lives to save the son from the evil plague brought by king Tyras, some saradominist priest took the child and teached him the path of saradomin, he trained and trained to have revenge because the monks lied him and said his family was killed because the Zamorak's follower. He went to the mage arena and learned the spells from Kolodion the battle mage and comprobed the Zamorakians or the Guthix's followers were not the guilties. The WOM became an adventure and did a lot of quests (like all of us) and get quite fame, so the Templar Knight took him into their secret society to make justice by arrasing the scourge of the Zamorakians. The WOM became a little evil because he liked too much the blood and just continued in the Templars not for Saradomin but for the Bloodlust he had.




Now the WOM is a retired templar with no money, so he recurred to the rage again and robbed the bank, however for helping us in the defend of the Piscatory Fishing colony, he donnot have more runes, so he is planning to rob the wizard tower to get a big amount of runes along with the power of runecrafting. Wth those he will get even more powerfull and with his special magical abilities he shall try to take over the world as payment fof the many favors he did to the world. For this he need to get rid off the great battle mages such Malignus Mortifer and other masters of summoning. Getting axes, runes and other random stuffs if only part of his evil plan: To revive the elder dragons if they really exist or ever implement some telekinetic magic, no one knows.








But the WOM, may be can be in secret the Grand Master of the Templar Knights or a secret spy to monitoring the activities of the citizena nd destroy and even more worst conspiracy involving penguins, the H.A.M fanatics and other wizards.








The penguins are waiting for conquer the world or get everybody slave (the chaos elementl have said they are evil and powerfull), so the made a secret aligment with the H.A.M (human against monster secret society of fanatics) to destroy powerfull monsters (like the King black dragon, etc) to have no rivals. We can see this because the H.A.M have stopped from killig goblins, now they are know as "double agents" and they are lvl 109. Beware the H.A.M and the penguins, may the templars be our saviurs?








Or may be the WOM is grand master of the templars and are planning to take over the world!!!








Ok, to the conspiracy name of h.a.m penguins, demonic symbols, etc... I shall call it:








Penguin and Spork club.








Secret Alliance for the Gielinor Domination. SAGD








New Gielinor Order NGD (Non very original)








UB3R$3CRET1337PWN4G3PENGUINSUNITED!11111 (D'oH! counter strike)











Secret Penguin Order Runical of Killer YAy! SPORK!!!








Preparatives for the Enemy Nameless Great Unitary Invasion of the North A.K.A PENGUIN








The Zamorak's illuminati (it sounds like a noob clan)



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Oh i got it!!! There is a secret saradominist society planning to conquer the world, the biggest of all the proof:




















And if you do some quest you will see this guy just make answers and advises in favor of the Saradomin's Church without think if they are good for the people or not. The Templar Knigths were cappable to get in a cage the evil Queen of the Mind controller slugs, maybe they are planning to know how to controlle the mind of the populaiton to get rid of the Zamorak and Guthix followers???? Remember many saradominist priest say that calling Gielinor to the world is an offence for Saradomin because that was the name Guthix gave to the world, but the wise old man got A world called "gielinor". Maybe because the templars know the truth about the god, teh yknow Guthix really created this world, but they worship Saradomin because they were blessed and created by him.








That's why the Wise Old Man (Dyonissus) rejected the invitation to study in the holy land of entrana, because the saradomin priest doesnt accept the truth, but the Templars DO! However, the templars are not from falador...They are from entrana!!! Or at least they were created in entrana, because tehy were created by saradomin, and the first place were saradomin stopped in the land.








The templars are in little war with the Entrana priest because the Templars accept the violence and war to put alive the Saradomin's sake but the Priest just want the non-violence. If the advisor of the King Roald is warrior, mage and priest he may be templar, just like the WOM, and who knows? May be even brother of the WOM! Maybe the WOM, Sir Tiffie Cashien And Roald's advisor are very important in this, but...Who is the grand master of the templars? (if it is one)...




There is no because the templars are subordered by another secretive organization who controls all related with saradomin, from priest to paladins.








"They" have controlled falador thanks to the white knights, are planning to get the power of the control of mind thanks to the Templars, are getting magical secrets for the Mages (yup, there are saradominist mages like the one in the mage arena), are trying to contreolle Burthope but they cannot for the Imperial Guard, they are trying to controll lumbridge with the H.A.M (they are saradominist and they got power, just see the big machine they took from the dwaver just to destroy an entire goblin city)...























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Ah! i forgot these interesting facts:







Dyonissus is not only the god of the party, is the god of the wine too, Fortunato sells wine and he is next to him, in a book (of edgard alan poe i think) the character Fortunato is a freemason, the freemasons are a secretive organization related to the templars what believe in the grand architec of the universe, guthix created the universe, the priest say saradomin created it.








Dyonissus---->Wine---->Fortunato---->Freemasons---->Templar Knight---->Secretive Organization---->Grand Creator---->Guthix/Sardomin---->Just Saradomin by the priests!












Yup, there is a secret organization who worship Saradomin.



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