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Guthan, now worthless? Bones to peaches discussion.


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bones to peaches is easier, faster and more reliable and most of all cheaper and takes a lot less inventory room....








for the idiots out there....one cast = 25 peaches












not always, with a mud staff its 26 peaches, 1 spot to replace the staff and 1 spot for nats = 208 hp. yes thats good and retaxis your rite its not just random












their are times tho that you only have a few spots for bones, like 10 or less. i believe the only realy way would be to utilize it and not ever pick up drops do the spell get 25 peaches, eat as you go and pick up bones as u eat peaches, the draw back to that? no monster drops

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Hellhounds (not that anybody uses melee with them without hally)








Actually, I do. Much quicker for me just to melee them with Barrows, DDS and Whip than to spend ages trying to kill them with a Dragon Halberd.

I use verac + whip and d square, hallies should be removed, if you melee, fight like a man :roll:







Personally, I can't see Guthans going down at all. B2P is the cheap persons way of training, Guthans is the rich persons way of training, and considering only rich people buy it, I can't see the price dropping.

You make a very valid point, and I'm sure that the really rich, lazy, afkers will still buy guthan, but I know people who will rc like 40k ess just to get guthan, so they are not considered rich or poor, but in the middle. This spell is very helpful for these people in particular.








What's wrong with rc'en 40k ess to get guthan?




if they are rc'ers they make there money that way..








I did it like that. For almost all my stuff.








On topic:




You can go and buy guthan.. you NEED to do some maging to get b2p. lazyniss (is that an actual word?) wins always in RS 8)

Semi - retired, playing WoW

Combat lvl: 103 | Total lvl: 1542


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but I know people who will rc like 40k ess just to get guthan,








What's wrong with rc'en 40k ess to get guthan?




if they are rc'ers they make there money that way..








I did it like that. For almost all my stuff.




I never said there was anything wrong with that, infact rc'n nats is how I get my cash as well, I've just saying 40k ess takes a while to rc







You can go and buy guthan.. you NEED to do some maging to get b2p. lazyniss (is that an actual word?) wins always in RS 8)

thats true, but I bet it took muchh more effort to get 12m than it did to get the spell (its really not that hard, not to mention all the magic lvls I gained [70-73])


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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but I know people who will rc like 40k ess just to get guthan,








What's wrong with rc'en 40k ess to get guthan?




if they are rc'ers they make there money that way..








I did it like that. For almost all my stuff.




I never said there was anything wrong with that, infact rc'n nats is how I get my cash as well, I've just saying 40k ess takes a while to rc







You can go and buy guthan.. you NEED to do some maging to get b2p. lazyniss (is that an actual word?) wins always in RS 8)

thats true, but I bet it took muchh more effort to get 12m than it did to get the spell (its really not that hard, not to mention all the magic lvls I gained [70-73])












i dont think any1 is here to debate rc'ing nats is good $ or whatever, the point is 12mil to hand over is a big deal, but people do it constantly. and 12mil honestly, isnt as hard as some people make it out to seem.
















woodcutting 12k magic logs while you do your homework isnt that hard. fishin 15k sharks isnt that bad(god i hate fishing) autoers made MILLIONS by sleeping. alot of people make millions of duels, literally EASY duels merchanting, standing in 1 spot typing all day SUPER easy, yet gets super $ if you have the time and initial investments of course. and "investing" as i call it, buying 2 santas for 2mil each, wait a while til they grow to 5mil each BAM thats not 12mil, but still easy $












where as this spell actually requires time and thought, i find the telegrab mazes to be a challenge. im not good with mazes and puzzles, also telegrab maze is ALOT more challenging then the enchant 1, hell i got 1k enchant pizzaz with less the 200 cosmics.

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Telegrab mazes are pretty easy if you "observe" the statues then look at the entire maze for a minute or two... not to mention there are a small handful of mazes. I think 10. Well, once you figure out each maze once or twice you pretty much have it made. All it takes is a few minutes to learn each maze then you can do it almost automatically.








Well, B2P is the way to go if you're a compulsive spender who always spends his cash before you can gather enough to buy Guthan's...

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I'll just put in 2 thing considering I've always hated guthans and thought it to be the worst barrows set. Refusing to buy it when i realized its ability, and attack styles.








guthans attack styles:...controlled controlled controlled defensive...who like training on controled to raise attack and str








guthans ability:yep it heals you every random time you need it, oh it saves so much food...not really...paying the repair cost which total about 300kish every 15 hours...there are very few things i can waste more then 300k worth of food on in 15 hours.(This only accounts for myself in this opinion but my fishing is high enough for me to never run out of fish easily so all my healing is free.)








12m for a boring, xostly, hard to train set...I don't think so bones to peaches owns it.

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Also, keep in mind, that if you equip your barrows set after the combat starts, and before the combat ends, the degrading "clock" never runs.








This is manipulation, but shouldn't be considered bug abuse, I would guess. The "clock" has to start and stop somewhere, and thats how to get around the "ticks".








Personally, I consider this too much of a pain to utilize, unless you're training on something with super high hits.

A circus in Runescape?? Oh my.




REMEMBER RUNESCAPE KARMA! Be a nice player, and nice things will come back to you.

I'm back, add me if you deleted me. :)

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Anybody with guthans knows its better then B2P, If anybody struggles to make their repairs for Guthan, go to the lvl 149 lava monsters (tzar ket?) and you will easially have enough for your repairs within 2 hours.

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Why don't you sell your waste of 12m buy yourself guthans a whip and a d square. You will get +350avg defence which almost never gets hit. With a whip you can atleast train attack easily. Maybe take that 12m buy some dharoks and have some fun training instead of terrible old guthans. The only point of guthans is to avoid wasting food...if anyone has ever made a better profit off guthans then any other set/using food...i would be extreamly suprised....then again now that I've said that some kid is going to say that he did.. I own all the other barrows sets and I've had full guthans twice...after using it I realized it was a terrible set, the other set was from a friend quitting which i sold because well...It's guthans...I've never used bones to peaches on my main only on my mage, but it's atleast worth the price about 700gp in runes for 160-ish healing and a bit of magic experiance...

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Anybody with guthans knows its better then B2P, If anybody struggles to make their repairs for Guthan, go to the lvl 149 lava monsters (tzar ket?) and you will easially have enough for your repairs within 2 hours.












how at all is that possible? ive melee thazzar things for over 6 hours, and recently ive had a obsidian maul drop...

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Bones to peaches does not give you a demi-godlike defense bonus.








Guthans is random.








Fair tradeoff, but the spell will not replace the armor. It can compliment it though, and help out people who do not have the armor or cannot use it.








well, the demi godlike defence as you call it would not be effective in most cases of using the spell. it is for training, and he is taling about having a-








aw hell this post makes no sence. discard it. i'm off to bed

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Well, well, well. The 12m+ gp barrows set, Guthan, the set that gives an unlimited supply of food. The demand for this set has always been high, as it allows for unlimited time training at any spot.








Then jagex relieced the bones to peaches spell. Now people have to ability to turn a whole inv of bones into 8 hp food. Of cource we could always of used bones to bananas, but its not a practical spell to use as each banana only heals 3.








So does bones to peaches make guthan worthless? Lets look at the pros/cons:













    -Can heal 20+ everytime, as you heal exactly what you hit
    -No inv space needed





    -Healing is random
    -340k Recharge cost every 15 hours
    -Have to use unpoisoned spear as weapon













    -You can choose when you heal
    -You can use any weapon to train
    -One cast can get a full inv of 8 hp healing food





    -Only heals 8 per, altho this isn't that bad, its not exactly the best
    -Costs 2 nats per cast
    -Not all monsters drop bones
    Only works on normal bones (not confirmed)








So now that you've heard the pros/cons of each one, what do you think? Discuss.








(PS Don't accuse me of trying to make guthan cheaper, I can easily afford it.)
















poison steals your combat exp








its 330k recharge








full guth is only like 11.4 average








15 hours of combat is a lot of time








and u heal better on opponents with a lower armour bonus








and no, i didnt read on the other replies
















for bones to peaches, first u have to buy the dam thing, which costs some runes ( a lot worth at their current prices i suppose)

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Well, well, well. The 12m+ gp barrows set, Guthan, the set that gives an unlimited supply of food. The demand for this set has always been high, as it allows for unlimited time training at any spot.








Then jagex relieced the bones to peaches spell. Now people have to ability to turn a whole inv of bones into 8 hp food. Of cource we could always of used bones to bananas, but its not a practical spell to use as each banana only heals 3.








So does bones to peaches make guthan worthless? Lets look at the pros/cons:













    -Can heal 20+ everytime, as you heal exactly what you hit
    -No inv space needed





    -Healing is random
    -340k Recharge cost every 15 hours
    -Have to use unpoisoned spear as weapon













    -You can choose when you heal
    -You can use any weapon to train
    -One cast can get a full inv of 8 hp healing food





    -Only heals 8 per, altho this isn't that bad, its not exactly the best
    -Costs 2 nats per cast
    -Not all monsters drop bones
    Only works on normal bones (not confirmed)








So now that you've heard the pros/cons of each one, what do you think? Discuss.








(PS Don't accuse me of trying to make guthan cheaper, I can easily afford it.)
















poison steals your combat exp








its 330k recharge








full guth is only like 11.4 average








15 hours of combat is a lot of time








and u heal better on opponents with a lower armour bonus








and no, i didnt read on the other replies
















for bones to peaches, first u have to buy the dam thing, which costs some runes ( a lot worth at their current prices i suppose)
















wheres posion come into play? u cant poison guthans spear.

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my first post








1) poison steals your combat exp








2) its 330k recharge








3) full guth is only like 11.4 average








4) 15 hours of combat is a lot of time








5) and u heal better on opponents with a lower armour bonus








6) and no, i didnt read on the other replies








7) for bones to peaches, first u have to buy the dam thing, which costs some runes ( a lot worth at their current prices i suppose)

Gotta love critics who take one side because they obviously haven't tried both :roll:








1) I know poison steals your combat exp, but what does that have to do with anything? I listed that under cons because a lot of people would like it to be optionally poisoned.








2) Gotcha on t3h recharge, I always recharge at about 50 as I would hate for my armor to break when I really need it.








3) Oh noes! The price dropped very slightly, I'm going to go cry in a corner now :cry: [/sarcasm]








4) Really? I didn't know that! I mean, I've never used any barrows stuff before. [/sarasm] If you completely ignore the fact that I've used every barrows set before, try listening to this: what costs more? 330k for 15 hours or 2 nats every 30 min or so? (330k:60 nats)








5) And you kill them faster, meaning more bones. :roll: I really don't see your point.








6) Wow! Lazy AND incompetent! Your parents muct be sooo proud! ;) [/sarcasm]








7) You have already proven to me that you are lazy, so what are you trying to say here? Also, I got 3 magic lvls (70-73) from just getting the small amount of pizazz points needed for the spell, and it only took a few hours and about 600k in runes. So how long did it take you to get 12m?











wheres posion come into play? u cant poison guthans spear.

See #1


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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