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i cant go to homepage


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I am having problems connecting to the homepage too.


Request timed out. *5


Ping statistics: Packets sent = 5, Received = 0, Lost = 5 (100% loss)


Probably either server problems or the internet percolation brokedown somewhere

6,924th to 30 hunting, 13,394th to 30 summoning, 52,993rd to 30 Divination

Kiln Record (Post-EoC): W 25 - L 0, 14 Uncut Onyx, 8 Jad hits received (Best record: Two in the same kiln)
Obby set renewed post update #2: 0

QBD drops: 21 crossbow parts, 3 Visages, 1 Kites, 2 Kits

Max Port Score [2205] Achieved: 27th April 2013 (World 2nd)


Farmyard Rampage ranking: 12th, 50,000 Kills.


Dragon Pickaxe Drops: 1 (Times after I first entered Battlefield: 2h)

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Sorry about that, I got sidetracked with some other work.


It seems like there's some routing issues going on at the moment. I'll poke our technical admin this way and see if he can sort things out with the host. :)


Just keep trying and we'll have things back to normal soon.

Owner of the Quest Point Cape

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It just loaded for me after not working all day. Thanks guys. :thumbsup:



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So, Kaida is the real version of every fictional science-badass? That explains a lot, actually...

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Unfortunately there's nothing can be done about this other than just waiting for your DNS to propagate correctly. There are no other routing issues as Tec suggested, the server hasn't even physically moved. I suspect the problem is DNS caching within your system, ipconfig /flushdns used to be the way to clear this but unfortunately many applications (browsers are the main culprit here) keep their own DNS cache and it can be difficult to clear them. I've found Firefox to be a particular pain in the behind for doing this. Just because when you ping tip.it you get the new IP does not mean your browser is attempting to connect to that new IP as it likely has the old one cached. The reason the beta may work is that if you haven't visited it in the last few days, it pulls the IP for it fresh from the DNS server as its cache is out of date.

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