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I found out something today!


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Lots of people know about it, someone else made a post about this. I wonder what other pointless things are in runescape?








Party hats...








But anyways, it's always the same, when someone finds out something they believe to be unique and original they post it up on the forums. It's not that EVERYONE has heard about the info, but most people, perhaps some page on Tip.it with a list of all the silly random things that are in Runescape like the Varrock Monkey calling himself a noob.

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some of u ppl responding act like every runescaper uses tip.it forum. fyi, i have been playing for almost a year and just started using forum like a month ago, so stop with the rude everyone should know what u do attitudes. plz. it is rude and no-one likes it and it is a degenrative habbit. :!: :idea: :evil:








as for the thread goes, i did not know that. i think these things make Runscape original. no other mmorpg's i know of have these features. :wink: 8)

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i went and examined that dog. did you know it was emaciated? thats why it never gets up from in front of the fire. its too thin and weak to. know that other dog in the chiken coop? that one has survived by killing and eating chickens. i gave the sheepdog some bones and some cow and chicken meat and it gulped everything down like it was starving. ive called the local animal cruelty shelter and their waiting to get a warrant for the arrest of the neglagent farmer so they can take all those poor, dying animals away.








after doing some investigation of my own, i found out that he was breeding the cows specifically for being killed by locals for entertainment and food and being paid to do so by the white knights. the chickens were being slaughtered for the same reasons but for some strange reason, he decided that the pigs were not going to be up for death. maybe he likes them.








anyway, im hoping that this sicko gets busted big time and that he ends up in that maximum security prison near draynor for life. its less than what he deserves for putting those poor animals through all of that.

I couldn't care less if he was Andrew Gower himself, I just don't like arrogant smegheads.
*in the voice of the comic book guy from the simpsons* best. quote. EVER! :thumbsup:
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