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Yo, Nex, think you could help me find an anime to pass the time?


I'm looking for something in the general area of Fairy Tail and Toaru Majutso no Index.

-One distinct primary character.


-Funny romance.

-No characters jumping between invincible and useless as it fits the plot.



I don't really give a shit if the action is with magic, guns or swords, as long as it's there.



I've already tried searching for something myself and asking the anime board on Funnyjunk, but I would have had better luck trying to make my own. And since you're the Tavern's self-designated anime guy I thought I'd try asking you.





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-One distinct primary character.


-Funny romance.

-No characters jumping between invincible and useless as it fits the plot.


One of my favourites is Soul Eater;


-Fairly Solid Action

-Occasional comedic romance between the female lead and her partner/weapon

-No one really gains power without explanation, and as far as I recall none of it seemed cheapened

-Pretty good, simple plot (for an anime): basically, warriors and humans that turn into weapons vs. witches, demons, and a god of madness



-Several main characters, and even supporting characters can get their own episodes

-On the surface, it's patently silly

-Fight scenes can get a little monologue-ish


I don't watch anime all that much anymore, I'll look around for something that fits the bill better.


Oh, just remembered; Full Metal Alchemist. If you haven't watched it, you should give it a try. The first series (just Full Metal Alchemist) is generally better, but has to create its own ending (it was based on a written story, caught up to it, and pretty much said "Well, now what?"), Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood follows the storyline all the way, but isn't quite as good at telling the same parts. The first series, at least, has everything you wanted, though the romance doesn't pop up very often.


It should be noted that all three anime I mentioned can be found on youtube.

10:53 PM - retech9691: I feel the need
10:53 PM - retech9691: To include many chasms in my story arc
10:53 PM - Resistance: You mean plotholes?


Remember, Remember, the 4th of November

RIP Dawngate ;-;

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Anyone looked at Guns of Icarus?

Its an online game in which you man airships against other players with airships....It could be cool to get a Tavernite team together. Its currently in beta, though there is 25% off the price and there a 4-person bundle which only costs twice the normal cost of the game...So if people were willing to play I might be convinced to get the 4 pack (Course if anyone else wants to get the four pack I wouldn't say no =P).


Anywho, video:

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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-One distinct primary character.


-Funny romance.

-No characters jumping between invincible and useless as it fits the plot.


One of my favourites is Soul Eater;


-Fairly Solid Action

-Occasional comedic romance between the female lead and her partner/weapon

-No one really gains power without explanation, and as far as I recall none of it seemed cheapened

-Pretty good, simple plot (for an anime): basically, warriors and humans that turn into weapons vs. witches, demons, and a god of madness



-Several main characters, and even supporting characters can get their own episodes

-On the surface, it's patently silly

-Fight scenes can get a little monologue-ish


I don't watch anime all that much anymore, I'll look around for something that fits the bill better.


Oh, just remembered; Full Metal Alchemist. If you haven't watched it, you should give it a try. The first series (just Full Metal Alchemist) is generally better, but has to create its own ending (it was based on a written story, caught up to it, and pretty much said "Well, now what?"), Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood follows the storyline all the way, but isn't quite as good at telling the same parts. The first series, at least, has everything you wanted, though the romance doesn't pop up very often.


It should be noted that all three anime I mentioned can be found on youtube.

I think you managed to get me wrong on all points there.

With action I meant for it to have action, not for as much action as possible.

With funny romance I meant like in Toaru Majutso no Index, where half the recurring female characters are Tsundere for the main character and he's just too slow to realize a thing, with misunderstandings happening at least once or twice per episode, much to his discomfort.

With no sudden jumps in power I meant like in most animes where whenever the plot demands it, the main character who usually mops the floor with an equivalent enemy (or army of them) suddenly gets his ass kicked hard.

And I actually prefer complex plots (duh, I read Homestuck, if I had anything against complex plots, I would have been writhing on the floor ever since I set eyes on that webcomic).





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With action I meant for it to have action, not for as much action as possible.

With funny romance I meant like in Toaru Majutso no Index, where half the recurring female characters are Tsundere for the main character and he's just too slow to realize a thing, with misunderstandings happening at least once or twice per episode, much to his discomfort.

With no sudden jumps in power I meant like in most animes where whenever the plot demands it, the main character who usually mops the floor with an equivalent enemy (or army of them) suddenly gets his ass kicked hard.

And I actually prefer complex plots (duh, I read Homestuck, if I had anything against complex plots, I would have been writhing on the floor ever since I set eyes on that webcomic).


Have you tried day time television? Pretty much all those criteria are met on Springer or Kyle...And since both of them are not real people, but rather an artistic impression of a person, it even counts as Anime.

Best of all there is around 6 hours of program produced every weekday...Its like a never ending fountain of crapulance...Just like Anime...

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Meh. I know it sounds hipster of me, but the mainstream media is just shit, with the rare exception of Bones, the Mentalist and Game of Thrones (which I'm still somewhat pissed is named after the first book rather than the whole series). Hollywood's got a few decent movies going with Marvel going on a production spree, but in the end I'll either have to find more stuff to watch or resort to sleeping all day to pass the time. And while sleeping feels pleasant at the time, I've grown somewhat dependent on a certain level of sleep deprivation to function properly anymore.





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Its not really 'hipster'ish to say that modern TV has gone down the pan. At the moment I am reliving the golden age of Satire with 4OD, and Dr Who on Rerun. Compared to modern comedy and Dr Who...Well its like comparing a Gold Ingot to a boiled sweet.


One of the few exceptions was the Rome TV series...mostly because it didn't pull any punches, had a believable story and wasn't constructed of horribly undeveloped characters. But it was given bad ratings, like Sigularity and Alpha Protocol, and so was cut short.


So the difference between being a 'Hipster' and not is largely one of being able to actually watch more than 5% of TV any more.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Covers most of the stuff, I'll let you piece it all together =P




But even so...It is like they have created 900 new channels devoted to producing substandard TV, alongside the original 1/2/3/4/5 (depending how original you want to be, personally 4) which seem to produce 28 evenings of good TV per year, usually clustered in September, just after everyone goes back to school/what have you.


I am just wondering how long it will be until the remaining good shows (most of them hold overs from the 90s) will be cancelled and replaced with a guy who tells us how funny 8 0 and 5 (Censor Evasion Rules, Yay) can be on a calculator...


Anywho. Drop the Dead Donkey. Watch it.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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I think you managed to get me wrong on all points there.

With action I meant for it to have action, not for as much action as possible.

With funny romance I meant like in Toaru Majutso no Index, where half the recurring female characters are Tsundere for the main character and he's just too slow to realize a thing, with misunderstandings happening at least once or twice per episode, much to his discomfort.

With no sudden jumps in power I meant like in most animes where whenever the plot demands it, the main character who usually mops the floor with an equivalent enemy (or army of them) suddenly gets his ass kicked hard.

And I actually prefer complex plots (duh, I read Homestuck, if I had anything against complex plots, I would have been writhing on the floor ever since I set eyes on that webcomic).

... Ah. You're right, I misunderstood. I didn't know what Fairy Tail was like, and most of what I remember from the Toaru series is Touma punching people, the one blonde guy's awesome Hawaiian shirt, and Accelerator as a father being absolutely precious. And, of course, A Certain Eurobeat Remix of Only My Railgun.


I was thinking an actiony time-waster, when you wanted, to quote TvTropes, a "Battle Harem" cast, as I understand it. Not my area of expertise, but I can look.

10:53 PM - retech9691: I feel the need
10:53 PM - retech9691: To include many chasms in my story arc
10:53 PM - Resistance: You mean plotholes?


Remember, Remember, the 4th of November

RIP Dawngate ;-;

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Why didn't you just post the link and say "Any of these will be fine".

If you translated all of Mather's requirements into TV Tropes then you/he could use the pre-existing database that is TV Tropes to create a short list of shows he might enjoy...Or he just picks one of them at random and watches it.


Rosario + Vampire seems to tick all the boxes...And I know nothing about the god awful genre,

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Why didn't you just post the link and say "Any of these will be fine".

If you translated all of Mather's requirements into TV Tropes then you/he could use the pre-existing database that is TV Tropes to create a short list of shows he might enjoy...Or he just picks one of them at random and watches it.


Rosario + Vampire seems to tick all the boxes...And I know nothing about the god awful genre,

See, had I the heart to troll, I would agree. But I know how truly, uncomprehendably horrible some anime can be. Thus, I will help him personally or get bored trying.


Okay I'm bored now. The only one I've watched on the list other than Toaru is a few episodes of Infinite Stratos. It's not nearly as good, but you might like it. I've also heard generally positive reviews of Mahou Sensei Negima, though I never got around to watching it.


For the love of god don't watch that Vampire show. It was the second thing to teach me in my younger days that youtube can be a disturbing place.

10:53 PM - retech9691: I feel the need
10:53 PM - retech9691: To include many chasms in my story arc
10:53 PM - Resistance: You mean plotholes?


Remember, Remember, the 4th of November

RIP Dawngate ;-;

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Except Mather has different tastes, and you would object to pianos not wearing ankle guards. =P (Again, haven't seen it, don't know what is in it, don't want to know either. Just saying Mather should be able to make up his own mind without North Eastern American Sentimentality creating a mutually exclusive Venn Diagram.)

Hence one of the reasons asking an International group of almost strangers for advice is a relatively foolish thing to do, especially when you are dealing with the social outcasts of 3 different countries, with broadly different cultural backgrounds and social capabilities.


Simply pointing Mather in the direction of a database or resource is considerably wiser.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Except Mather has different tastes, and you would object to pianos not wearing ankle guards. =P (Again, haven't seen it, don't know what is in it, don't want to know either. Just saying Mather should be able to make up his own mind without North Eastern American Sentimentality creating a mutually exclusive Venn Diagram.)

Hence one of the reasons asking an International group of almost strangers for advice is a relatively foolish thing to do, especially when you are dealing with the social outcasts of 3 different countries, with broadly different cultural backgrounds and social capabilities.


Simply point Mather in the direction of a database or resource is considerably wiser.

Bear in mind that this isn't social outcasts of three nations giving advice from their cultural backgrounds; this is social outcasts of three nations giving advice based on vague and narrow hearsay of a small part of a fourth nation's cultural background. There's much more excuse to be fallible. :P


That aside, Piano Anklet would make a fantastic name for a terrible band.

10:53 PM - retech9691: I feel the need
10:53 PM - retech9691: To include many chasms in my story arc
10:53 PM - Resistance: You mean plotholes?


Remember, Remember, the 4th of November

RIP Dawngate ;-;

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Ah, indeed, I was trying to phrase it without sounding like the people in the show I am watching...for some reason jargon is very easy to come up with...Interface, composite, and so forth can replace almost every other word in the English Language.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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All is forgiven up to the point where you start talking like the people in the shows he'll be watching.


Then we shoot you, just above the beak.

10:53 PM - retech9691: I feel the need
10:53 PM - retech9691: To include many chasms in my story arc
10:53 PM - Resistance: You mean plotholes?


Remember, Remember, the 4th of November

RIP Dawngate ;-;

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This is why I haven't watched T.V in months. It's boring.


Youtube account: Earthgragonsage; currently uploading not an effing thing.

[hide=Memorable Crossroads Quotes.]

Reigan: NO MOOSE CAN SAVE US NOW; ...Had that been taken out of context, it would have been comical... Right now, it's terrifying.


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If giving a nerve-racking musical performance is considered action, I've got just the anime for you! :)

Master of your domain? I am Lord of the manor, Queen of the castle, King of the county!


Former moderator of the original Dungeoneering

Former moderator of Ye Olde Hegemony

Moderator of the remake of Dungeoneering

Former Empress of the Lichten Empire (Hegemony)

Former President of the United States (Hegemony)

Former Emporer of Imperial Japan (Hegemony)

Czarina Catherine of Imperial Russia (Hegemony



The only difference between a disagreement between friends, an argument between strangers, and a feud between enemies is the ability to reconcile.

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I think you managed to get me wrong on all points there.

With action I meant for it to have action, not for as much action as possible.

With funny romance I meant like in Toaru Majutso no Index, where half the recurring female characters are Tsundere for the main character and he's just too slow to realize a thing, with misunderstandings happening at least once or twice per episode, much to his discomfort.

With no sudden jumps in power I meant like in most animes where whenever the plot demands it, the main character who usually mops the floor with an equivalent enemy (or army of them) suddenly gets his ass kicked hard.

And I actually prefer complex plots (duh, I read Homestuck, if I had anything against complex plots, I would have been writhing on the floor ever since I set eyes on that webcomic).

... Ah. You're right, I misunderstood. I didn't know what Fairy Tail was like, and most of what I remember from the Toaru series is Touma punching people, the one blonde guy's awesome Hawaiian shirt, and Accelerator as a father being absolutely precious. And, of course, A Certain Eurobeat Remix of Only My Railgun.


I was thinking an actiony time-waster, when you wanted, to quote TvTropes, a "Battle Harem" cast, as I understand it. Not my area of expertise, but I can look.

The harem part is not a prerequisite. One romantic interest for the main character would be enough, as long as it's played seriously but in a funny way.

So an anime about one guy who keeps saving an already decent world that has a humorous romantic subplot and doesn't suffer from the roller-coaster power level syndrome.





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Okay, so you want an anime... With at least one female character... Who is in a comedic... 'tsundere'... romance with the male lead... With the comedy of individual relationships inversely proportional to the total number... And you don't want it to be grim, dark, or inconsitent.


Sounds like everything I've heard or seen about Infinite Stratos. Go watch it, if you don't like it, then go find someone else to ask/find how to use the search bar on TvTropes.

10:53 PM - retech9691: I feel the need
10:53 PM - retech9691: To include many chasms in my story arc
10:53 PM - Resistance: You mean plotholes?


Remember, Remember, the 4th of November

RIP Dawngate ;-;

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Not necessarily tsundere. Funny can also mean such as in Fairy Tail, where Juvia is madly in love with Gray but consistently ignored, emphasis here on the mad part as she's delusional and has a tendency to shout her internal monologues.


And thanks, I'll take a look at Infinite Stratos.

EDIT: You got the basics right there, with the exception of the save the world stuff. Sadly though the very premise of the show disgusts me, so while I enjoy what I've seen of the character interaction, the soft-quasi-science gives me a stomach ache.

You had no way of knowing this though, so you got it right while I just forgot to rule out high-tech battle-mechs and the like.





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MEh. I'd call you picky but there are things I'm picky about too. So no being hypocritical.


Youtube account: Earthgragonsage; currently uploading not an effing thing.

[hide=Memorable Crossroads Quotes.]

Reigan: NO MOOSE CAN SAVE US NOW; ...Had that been taken out of context, it would have been comical... Right now, it's terrifying.


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