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~What are the odds of this!~

Guest skater789

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lol, can tell your hooked on a certain game ;)












throwing a snowball at a car while its moving: worth a talking/yelling at




denting the car from that snowball: $200




funny story to tell:priceless


Goals: 80/80 Range, 75/90 Strength, 77/85 Attack, 64/76 Fishing and crafting 31k natures (o.O)

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I have even worse luck, on Oct 31st of this year (yes a few hours before halloween night) me and my friend Adam went to my friend Laurance's house, well we all walked there and then found out we were locked out. So Laurance went to use the phone at his Cousin's house across the road, meanwhile me and Adam started having a rock war (yeah throwing little rocks at each other). Laurance then comes back over to his house and we start throwing at him, after a few throws from each of us I wind up too far I guess and peg his cousin's car, making a small hole in the windshield. The guy wasn't mad, just a little ticked off, anyways I ended up paying $1100 CAD for a new heated windshield.

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Once you have to buy your own car, you'll realise how much of a loser you were as a "mischievous" teenager.








My thoughts exactly...




copy that












The few times cops gave me trouble were when I was drunk with friends and seemingly made too much noise, haven't got a problem with that at all, if we 're drunk and shouting we are idiots/when the light of my bike doesn't work and get a 50ÃÆââââ¬Ã¡Ãâì fine, that pisses me off, dumbest reason ever.

Bill Hicks[/url]":dhj2kan9]Since the one thing we can say about fundamental matter is, that it is vibrating. And since all vibrations are theoretically sound, then it is not unreasonable to suggest that the universe is music and should be perceived as such.


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Running away from the guy was probably not the best thing to have done...








If it truly was an accident, you should have gone up to him, said you were sorry and that it was an accident, then wait for a reaction.








He would have probably forgiven you (you would still have to pay i guess...) but at least you told the truth and didnt try to run away from an accident, right? plus the policeman would have had better thoughts about you...Oh well, just my thoughts.


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You think thats stupid. A bunch of my friends and me in grade 2 set a little bit of grass on fire in my primary school :shock:








But anyway atleast you got a laugh out of it. But the $200 fine sucks :x








Yeah, lighting grass on fire is arson... Hardly the same as throwing snowballs at cars.

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Ive totally learned my lesson, as i didnt think that i would get in so much trouble for a little snowball. I definetally wont be throwing anymore snowballs at cars in my life(or doing anything sortof like it)








Oh and by the way the snowball didnt hit the windsheild, if it did that would have been bad, and i would have deserved lots harsher punishment.








This is starting to turn into one of the biggest topics of the week(lots of arguments that i wish would stop)








Well, so long as you've learnt your lesson and seen the error of your ways, that's a good thing. Be thankful no-one got hurt and it's good to see you growing up. That's what being a kid's about :P You learn from your mistakes. It's good to see that you realise you've made one, some people are completely ignorant to it and you know what happens to those people? Two things: Delinquency or death. I'm glad to see you won't be following that track :)

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In the school I went to last year there were these teenagers that constantly drew on walls, threw sand/soil from plant pots everywhere, clogged the toilet, threw snowballs at random people and running away etc. to have fun. It made me really angry, because the school had to pay money that they could have used on other things to fix the mess the teenagers caused. I hate teenagers who do things like that to have fun, and whoever said this is partly what gives teenagers such bad reputation, I agree.


Thanks for the sig, Runesmithie :)

RIP Steve Irwin

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was being put against the wall scarier than "mom, you need to pay $200 coz i threw a snowball at a minivan"
If my son asked me to pay for his fine after damaging property he must be having a laugh. He'd have to work off every single penny of that $200 :x



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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