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Right or Wrong?


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I just want to clarify this beforehand that I am not in either DI or DS, so I wonÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t be biased in my argument regarding the DS Members List being shown in the Public Boards in DI forums.








I also apologize for the late thread, I only saw the member list posted there a few hours ago as I have only just been informed about it.








First off, IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ve always respected both clans equally. IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ve never been biased during Forum chats regarding these two clans, but IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ve never been so disgusted, ever, by what DI (specifically - Woodly) is doing right now.








Anyone who keeps up regularly on clan forums would know, generally, about the friendly rivalry between DS and DI. (Not unlike that of Gryffindor and Slytherin.) However, I think that DI has taken it just a little too far this time.








With just a post of:








Woodly has revealed one of the most essential information of DS for the anyone to see because he was ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬Åfed up with them saying ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¹Ãâour member list is a secretÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ bsÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

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Why Is This Here








Yes so this post is taken word for word off of RSC (which is why it is quoted), so no need to read it again if you already have. By posting this here I hope to achieve or ammend a couple things not already explained or not able to be conisdered on other forums. Firstly, one reason for posting here is that it is something I think everyone should consider. I believe that because DI made our memberlist public their critisicm should be viewed and also given by the public. Another reason for posting here is not because it has not been posted anywhere else (infact it has been posted on two very popular fan pages), it is because the places where it was posted, DI and RSC, are run by or atleast predominantly controlled by DI members. And well the last reason is kind of simple, it looks like it is about to be locked on RSC, and it already has been on DI (after being pinned).








What I Hope to Achieve With This Post








Well first I think DI deserves the humiliation of being so dumb. Yes, if it were up to me and not against Tip It rules I would turn this into a flame war and desecrate all the morons with words, but thats not going to happen. I think if this matter was actually discussed, we could all take something away from this, and maybe even learn a couple things about some of clans/members out there in the community.








Questions To Consider








Looking at the RSC forums I noticed there were alot of questions that had arisen. Some were not answered at all, and some were not answered to enough to my satisfaction, so I' will address them here.








[b]Was it right for DI to take DS memberlist for themselves?[/b]

[b]Was it right for DI to pin DS memberlist in public?[/b]

[b]Was it right for DI to send spies into DS?[/b]

[b]Do you believe DI deserves a war with DS?[/b]

[b]Do you believe DS deserves a war with DI?[/b]

[b]Do you believe it would be acceptable for a clan to post important information on public boards (not including memberlists)?[/b]

[b]Was this done in spite of DS or was it done in order to benefit DI/clan world?[/b] 

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The way I see its blackmail in a way.In the first pic,you see Woodly saying 'I will keep it posted here until Ds decides to make it public on their boards'.








I personally see this as another cheapshot from Di.Every clan that has challenged Di's power or became a threat they began a forum propaganda war with.They did this with Td,Zf,Gladz,Ds,and Rsd.








Di when they cant win a war in the wildy take it to the forums.Still wont accept Gladz war -.-.Not to mention Woodly is the self-proclaimed God of the Wildy.








Anyways,Ds should just ignore Di.They like the attention and flame clans they cant beat,and it sucks to have them on Msn especially with their 'Help world 64 hut' nonsense :P

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Yes I understand why you would say to just ignore it. However, I think one of the things that stands DS apart from other clans that have warred and beaten DI, is that we do not stand for this crap. I believe that we intelligently and profficiently prove DI wrong, and that is why we are not only still standing, but are also the reason to why DI has lost power (in revelance to everyone else) in the past year.

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I think discussing matters such as this do change things. Have you not noticed the clans community reaction changes to DI over the past year. Have you ever thought to attribute this to anything? Maybe it is because DS enjoys discussing DI's impracticalites?








Besides, I think I was already quite clear in my reasons for posting this here. I believe a flame war is entirely avoidable, which is why I asked for a discussion and not directionless comments.

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Answer me this then. Why did DS feel it nescessary to hide your members list? And dont' tell me you have your reasons, I want to know why. Why kick up such a fuss unless you have some kind of hidden agenda, or some reason that i can't see/understand for wanting your precious members to remain anonomous.

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If DS chooses to make a descision regarding their clan ,and their clan only, then why does DI claim the responsibility to mitigate that desiscion? To be honest I really do not know why the DS memberlist is not posted in public, and quite frankly, I really would not care about it either way. The fact of the matter is that DI thought it was right to put spies in DS and take that responsibility apon themselves, even when DS obviously did not approve.

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Got 1/4 through your post and figured it was just a big cry fest and didnt bother reading the rest =\








Whats the big deal bout knowing DS member list seriously, have they got something to hide? cause thats how it seems otherwise they wouldnt worry.








"Omgz0rz they have out top sekretz list!! we finished irl =("

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yeah di members flame people on their forums cos they know they'll get owned if they do flame fest in a public forum












i can own everyone in there thats why u dont see anyone tryin to mess with me :lol:



Stunner is in the house! Make some noise please?

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both clans should disband! omgwtfwhocaresisurelydont

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Hmm, I take it that it's the idea that counts?




I doubt that DS would really hate it that their memberlist would be public, it is just weird that DI made it public.




What does DI gain from this? Nothing really...












DDA, if I were you, I'd do the same with them, get a spy and post information from their forum on public until they remove the memberlist.

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Hmm, I take it that it's the idea that counts?




I doubt that DS would really hate it that their memberlist would be public, it is just weird that DI made it public.




What does DI gain from this? Nothing really...












DDA, if I were you, I'd do the same with them, get a spy and post information from their forum on public until they remove the memberlist.








Or declare war so Di would decline yet another war.

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Hmm, I take it that it's the idea that counts?




I doubt that DS would really hate it that their memberlist would be public, it is just weird that DI made it public.




What does DI gain from this? Nothing really...












DDA, if I were you, I'd do the same with them, get a spy and post information from their forum on public until they remove the memberlist.








Its BEEN removed & they KNOW its been removed.




There just milking this for all they can.




Few dozen more sympathy posts might work yall get busy :D

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This has been dragged on long enough, as Kelly said it was removed, keep crying about it and I will put it back up.








Question for DS though that you guys never answered between all your crying. What are YOU going to do about ? 8)

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This has been dragged on long enough, as Kelly said it was removed, keep crying about it and I will put it back up.








Question for DS though that you guys never answered between all your crying. What are YOU going to do about ? 8)








Hopefully not what Di has done with Gladz and Sa :D

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This has been dragged on long enough, as Kelly said it was removed, keep crying about it and I will put it back up.








Question for DS though that you guys never answered between all your crying. What are YOU going to do about ? 8)








Hopefully not what Di has done with Gladz and Sa :D








Beat them in nearly every fight we have with them? Is that what you mean slicer?

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This has been dragged on long enough, as Kelly said it was removed, keep crying about it and I will put it back up.








Question for DS though that you guys never answered between all your crying. What are YOU going to do about ? 8)








Hopefully not what Di has done with Gladz and Sa :D








Beat them in nearly every fight we have with them? Is that what you mean slicer?








I was going more toward's decline every single war offered since the Ds war loss :D See until you lost that war it was 'War us or shut up' and lately its been 'War us on our time if you have less then 200 members and a max 7 day prep or shut up' :D

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