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Jagex gets rich from MACROERS?


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I am bumping this in the hopes that Paul will see this and respond either here or in-game:




I would like to ask if I could post screenshots of our conversation. I learned a lot and would like to share that knowledge with your permission. I wanted to ask as a simple common courtesy since I ask everybody that I talk to prior to posting. I hope that you contact me and say yes so that I can share what I learned about your views on macroers and a little on barrowing. Thank you in advance.








(Yes, people, he does read these forums. This thread is why he contacted me.)


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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I am bumping this in the hopes that Paul will see this and respond either here or in-game:




I would like to ask if I could post screenshots of our conversation. I learned a lot and would like to share that knowledge with your permission. I wanted to ask as a simple common courtesy since I ask everybody that I talk to prior to posting. I hope that you contact me and say yes so that I can share what I learned about your views on macroers and a little on barrowing. Thank you in advance.








(Yes, people, he does read these forums. This thread is why he contacted me.)








I am bumping this one final time in hopes of the above. Please respond because you gave me very useful information that I would like to apply to my original message. :)


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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i read it all and i am impressed economically that sounds sound and possible, but companys are starting to put so much into moral things these days that maby in the past they did this once there were starting out so make the money to keep going but now rs is such a huge beast of a game do they really need the extra money? seems unlikly but yet again very interesting

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... companys are starting to put so much into moral things these days ...








A vast majority of companies around the world are doing immoral things in the name of profit.




Child slave labor is used to sell us all clothing as profitably as possible. Drug company disclaimers warn of of serious side effects and "in some rare cases death", but they keep on pushing that drug. Chemical companies pollute our planet and make us all sick just to sell us shampoo, make-up, house cleaners and industrial materials. Recently search engine companies have shown an interest in helping communists suppress human rights issues because "we have to abide by their laws". Most of these companies pay off our governments to keep restrictions low.








Jagex is no different and you are very confused thinking their banning cheaters is a moral action. By banning these people Jagex is attracting a larger number of customers who feel the issue of cheating is important.




Heres a moral issue. Jagex knows that most of their players are under the age of 18 with 48% under the age of 15. Yet they show banner adds with sexual innuendo and do not respond to complaints about it.








Of course morality is subjective.

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  • 2 months later...

I agree that there might be a conspiracy to this. I mean heck Jagex bans a fresh macro account. That just paid them 5 bucks. Then immediately that person signs up another macroer. Thats another 5 bucks. repeat. Say a person had 10 autoers on daily and each day 1 would be banned. Flax pickers as an example can make 1mil a day picking flax. On the flax thread they stated that people would make 10 bucks selling the 1mil cash. So lets do the math. 10 accounts = 50 bucks. 10mil = 100 bucks. 50 dollar profit per DAY. do that 365 days a year and thats 18250 bucks a year. Heck thats more then I make at my lousy job. As long as jagex keeps having their money coming in I doubt they will do much more then the occasional banning spree to make it seem like they are doing a good job. No offense jagex but I am highly paranoid about conspiracy theories and in fact search em out. Please don't let it be true.

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I did read your post at whole, not the replys tought.




I must say, that it makes sence, but I don't belive in that.




In RSC times I remember people thinking that they won't ban members, and thats why members are so high levels, they magro. However, trust me they did ban them.


On a second point, there are LOTS of f2p magorers, Jagex just can't handle them all. There are companies (yes companies as jagex) that simply magros with penty of pcs and sells the cash for irl cash. They make a lot of money that way, and turst me, they know how to change IPs etc. so Jagex has no change to track them down.


No matter how hard jagex trys, they can't really dtect all of them.


But instead of banning those who sell the cash, they have started to ban those who buy it. Thats much more easy way to stop it, and when its clear that you get banned for buying cash, no one will buy it, and the problem will go away.




On an other note, Jagex don't aim to get as much cash as possible.


How do I know?


If they wanted a lot of cash.. I mean a lot, what would be the best way?


They would start to sell RS itmes THEYRSELF.


Much more people would actually buy them, and if those magroers make profit with it, even paying members and internet, sure Jagex would also.




So afterall I need to disagree with you




Btw my favorite vegetable stay secret (you dont get this unless you did read the whole post)





Proud Blacknight since 2004 September

Blacknights Elder since 2005 September

Blacknights Warlord/council 2005-2007

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Look at it this way. The macroers buy membership for multiple accounts, macro. Jagex bans them. But they STILL get to keep the $5 the macroers paid in the beginning!




Then the macroers make more members account, pay. Banhammer. More money for Jagex!




It's doing good for RS AND Jagex's need of money.

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You put across a good argument, but I can't completely agree. I wouldn't say that JAGeX encourages macroers directly; they don't need to.




One look at eBay for example is enough for any guy to think 'Wow, I can make money here from setting up an autoclicker!'




Favourite Vegetable?




Uh, not too sure... Probably Sweetcorn :)

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So if these companies make so much money by selling gp for real money, who are all the players that buy the gp? I mean it cannot be just a few players. There must be a large percentage of people who buy gp for dollars otherwise it wouldn't be profitable?




Who is buying the gp and why? Don't you know it is just a game and you are ruining it for other people? How can you be so selfish?

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by the way i think they are completely wrong about finding it very easy to find and ban macroers. I know a real life friend that did it, ie. leaving it on for ages while they were at school. Were they banned? have a guess. ;)

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To the above people read the replies everything is mentioned there.




Anywho, this topic is rather old to be bumped but since the deed has already been done... I told ya' so, na-na-na-na-na! Lol jk. It is funny how this topic becomes strangely pertinent when the autoers are getting pushed AWAY from free players and TOO members. They get to fatten their wallet even more from macroers now. It will come to a point where there are so many macroers at yews that it will not be worth the effort to auto (let alone HONESTLY cut them) or jagex will "pure"ifiy them but either way all macroers are destined for p2p... and they can afford it with the money they are making.




I am much too tired to get into this right now but perhaps later. :twisted:


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Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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Why would Jagex make someone else get them money when they can do it themselves?


Jagex can easily make a million gp. Just go in their Java programs and wala, 1 mil. With the 1 mil they can post at e-bay or where ever and sell it. They can give the buyer a wrong pass, and then Jagex keeps the money and the 1 mil gp. No one will know it was them, since they can make a account. This would probably discourage cheaters buying GP online and get Jagex money. So they are against Autoers.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Why would Jagex make someone else get them money when they can do it themselves?


Jagex can easily make a million gp. Just go in their Java programs and wala, 1 mil. With the 1 mil they can post at e-bay or where ever and sell it. They can give the buyer a wrong pass, and then Jagex keeps the money and the 1 mil gp. No one will know it was them, since they can make a account. This would probably discourage cheaters buying GP online and get Jagex money. So they are against Autoers.




If this were common practice and got leaked by somebody with morals the game would become an instant ghost town. They obviously cannot risk that on a massive scale because it would cause instant hatred of Jagex by any honest gamer. Even IF they did the things that I said were POSSIBLE (except the "dark" part lol) it might disgruntle a few but most would continue to play especially if Jagex showed some effort in changing.


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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I agree with that 100%.




If they wanted to stop macroers, they could jsut shutdown every cheat site there is. All of the sites have bots, scripts, copyrighted ingame pics, and most of them have illegal things such as wareZ or people selling porno membership. But they need the autoers to bring in the money, so they shut down a few, but leave up most of them to keep the autoers coming. And no doubt, they've probably made their own P2P scripts and released them onto the net.







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Also, they won't purify yews, they will just lower the high alchemy value of a yew long bow and... higher the one of the magic longbow (P2P, hint hint)




Whatever they do it will involve f2p or all yews being worthless. I just don't see why they don't put npcs to kill off anything below combat 50 or so. Skill pures will suffer but they are a small portion and they suffer even more from bad prices for their products anyway.




Since most bots work off of colors why don't they throw in a gazillion random "bank teller" color pixels around banks? Sure it might make it look a tad odd but it would confuse the hell out of the bots, lol.


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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Ive been saying for a long time how jagex is much more slow to ban members because of the $$$. They can curse more, spc bar train, multi log, mule, and macro quite a bit before they even think about doing anything and this goes all the way back to classic times. Lima beans mm :wink: mm

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Ive been saying for a long time how jagex is much more slow to ban members because of the $$$. They can curse more, spc bar train, multi log, mule, and macro quite a bit before they even think about doing anything and this goes all the way back to classic times. Lima beans mm :wink: mm




+1 generally speaking






I can't really rag on them for prioritizing the banning of f2p as opposed to p2p. It makes sense to ban the rulebreakers that are costing you money as opposed to those who are MAKING you money. I couldn't have said it any better than Paul did:








P.S. My hard drive is garbage now so I lost the other screenies that I mentioned before. I asked Paul's permission to post screenies of our conversations (not because he is "Paul" but because it is common courtesy) and he said (basically) "Yes, as long as they don't have me dissing customer service, hehe." which I have NEVER seen him do, btw. We don't have exactly the same views nor see eye to eye about every topic but we are both friendly and respectful to each other which GREATLY helps in our discussions.




Oh, I was reporting flax macroers while chatting with him. The ones with "flax" in their name REALLY irks me. :x


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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Ive been saying for a long time how jagex is much more slow to ban members because of the $$$. They can curse more, spc bar train, multi log, mule, and macro quite a bit before they even think about doing anything and this goes all the way back to classic times. Lima beans mm :wink: mm




+1 generally speaking






I can't really rag on them for prioritizing the banning of f2p as opposed to p2p. It makes sense to ban the rulebreakers that are costing you money as opposed to those who are MAKING you money. I couldn't have said it any better than Paul did:








P.S. My hard drive is garbage now so I lost the other screenies that I mentioned before. I asked Paul's permission to post screenies of our conversations (not because he is "Paul" but because it is common courtesy) and he said (basically) "Yes, as long as they don't have me dissing customer service, hehe." which I have NEVER seen him do, btw. We don't have exactly the same views nor see eye to eye about every topic but we are both friendly and respectful to each other which GREATLY helps in our discussions.




Oh, I was reporting flax macroers while chatting with him. The ones with "flax" in their name REALLY erks me. :x




It's spelt irk. Not erk.

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It's spelt irk. Not erk.




Ummm... thank you? I am all about correcting my mistakes but that hardly necessitated a post. A pm or a ps would have sufficed. I did misspell "irk" but if that was the only thing you got from that post you might want to reread it. Not trying to flame ya' but that was superfluous.


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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Ive been saying for a long time how jagex is much more slow to ban members because of the $$$. They can curse more, spc bar train, multi log, mule, and macro quite a bit before they even think about doing anything and this goes all the way back to classic times. Lima beans mm :wink: mm




+1 generally speaking






I can't really rag on them for prioritizing the banning of f2p as opposed to p2p. It makes sense to ban the rulebreakers that are costing you money as opposed to those who are MAKING you money. I couldn't have said it any better than Paul did:








P.S. My hard drive is garbage now so I lost the other screenies that I mentioned before. I asked Paul's permission to post screenies of our conversations (not because he is "Paul" but because it is common courtesy) and he said (basically) "Yes, as long as they don't have me dissing customer service, hehe." which I have NEVER seen him do, btw. We don't have exactly the same views nor see eye to eye about every topic but we are both friendly and respectful to each other which GREATLY helps in our discussions.




Oh, I was reporting flax macroers while chatting with him. The ones with "flax" in their name REALLY irks me. :x




Wow. A confirmation from the man himself. :shock: Seriously theres only 15 ppl that do that? and they monitor 2mil ppl? No wonder they got their hands full. You must be a top tiered player mod to have Paul on your list. Ive been playing over 4 years and ive never met a jagex mod. Btw the past tense of read is also spelled read. It's just pronounced differently. :)

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Wow. A confirmation from the man himself. :shock: Seriously theres only 15 ppl that do that? and they monitor 2mil ppl? No wonder they got their hands full. You must be a top tiered player mod to have Paul on your list. Ive been playing over 4 years and ive never met a jagex mod. Btw the past tense of read is also spelled read. It's just pronounced differently. :)




Hardly a top-tiered player myself. He simply read this thread and contacted me in-game.




Oh yeah, I was telling him to "re"-read it as in read it again.


Reread - v : read anew; read again


At least you had a useful post while correcting me though, lol.


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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....long thread is making my eyes hurt...


I have to say that autoers are slowly taking over the game, and Jagex, from a company's standpoint, is all about the money They should hire more people/more mods.

Currently P2P.


I don't want the world to see me, 'cause I don't think that they'd understand.


Formerly known as: Ghstkill8, Serene Ghst, Genius Goats

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