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Would you like an alternative place to chat? Come to the Officail Nintendo303 forum. Here you can talk about Runescape, Nintendo games, or the Upcoming game i am working on called HERO.


To visit the forum click the following link






Dont forget to sign up!! we have unique ranks and a great staff!!




Also visit the website nintendo303 by clicking the following link.






Have fun cruising our forums and site. hope to see all of you there!!!

Nintendo303 - A Gamers Community (Currently Being rebuilt)

Dudes..I own and so does Miley Cyrus

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hey guys, im guessing alot of you dont like the update that killed the wild.y i realised that we will never be able to do what we used to do again so i quickly made a website and added loads of videos of runescape pking to it. i watched some of them and a tear came to my eye. it struck me. its over. runescape pking will truly NEVER be the same. this is why i want to make sure everyone can watch these videos and be happy the way i did.




anyway the website is http://www.runescapevideo.com i think you should check it out. i put alot of effort into making it so please tell me what you think of it. btw i try to add more and more videos daily after i come home from school but sometimes i have too much homework :wall:



visit http://www.runescapevideo.com for all of the old pking videos MAKE SURE U VISIT IT!

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hey guys, im guessing alot of you dont like the update that killed the wild.y i realised that we will never be able to do what we used to do again so i quickly made a website and added loads of videos of runescape pking to it. i watched some of them and a tear came to my eye. it struck me. its over. runescape pking will truly NEVER be the same. this is why i want to make sure everyone can watch these videos and be happy the way i did.




anyway the website is http://www.runescapevideo.com i think you should check it out. i put alot of effort into making it so please tell me what you think of it. btw i try to add more and more videos daily after i come home from school but sometimes i have too much homework :wall:






Thanks for posting this here. :D




As for your website, I've only browsed through it for a couple of minutes, but it seems like an excellent site, a job well done!

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hey guys, im guessing alot of you dont like the update that killed the wild.y i realised that we will never be able to do what we used to do again so i quickly made a website and added loads of videos of runescape pking to it. i watched some of them and a tear came to my eye. it struck me. its over. runescape pking will truly NEVER be the same. this is why i want to make sure everyone can watch these videos and be happy the way i did.




anyway the website is http://www.runescapevideo.com i think you should check it out. i put alot of effort into making it so please tell me what you think of it. btw i try to add more and more videos daily after i come home from school but sometimes i have too much homework :wall:






Thanks for posting this here. :D




As for your website, I've only browsed through it for a couple of minutes, but it seems like an excellent site, a job well done!




thanks, make sure you tell your friends about it! \:D/

visit http://www.runescapevideo.com for all of the old pking videos MAKE SURE U VISIT IT!

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We're a growing gaming community, so if you'd like to sign up, click here. We have over 100 members! Feel free to talk about your favorite video games, and from any company. YouÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢re not limited to Nintendo. Feel free to talk about your favorite xbox360, ps3, etc., games. If you ever feel like chatting about other things, our general discussion board is open too.






-Fully customizable signatures. You can even have pictures and links in it right off the bat. Add little pets to it if youÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢d like.


-Fully customizable avatars which can be up to 100x100 in size.


-Ink Shop: Have a signature or avatar made just for you.


-ShoutOut Box


-Various Boards


-Poll: Create a poll for other members to vote in.


-PM - Private Messaging System


-Member Contests and Games


-Skin Selector: Don't like the look of the forum? We have more forum skins to choose from. As of right now, we have 10+ skins to fit your style.


-Store & Money system: You get ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅstarbucksÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

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RuneScape Statistics Facebook Application




Hello all, I'm posting about my new, unique, Facebook application, the application will allow you to add your characters statistics to your Facebook profile and from there display your stats to your friends, you can also use the compare feature and compare your statistics with your facebook friends that have the application. From looking at the Application directory, this is the only RuneScape facebook application, so if you use Facebook, why not add it?




Add The RuneScape Statistics Facebook Application


Just a small update, hit 500 users on the application today! (503 to be exact as of this post)

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Is a community that former Putfile.Com members formed because the Putfile forums got removed and replaced by a badly designed, non moderated chat.




But we need members, i'm not here to steal TIF's members (but if we got the activity as TIF it'd be nice ;) )


I'm just asking for a few members to post, and maybe become active posters. Tell your friends. Please!

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Forum Ads: Top Site List






Do you need traffic on your forum/site? Do you want to boost activity, or maybe even affiliate your site with others? Well, get your forum's name heard at Forum Ads: Top Site List. In this program, you create an account, and post a Vote for Us sign on your website. As members vote, your ad goes higher and higher into the list. The higher your ad, the more people will see it. You have nothing to lose, so boost activity on your site and visit Forum Ads: Top Site List at








Register today! It's completely free!

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hey guys, im guessing alot of you dont like the update that killed the wild.y i realised that we will never be able to do what we used to do again so i quickly made a website and added loads of videos of runescape pking to it. i watched some of them and a tear came to my eye. it struck me. its over. runescape pking will truly NEVER be the same. this is why i want to make sure everyone can watch these videos and be happy the way i did.




anyway the website is http://www.runescapevideo.com i think you should check it out. i put alot of effort into making it so please tell me what you think of it. btw i try to add more and more videos daily after i come home from school but sometimes i have too much homework :wall:






Thanks for posting this here. :D




As for your website, I've only browsed through it for a couple of minutes, but it seems like an excellent site, a job well done!




thanks, make sure you tell your friends about it! \:D/




Very nice site, good job :)

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Website up and running:








We have now created clan forums and we are in the proccess of totally pimping them.




http://z15.invisionfree.com/Call_Of_Def ... hp?act=idx








Timber Wolf (Lord Arcane)




Nemesis (Il Deoxys Il)




We have sorted out our rules and our application. We are open and recruiting!




Spread the word!






Everyone, with a forum account or otherwise, must keep to these forum rules or they will be suspended, and possibly IP banned.




Rule 1: Respect


Respect all other forum users. Any abuse or flaming will not be tolerated.


This rule is to save petty disputes from disrupting the environment and to prevent anyone leaving due to other peoples behavior.




Rule 2: Maturity


Be mature. That means no porn or nudity, no abuse of swears and certainly no racism. The censor exists to block any unacceptable swears and any abuse of it will result in a temporary posting ban. If abuse occurs repeatedly, it will result in a forum ban. We trust our users to be mature, so we have allowed light swears as a privilege, but if abused, it will be removed.




Rule 3: Spamming


No spamming. If you repeatedly make worthless posts, you will receive a temporary posting ban, the length of which will depend on the severity of the spam. If you repeatedly spam, you could get a temporary forum ban, and if things come to the worst, you may even be removed from the forums.




Rule 4: Ingame Conduct


All members must show respect to others, in the clan or not. We are not forbidding competitiveness, just keep it clean. If any cheaters are found, you will be IP banned from the forums and permanently banned from the clan. We do not want to be associated with cheaters, and therefore, cheating will not be tolerated. No exceptions will be made, even if a founder cheats, they will be banned.






If you have any suggestions or complaints about the rules, feel free to private message an admin.




The code for people joining the clan:

[b]I am not a robot, but i can dance like one.[/b]










Please join, today!

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