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What's your beef?


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just tell me what makes you really ticked about runescapes many citizens who dont have the decency to care about what you are doing and go and ruin your training/money making/ect.








e.i. mine is...i absolutely hate it when you are training at the rock crabs and the people who are heading to the waterbirth island dungeon just walk right through the 3 rock crabs and totally scatter them everywhere




bringing your training to a halt

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Ugh were do I start?












Well there are the Noobs who will call anyone a noob just because they are killed by that player in wilderness, duel arena, Castle Wars ECT. The other people using the word noob for no apparant reason claiming to own everyone and anyone because they are a fairly high level.












Then there are the people who moan while I am training if I get to something first or if I cut things down fast as I WC mainly, Or the ones going round shouting " (insert skill here) lvls!!!!!!11111eleven!!!one!!11" and are generally annoying while I am trying to get along training, most people would say put private chat on friends or off, however it is hard to belive every now and then you see a decent person to have a friendly chat with and eventually become good friends, a reason why I play RuneScape.












The last type are Scammers, Autoers and Hackers, the ones with blatant disrespect and disregards to peoples hard work even though it is a few pixels it means alot to some people. They are just lazy people wanting to get good at a game quick and personally, SHOULD BE SHOT! well banned from any MMORPG.








If you did actually read if those people were removed from runescape I hope you will agree that it will be a very very good community if that isnt 80% of the community gone.

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I actually started RuneScape as one myself but unfortunatly I found myself to be the exception, not the rule to most players in the game. Marketing to Miniclip was probably the worst thing Jagex could have done to the community.



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the first of two types i hate most are those that run around the training spots calling everyone a noob and then laugh when they "steal" a monster first.








the other type i hate are scammers who do the most obvious scams. like they nk that no ones ever seen those before and theyre such a genious for doing them :roll:

I couldn't care less if he was Andrew Gower himself, I just don't like arrogant smegheads.
*in the voice of the comic book guy from the simpsons* best. quote. EVER! :thumbsup:
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I hate it when I'm mining and someone who's using a lower pick than me calls me a noob or says that I'm mean just because they didn't get the ore. It's not like I was all "Oh haha I got it" or anything, I usually don't say anying to them at all. It bugs the heck out of me...

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Lets see where to start...












1. People in mutil-combat areas, where there are plenty of NPCs, who "help", and when I say "No help please" reply "I need the xp". If they don't have a high enough combat lvl to fight those NPCs, then they should go fight lower lvl NPCs. :evil:








2. People who refuse to share rocks when mining, even though there is enough for both of us to have 3 or 4 rocks to our selves. :x








3. Male players who follow me around asking to be my bf and when I say no they call me names or say I'm gay for not wanting them. :roll:








4. Newbies who beg for money and continue to beg me even after I've listed ten ways for them make money on their own. :x








5. Anyone who autos, scams, or cheats any other way. :evil:








Believe this list is sufficent.

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I get annoyed with beggars a lot. I'll try to inform them in an assertive way that they could be bettering themselves much more if they were to take the time and skill train so they could make some cash. I'm even willing to give advice on where to train if they need it. But no. Then, just when it seems I've gotten through to them, they ask to be friends. Skeptical but willing to give them the benifit of the doubt, I'll agree on the terms that they don't ask for stuff. Less than two minutes later they will be like, " So.... Can I have some money?"











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jagex mods, they are banning people for stupid reasons. They complain that autoers are ruining there game, infact it is them that are doing that job all by themselves.

Wow - Zuu - Lvl 55 Destructo Lock - Neptulon


Rattus Jr - Skill totaler Nub ( Zuu's Back)


Archer003 - 92 80 99 92hp Rsc trained

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jagex mods, they are banning people for stupid reasons. They complain that autoers are ruining there game, infact it is them that are doing that job all by themselves.








If no autoers were involved whatsoever, they wouldn't be monitoring so closely in the first place. While I do agree some people have been banned for silly reasons, I also believe its possible not everyone claiming that is telling the whole story.
















Although I did hear someone mention they got banned for saying google. Thats just lame.



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First, I hate arrogant kids who think they "Own", because they have more time to click then i do.








Next, I hate people who attack the tzhaars while you are, I have a theory that i think i'm pretty correct at, and thats if someone helps you with it, you wont get a tzhaar drop(no proof, just a theory). Also due to the fact they don't always drop something, i have no clue if they got the drop, or if it didnt drop anything at all.








I also hate players that play through miniclip, but mostly of all, I hate miniclipers that say they hate miniclipers, but they are an exception to their "Standards".








EDIT: OK this is weird, i went through and read the thread after i posted, and i read the player who made a perfect example for me, anti-Minicliper Minicliper!

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What burns me most of all is P2P players who come on to a free world with their full dragon, god book, dragonstone ammy, god cape, and 50M gp to show off in front of the F2P community.

the russians are the best! Hands down!
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hackers, scammers, "friends", beggars, yadayadayada








ppl who run around actually thinking im a moron based on my SN




rsn: morionic guy








people who constantly think im actually stupid enuf to accidentally mispell moronic...








people who run around ticking people off for the sake of ticking people off...








people who accuse me for being a noob because one of my stats isnt good enough for "someone of my level"








people who call u a nerd, tell u u dont have a life...








the list goes on... and on... and on...

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