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RIP Shiva Discussion thread.


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i never knew shiva, but i saw that character pass by once, he never knew me, but he still just stopped and said hello, how is your day? i was shocked when he said it, but he just kept walking before i said anything, i will surely miss him, may he rest in peace








*peace sign* peace man, you were a great guy :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:


Rest In Peace Sampson

Never forget: 11-20-06

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never knew the fella but i fealt saddend from the news




us aussies have a peom for remberance day and i think it would be a good poem to rember him it has been tinkered with he will be missed :( :( :(












" He shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old:




Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.




At the going down of the sun and in the morning,




We will remember him."

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Just a small reminder for posters - please respect this thread and not try to start arguments here. It's the least you can do.




If you don't have anything nice to say then don't bother posting.












I'm sorry Phil, Just had to say something to him about what he said.












R.I.P Shiva, The world lost another good man.

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awn lightning told me about this and just like me alot of other ppl who i told were very upset








:( he was a good friend .... me and him and thehate and several others used to play in world 2 castle wars all day for a long time








he was very helpful to others and unfortunatly i became f2p a month and a week before ..., and i didnt got the chance to talk to him nomore before he ... :cry:

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i never met the guy sad to say... but when i heard about this on the news, since i live right near where his body was found i was shocked. I even read this article http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/06013/637277.stm the day i heard about this, a month later only to find out that the Tip.It crew, fellow rs players, and other members of the tip.it forums new him. I had NO idea that he played RS and chilled on the forums here. I was just so interested in it because this happend right where i live. I regret that i never got to meet him but im sure he is in a better place




























R.I.P. Shiva 'Anarith' Kumar

70+ all skills. 17/24 skills 75+

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I never knew about him, but it is a real wakeup call that people can and will die. I'm simply dumbfounded at the fact that someone that was actually part of the runescape community died. I mean I know it must happen, but like this. So deeply saddening. Going to honor him in my signature as everyone should. He needs to be remembered. If we remember him he can never truly die. May he live on in spirit.

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Oh my god...I thought Shiva left RS when I read the title. I didn't think it was as serious as this. I remember Anarith so well...always dropping all the good stuff at the drop parties...I hope he didn't kill himself, and if someone did kill him, I hope they die a horrible, Greataxe-induced death.
















same here :cry: :( :cry:


Listen to the mighty words of Bloodredsword.

Tip it MGC Xbox live leader board!

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oh, wow. i remember seeing his posts on some of the threads i would browse. i even remember how insightful he was. i wish i had met him in rs. this is a great loss.












why had it taken a month to confirm this? just curious.

proud quest cape owner

here's my first post on the TIF (scroll to the bottom)

feel free to pm me, but do make sure that i know you're a Tip.It user (in other words, give me a HYT)


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Life is a strange thing. Just as mysteriously as it is handed to us, it is ripped from our arms. Though i never met him, i feel saddened by his depart from our earth. Heres wishing him a peacefull rest and support to his loved ones.








Rip Shiva








wow thats deep...well said m8


Listen to the mighty words of Bloodredsword.

Tip it MGC Xbox live leader board!

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i am so sorry for u guys,




i hope u still can find light in these dark days......








and i wish good luck to you all who have known him very well










Natural Chemist: To addicting


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edit by Lightning




dont worry about what he said hun. Ignore it please












wow :shock:

Hey Nicrune007 , Whats Your Username?


99 Ranged on 2/6/07 99 Hit Points on 9/5/08 99 Defense on 26/4/08 99 Attack on 14/2/09 99 Strength on 25/2/09 99 Slayer on 13/9/09\:D/

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I'm so sorry to hear this. Shiva was truly great, one of the best posters here, and whenever i saw that unique sig of his, i knew i wouldn't have to suffer through bad grammar or flaming, but that i was going to see an insightful and smart thought of his.








Rest In Peace. I hope you know how much you will be missed.

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deleted what he said...












he was only 18 years old, so get your facts right KID








and if you have nothing better to say you might wanna avoid posting here :oops: didn't some admin said anyone who posted trash here will be banned

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I don't really know Shiva. So I looked up some of his posts, from what I read he was a really helpful guy. It was really weird to read posts of a user whom you know who had died, so I stopped reading fast. It's terrible when a fellow forumer/scaper dies, it's quite scary to be honest.












My condolences to his family and friends.








R.I.P. Shiva.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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