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Rating Avatars Game


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..I don't get the avatar.. and it's not funny. Good effort though I reckon. 2/10.




Looks decent for a pixel.. I just don't know what the hand is holding. Looks like a rune paintbrush to me. :D








(Not many people get my avatar right away)




It's a Rune pickaxe ::'




:D Ohhhh! Ok. :)


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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You dont have an avvy :shame: so I'll do the one above that. I still like the cat, maybe because I havent seen it elsewhere, and maybe because I like ot leave an avvatar the same for alon time (this is my seccond since I joined and it was only changed a week ago). 8/10

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