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party hats! party hats!


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what is it wid party hats!?




theyre worth 1gp when they alch and theyre like 50m+ how are we meant to earn all dat?! i mean come on a blue party hat is 210m! if u die u will lose 210m! and theyre still rising! (however they do look cool) reply if u agree wid me =[)

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blues arent 210 if ur real lucky u might get 200... but there between 150-180 right now. But most people that play runescape now wont be able to afford them. Only people are merchants, stakers, or people that have already had them... or if u play 24/7 other than that i doubt ull get one

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The reason Party Hats are so expensive is because they were a one time drop. You can no longer get them from drops, monsters the only way to get them is by trading with other players. This means that there is only a certain amount in existance. Now, if someone drops, get killed, gets banned, or quits Runescape that means that there will be one less (or more) party hats in existance.


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Why have you got a party hat avatar if you don't agree with their prices or own one?


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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p hats are to expensive yes, but not many people are bothered with them as they do nothing, they where dropped like 2 or 3 years ago at x mas. they sl;owly went up. Along came the dupe of p hats they went down to 200k. After the mass ban etc they all sky rocketed. They will continue to go up until there is 0 of them left

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p hats are to expensive yes, but not many people are bothered with them as they do nothing, they where dropped like 2 or 3 years ago at x mas. they sl;owly went up. Along came the dupe of p hats they went down to 200k. After the mass ban etc they all sky rocketed. They will continue to go up until there is 0 of them left




was dropped at cristmas 01 was second holiday drop



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Why is a 500 euro worth so much? It's just a piece of paper...




It's a question of arrangements between people, and it's meantioned so many times before, that this is a useless topic. Use the search option, and you'll find enough things to read a whole evening about ' party-hats '


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Phats are very expensive, and are basically a sign of extreme wealth. If you want a rare hat get a Santa they are not to expensive and look much better then partys.

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back on my first account in rsc the rarest party hat were green ones, they sold for 6 million gp but the reason why party hats are so expensive is 1) they're rare and 2) they are a purely status symbols. They were only dropped once on christmas of '02 and Jagex decided on Easter of '04 they quit dropping tradable holiday items because the purpose of the holiday was not to make money so since then there have been no more tradable holiday items and Party Hats are now the most expensive holiday item but originally they were the least expensive selling for only 5 gp a piece. Any way thats my two cents i hope it was helpful in some way.

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back on my first account in rsc the rarest party hat were green ones, they sold for 6 million gp but the reason why party hats are so expensive is 1) they're rare and 2) they are a purely status symbols. They were only dropped once on christmas of '02 and Jagex decided on Easter of '04 they quit dropping tradable holiday items because the purpose of the holiday was not to make money so since then there have been no more tradable holiday items and Party Hats are now the most expensive holiday item but originally they were the least expensive selling for only 5 gp a piece. Any way thats my two cents i hope it was helpful in some way.




Wasn't it the pink party hat that was worth more than others before some one has explored a phat dupe?

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Many people feel like party hats cant get much higher and that there crazy at this price and that there will be a crash soon. lol i remember people saying this when blues were 80, then 100, and now. People will always complain about these pirces everytime it goes up. I also feel they will be around for quite a while.. crackers came out before them and there still around. Watch though.. when party hats reach 220-250 another post about them and their prices will come up.

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back on my first account in rsc the rarest party hat were green ones, they sold for 6 million gp but the reason why party hats are so expensive is 1) they're rare and 2) they are a purely status symbols. They were only dropped once on christmas of '02 and Jagex decided on Easter of '04 they quit dropping tradable holiday items because the purpose of the holiday was not to make money so since then there have been no more tradable holiday items and Party Hats are now the most expensive holiday item but originally they were the least expensive selling for only 5 gp a piece. Any way thats my two cents i hope it was helpful in some way.




Wasn't it the pink party hat that was worth more than others before some one has explored a phat dupe?








Yeah. Pink was the most valuable hat because some rich guy hoarded all of them and so, therefore, their prices went up. Because of this, when the dupe occurred, the dupers focused on creating Pink Party hats, thus making them the least expensive. Blue Party hats became the most expensive hat and still are today.








The reason why party hats are so expensive can be summed up in three words: Supply and Demand. Don't know what I'm talking about, look it up.

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My main got banned few weeks ago with 3 green 2 white and 1 red party hat.. O well i dont want to think about how much i lost lol :lol: :lol:


Respect- Oy_the_Great, Lode, Bubsa, Weezcake, Thrash111, Gloric, Vmser, Pianofrieak2, Runemetsa

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