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Massive 16M+ drop party.


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I know you want to read about the party first, but please take the time to read my whole post first.








I started Runescape as a level 3 (like most people do ;) ). I went wandering around runescape and ended up in the wilderness, where I died and lost my precious tinderbox and other priceless items from tutorial island. That was annoying, but was I started my wanderings again I passed a chicken farm! I killed about 5 chickens and picked up their remains, bones, carcass and all! When I was just about to leave I saw a guy saying "buying feathers 5gp each". I sold them to him and made the princely sum of 75gp. I was rich! And I knew how to get more money! Fast! I was in the feather trade, and after many dead chickens and countless shades I had full mith! I thought "Hey, how about I go pking!". I promptly lost my hard earned mith, but I was persistant and just slaughtered more chickens. I then decided to make a pu re, I sold my addy (and rune scimmy) and made a mage pure. He got hacked :mad:








I borrowed full rune and scimmy from a good friend and went pking again! This time I pked full rune and was able to give my friend his rune back.








I became a member at level 66 and was a very plain, average level 83 when I got my dragon legs from bronze dragons. The next day I killed another bronze dragon and the nice little creature gave me more!




For a month or 2 I strutted my stuff in d legs, med and zammy kite and pl8.








Then whips dropped to 5.8M!!! I sold all my stuff and bought a whip. by this time I had discovered green dragons and killed them for about 250k an hour.








I killed green drags until I had enough money for full torags.








Another friend then told me about the kq! I proceded to kill the kq with him and his team of 2 until we got a d chain on our 5th trip! That was 6.4M each. I bought a whip and d sq with the 6.4M.








I stayed like that for a while until I solod full kq for chain and bought a purple phat. I then had a purple phat and whip.








That was when I had to go on a 2 week holiday, when I came back purples had risen by 20M!!!








That was when luck kicked in again, I pked full dragon!








After that pk I had yellow phat, all barrows and whip.








That brings me to the end of my story. Im sick of runescape. I try and be a pker with honour, I do not tele while pking, I do not run from anybody within 5 levels of myself thats not pjing, I do not pray, I do not pj, I do not log I CONFORM WITH ALL THE UNWRITTEN RULES OF PKING. IF other people don't do this that is fine but when they call me a noob as I die, that is somthing I can just not accept.








People on Runescape are downright rude, I sold a whip for 2.8M (400k under priced) and the buyer just ran off without saying ty.




It's a lack of manners and it's just 1 of the reasons I am quiting. Another reason iss because it is affecting my school work.








I hope you read all that because as I have just spent 20M on a drop party for all of you I think the least you could do is read that.
















And now for the drop party info!








What: Drop party, I drop a lot of items and everybody scrabbles to pick them up!








Where: Edgeville, world 80.








When:Saturday, the 25th of January. 10am american EST. To see what time it is for you click HERE].








What I'm dropping.
















FAQ (frequently asked questions).








Can I drop items too?
















Can I use telegrab?




Feel free to, but personally I don't think it's effective.








Do you like me?








As long as your name isn't minikiltman, HELL YES!
















Final Notes.








I would like to apologise to the people listed here. I have been a [bleep] to these people and I would like to take the chhance to say a serious, Sorry.








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When:Saturday, the 25th of January. 10am american EST.








do you mean february? :P


Miami Heat 4ever fan.

Yes, i'm a girl! I like to watch NBA, so? =]]

Thanks star_in_the_sky for the AMAZING sig and eckered for the great avvy!!

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i agree that runescape is getting ruder and ruder. I get called noob at least once a day and when i pk there's all these unwritten "rules" and "laws" that u have 2 abide to. If u don't u get called a pixel hugger. The people are actually contradicting themselves because they make these "laws" so they can get more pks and more money. And that is defined as a pixel hugger. When did runescape become about rules and laws, and if u don't have at least 10mil ur a noob. :? i have played since 2003 and back then everyone was mostly nice. now everyone is incredibly rude and swear at each other 4 ages

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I agree with you about the Runescape community but i've made many good friends that keep me playing this game.




I'll be at your drop party and I'll make sure I say thanks, even if i don't get anything.




Good luck with your studies and whatever you decide to do.

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Good luck. I'll attend if not just to say bye to another player.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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When:Saturday, the 25th of January. 10am american EST.








do you mean february? :P








yea, is it meant to be feb, and i too agree that people are getting ruder in runescape, but thats no reason to quit, just ignor them and dont trade with anyone who you dont want to


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never seen anything like this before




a lvl 80 is begging for a free mask... :roll:








I had a lvel 92 follow me armound for half an hour yesterday after the tip.it slayer thing. Asking me for free things.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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i agree that runescape is getting ruder and ruder. I get called noob at least once a day and when i pk there's all these unwritten "rules" and "laws" that u have 2 abide to. If u don't u get called a pixel hugger. The people are actually contradicting themselves because they make these "laws" so they can get more pks and more money. And that is defined as a pixel hugger. When did runescape become about rules and laws, and if u don't have at least 10mil ur a noob. :? i have played since 2003 and back then everyone was mostly nice. now everyone is incredibly rude and swear at each other 4 ages








One word explains every single thing that makes today's runescape ruder then 3 years ago...MINICLIP!!!









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i do not think you should do this drop party , like people said they have quitten b4 and came back, so its still your choice but you should take some of that stuff outta the party but if u dont change your mind... is the party at drop party hall?

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i agree that runescape is getting ruder and ruder. I get called noob at least once a day and when i pk there's all these unwritten "rules" and "laws" that u have 2 abide to. If u don't u get called a pixel hugger. The people are actually contradicting themselves because they make these "laws" so they can get more pks and more money. And that is defined as a pixel hugger. When did runescape become about rules and laws, and if u don't have at least 10mil ur a noob. :? i have played since 2003 and back then everyone was mostly nice. now everyone is incredibly rude and swear at each other 4 ages








One word explains every single thing that makes today's runescape ruder then 3 years ago...MINICLIP!!!








Hey, I first learned about runescape on Mininclip, and I don't beg! That's an unfair generalization.

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i agree that runescape is getting ruder and ruder. I get called noob at least once a day and when i pk there's all these unwritten "rules" and "laws" that u have 2 abide to. If u don't u get called a pixel hugger. The people are actually contradicting themselves because they make these "laws" so they can get more pks and more money. And that is defined as a pixel hugger. When did runescape become about rules and laws, and if u don't have at least 10mil ur a noob. :? i have played since 2003 and back then everyone was mostly nice. now everyone is incredibly rude and swear at each other 4 ages








One word explains every single thing that makes today's runescape ruder then 3 years ago...MINICLIP!!!








Hey, I first learned about runescape on Mininclip, and I don't beg! That's an unfair generalization.








i found out about runescape from miniclip , and im not rude




(tell me if i am)








and whats the gmt????

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