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Do YOU believe in God?


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I dont belive in god. I think it is a made up sotry that some drunky druggey made up thousend of years ago and coz he was so drunk and highe and people did not no wat was wrong with him they belived him a wrote it all in a book. But i belive in statan and soscery, black magic and all evil and stuff like that

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you can't just live on fruit alone.. You need a balanced diet, protein.. Vegetarians wouldn't exist today without beans, cheese etc.. They wouldn't be able to survive..








And come on... you actually think there was an Adam and Eve.. Well maybe in primitive monkey form.. But the human race didn't start from 2 people.. That is litterally impossible, everything has evolved from basic single celled amoebas, in the trillions.. And eventually evolved in the certain forms depending on our habitat.. Adam and Eve is a stupid story..








Im very optimistic to things that haven't been proven to be false though, how is everything here? I believe there was a big bang, but what caused that?? who created the particles needed for that??








But if you say God made it... Heres a question for ya.. Who the hell created God?? If he was always just here, how don't you know the universe wasn't always just here?








I think that if there were only 2 people to populate billions upon billions of people, there would be some serious inbreeding and some serious f*c*ed up people. I mean how would you explain the differant races? If adam and eve were white, how the hell did blacks, hispanics, asian and any other race come about to be?








And i can predict the Christians are going to say "God is so powerful that he created himself", or some other lame answer.








With Adam and Eve, inbreeding would not have been that much of a problem. Considering they were 'good' when they were made, it's safe to assume that they had no genetic flaws. The flaws would have come over time due to the corruption of nature caused by sin. So even with all the inbreeding that would have existed early on, it would not have caused physical problems. As for skin color, many people believe that God changed the skin colors at the Tower of Babel, when he also confused the languages of the people.








In response to your second paragraph, nothing can be self-created, as that creates a logical inconsistancy. To create itself, something would have to be before it is, which is impossible. However, there is no logical inconsistancy to say something is self-existent. After all, since there is something here now, and nothing can create itself, something must be self-existent.








let me get this straight... you all believe god has just always been here, how don't you know the universe hasn't 'always existed'? :?: :?: :shock:








I would say that an eternal, infinite being must be immutable also. After all, if it is eternal, it is outside of time, and change only occurs within time. Also, if it is infinite, it cannot change, as any change in it would be towards finiteness. As you went on to explain in the rest of your post, we can observe the universe changing. Since it is changing, it is in time. Since it is in time, it is not eternal. If it is not eternal, it has a beginning. I'd say that beginning is the infinite-personal, triune God.








I dont belive in god. I think it is a made up sotry that some drunky druggey made up thousend of years ago and coz he was so drunk and highe and people did not no wat was wrong with him they belived him a wrote it all in a book. But i belive in statan and soscery, black magic and all evil and stuff like that








Let me ask you this - if the Bible was written by a drunkard, then why does it condemn drunkenness? :P



"In so far as I am Man I am the chief of creatures. In so far as I am a man I am the chief of sinners." - G.K. Chesterton

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And i can predict the Christians are going to say "God is so powerful that he created himself", or some other lame answer.








Or maybe God by definition is uncaused. Don't put words into our mouths in order to insult us.








And you say that because you didn't read my next post? Or what? I already apologized and said I am sorry if I offended you. I am not going to edit my post or change my position. I don't know what else your expecting me to say. And how is it an insult? Because I think it is a "lame answer"? I honestly don't see how that is an insult.








It is one thing to think something differant, which is okay. I am not calling you, specifically, anything bad. Everyone here is much to uptight.


Everybody lovin' it, but ain't no body touchin' it

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dragonst0rm wrote:




I dont belive in god. I think it is a made up sotry that some drunky druggey made up thousend of years ago and coz he was so drunk and highe and people did not no wat was wrong with him they belived him a wrote it all in a book. But i belive in statan and soscery, black magic and all evil and stuff like that












Let me ask you this - if the Bible was written by a drunkard, then why does it condemn drunkenness?








Why you asking me do i look like th person tha twrote the pile of crap. BTW BIBLE BURN GOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!

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I dont belive in god. I think it is a made up sotry that some drunky druggey made up thousend of years ago and coz he was so drunk and highe and people did not no wat was wrong with him they belived him a wrote it all in a book. But i belive in statan and soscery, black magic and all evil and stuff like that








Let me ask you this - if the Bible was written by a drunkard, then why does it condemn drunkenness? :P








'Cause he was freaking drunk!. Sorry. I don't condone the whole drunkard argument at all, but, seriously, what the hell kind of question is that?

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I dont belive in god. I think it is a made up sotry that some drunky druggey made up thousend of years ago and coz he was so drunk and highe and people did not no wat was wrong with him they belived him a wrote it all in a book. But i belive in statan and soscery, black magic and all evil and stuff like that








Let me ask you this - if the Bible was written by a drunkard, then why does it condemn drunkenness? :P








'Cause he was freaking drunk!. Sorry. I don't condone the whole drunkard argument at all, but, seriously, what the hell kind of question is that?








That's a very valid point, but I don't know why someone would condemn something he enjoys so much. But then again, someone could be drunk enough to say something that stupid.








Anyway, that little comment was hardly the point of my post; the paragraph above it was much more important. :P



"In so far as I am Man I am the chief of creatures. In so far as I am a man I am the chief of sinners." - G.K. Chesterton

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I would say i'm an Athiest but I do believe in a creator but not in the sense of a god. I believe the universe came into existance due to quantum mechanics. It was known by the temperature of the cosmic background radiation that the universe was once about the size of a proton - a single particle. In quantum mechanics it's been proven many times that on a single particle scale nothing exists unless a concious being observes it, unusual but true.








Now I believe a concious being outside our universe was experimenting upon or using equipment to detect particles on the atomic and/or sub-atomic level. It happened to experiment upon our primordial particle of a universe and we became reality. I do not try and explain where the creator came from, just like a dog can't percieve how to use a computer we just don't have the brain capacity to percieve stuff outside our universe.








Whether or not the creator actually knows it created this universe or whether it was delibate I do not know but this idea of a creator to me sounds much more plausible then the un-factual evidence of current religions.


99 Magic, 99 Defence, 99 Strength, 99 Attack, 99 Hitpoints, 99 Fletching, 99 Woodcutting, 99 Firemaking, 99 Thieving, 99 Ranged, 99 Prayer, 99 Cooking, 99 Fishing

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All these stories and all this "teachings" by some fictional character. Atheism is only for me, and heaven and hell sounds like some thing to make kids pray and respect other people......oh, forget that last part. I honestly dont know how some people can believe in that non-sense.








Sorry if you feel offended.....


Dai jou bui!


The full stop and comma are your friend....


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Classical theism can never have what evolution has. The bible and any religious scriptures are what they are, they claim to be fully correct and cannot be altered. Whereas scientific theory is brilliant as as time goes on and more knowledge is gained the theories can be adapted and become closer to the truth.




Also science itself never states that a theory is 100% correct. Science is all about looking at things objective and testing things out in order to get an accurate result.




This is why i don't believe in a God. I can understand in gods from ancient civilisations (such as Greek) far more than a Christian God as polytheistic beliefs have gods as representations of the natural world (river gods) and the human condition (god of war?).




I do believe that there is a being(s) with far greater power than we can comprehend but for that being to be like God is rediculous as God is infinately powerful and knowing. It's absurd.

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Guest AshKaYu


dragonst0rm wrote:




I dont belive in god. I think it is a made up sotry that some drunky druggey made up thousend of years ago and coz he was so drunk and highe and people did not no wat was wrong with him they belived him a wrote it all in a book. But i belive in statan and soscery, black magic and all evil and stuff like that











How could someone stay drunk long enough to write a 1000 page book? Also, satan was created by God, so yeah, if there is a satan, then there is God. 8)

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How could someone stay drunk long enough to write a 1000 page book?








So cute in your innocence...
















I think it's obvious to anyone that reads the Bible that the people who wrote it were not drunk at all.

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Here is a question for you. Where did everything start? It couldn't of just been made like that, because the existance of God is much more credible than a bang from nowhere.








What the hell is a bang from nowhere?

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With Adam and Eve, inbreeding would not have been that much of a problem. Considering they were 'good' when they were made, it's safe to assume that they had no genetic flaws. The flaws would have come over time due to the corruption of nature caused by sin. So even with all the inbreeding that would have existed early on, it would not have caused physical problems. As for skin color, many people believe that God changed the skin colors at the Tower of Babel, when he also confused the languages of the people.








That would make even more sense of why people went so far from eachother. There must of been a HUGE cultural divide to cause people to scatter across the globe.








God made Adam and Eve perfect, as he did will creation. therefore Adam and Eve would have no genetic flaws (as Astra pointed out) therefore there is no chance for imperfection in offspring.








And some of you say it's impossible for billions of people to exist now if mankind started off with two people. Up until the time of the flood of Noah the average life-span was a few hundred years. After the flood God vastly reduced our life-span.








With a few hundred years you can imagine how many children each couple could have. It was legal for brothers and sisters to marry too. And as Astra pointed out, sin would corrupt us physically and mentally overtime.

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And some of you say it's impossible for billions of people to exist now if mankind started off with two people. Up until the time of the flood of Noah the average life-span was a few hundred years. After the flood God vastly reduced our life-span.








With a few hundred years you can imagine how many children each couple could have.




How many children were born before the great flood doesn't matter...because the great flood killed all but 8 of them!








Have you even read your own holy book, or just been trawling Christian Science websites?








Not only do you completely ignore rational thought and reasoning, in favour of a fairy tale, but you don't even understand the fairy tale.

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I would say i'm an Athiest but I do believe in a creator but not in the sense of a god. I believe the universe came into existance due to quantum mechanics. It was known by the temperature of the cosmic background radiation that the universe was once about the size of a proton - a single particle.








In quantum mechanics it's been proven many times that on a single particle scale nothing exists unless a concious being observes it, unusual but true.








A Proton is a nucleon not a particle, thatÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s beside the point if all the mass of the universe was pushed into something the size of a proton it would be a stellar black hole.








I wouldn't be so sure about that second part; the object is always there whether someone observes it or not. I'll try and give a simplified explanation below.








The difference being that if we don't observe it then we don't know its precise location (which is common sense) and is instead represented by a probability of being in a location. Every object in the universe is constantly interacting with other objects and these interactions affect the probability of the object being in a specific location; these interactions, might leave it a bit off centre to where it should be. When we decide to view something then it will most likely appear in the area of highest probability; we move from guessing where it is to making a precise measurement to where it is.








Just to let you know, under the Copenhagen interpretation there is no real wave function; it is just a tool to help calculate probability.

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With Adam and Eve, inbreeding would not have been that much of a problem. Considering they were 'good' when they were made, it's safe to assume that they had no genetic flaws. The flaws would have come over time due to the corruption of nature caused by sin. So even with all the inbreeding that would have existed early on, it would not have caused physical problems. As for skin color, many people believe that God changed the skin colors at the Tower of Babel, when he also confused the languages of the people.








It says in the bible, adam and eve had two children, Cain and Abel.. But these were brother and sister, it then goes on to say Cain went off and married a woman, not Abel as interbreeding is highlighted to be a sin. Who was this other woman? This suggests that Adam and eve wasn't the only humans created, If Adam and Eve is true it'd make more sense if you see Adam and Eve as being a metaphor for the first conscious human beings, those first fully understanding emotions, Evolved one step out of 'animal'..








Skin colour is not another thing that can be quickly pointed to 'God's doing', all human existance has said to have started in africa, nearer to the equator, hotter.. Its evolution that adapted our skin to be able to protect itself from the sun, and through curiousity we would have found the need to explore, move on to a better place to live, from Africa outwards.. Because at this point the islands have been proven to be one.








Over the journey of then to now we have developed to our habitat, we have white skin because were we live doesn't have much sunlight, and has more rain. It's hard to believe that god just decided, ok your black and some guy just became something different, I believe we all started black and it just leads me to think God created racism. Not in a way that he created black people (thats just racist in itself) but in a way that with so many different humans, God allowed us to feel hate to something different than ourselves..








Adam and Eve where given free will, but were only told not to eat from the tree of knowledge (or wtever it was called), this leads me to think that God is just a bad parent :roll: , if you tell a young child (innocent minded) not to touch a stove then he won't understand why, its why good parents physically protect their children in order to teach them how not to do something.. Why didn't god stop them? Did he want them to do wrong? Does he want sin? Something that makes much more sense is Ying and Yang, there being both good and evil in all of us to balance, without good there can be no evil, no evil, there is no good..








In response to your second paragraph, nothing can be self-created, as that creates a logical inconsistancy. To create itself, something would have to be before it is, which is impossible. However, there is no logical inconsistancy to say something is self-existent. After all, since there is something here now, and nothing can create itself, something must be self-existent.








Your basically just saying, when it doesn't make sense the only option is to pin it on self existance, maybe theres another answer my friend? And what I was getting on was if you believe in self existance, why rule out the theory that the universe wasn't always here? If you believe that God was, why stick this down to a higher intellegence? Its the need to know we're safe in the world, having a God is just a man-made creation drawn on the sole intention of letting us think we're not alone. (apart from aliens 8) )








I dont belive in god. I think it is a made up sotry that some drunky druggey made up thousend of years ago and coz he was so drunk and highe and people did not no wat was wrong with him they belived him a wrote it all in a book. But i belive in statan and soscery, black magic and all evil and stuff like that








Your view of god is a valid is a valid opinion but I do believe there is some truth in the bilble, like chinese whispers stories could have been changed over the years, translations missed out, parts removed due to contraversialism over the millions of years.. Plus any other records are non existance relating to events in the bilbe except for records of great floods, Noahs Arch? Jesus could well of existed, a great man who told stories and helped others, from them may be just be exagerations of his greatness. :wink: ?








I don't think you should take the bible litterally but maybe just learn from what you read.. To make yourself a better person..

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And some of you say it's impossible for billions of people to exist now if mankind started off with two people. Up until the time of the flood of Noah the average life-span was a few hundred years. After the flood God vastly reduced our life-span.








You do know that the body just isn't designed to live for that long, after a while your body stops replicating cells too many mutations in a cell might cause cancer so it turn's off in order to prevent it. I'm not an expert in this field but this site has so decent information, all I know is 200 year life spans are not physically possible. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Senescence








Also it doesnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t explain this:




Humans by Era Average - Lifespan (in years)




Human, Neanderthal - 20




Human, Neolithic - 20




Human, Classical Greece - 28




Human, Classical Rome - 28




Human, Medieval England - 33




Human, end of 18th Century - 37




Human, early 20th Century - 50




Human, circa 1940 - 65




Human, current - 77-79 (varies by region)

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Your view of god is a valid is a valid opinion but I do believe there is some truth in the bilble, like chinese whispers stories could have been changed over the years, translations missed out, parts removed due to contraversialism over the millions of years.. Plus any other records are non existance relating to events in the bilbe except for records of great floods, Noahs Arch? Jesus could well of existed, a great man who told stories and helped others, from them may be just be exagerations of his greatness.








I would of bleived if it was like"Jesus is a man tha told great storyes" not "Jesus is a guy that can heal ppl". If he didi exsits then how did he cure ppl. Blind ppl can jst not see again. And paralized ppl they can not jst get up nd walk. Can this be explained. Andf you can not feed 5000 men with 5 fish and 2 bread (or how ever many it was) that is just impossable and walking on water. I would have to see it to belive it

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I believe the whole healing people, was an exageration.. A man before his time, Jesus could well have used medicines, curing eye sight could well have been him helping someone with horrible conjunctivitus, not the obvious, a man can't see, jesus cures him..








Feeding loads of people with only 5 fish and 2 bread could of been to represent the saying, give someone a fish and he can feed his family for a day, give him a net and he can feed for a lifetime.. Or however it went.. Im guessing he just passed on his knowledge on how to make food out of what you've got, or making the most of what you've got.. I dunno.. :?








Moses is another story, you'd have to be there to prove it wrong but as I said it could just be another story changed over the years, misinterpreted at some time or another.. But as you can't prove it to be false it must be true :roll: ..

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believe the whole healing people, was an exageration.. A man before his time, Jesus could well have used medicines








If he did use medicean then why did they not say in the bible








you're thinking too litterally, just because it doesn't say it happened in the bible doesn't mean you can rule it out.. The bible isn't a dated historical book, its filled with stories and Jesus magically healing people could have been written from the view of someone who couldn't explain what they were seeing.. So put it down as a miracle..








I don't mean medicines as in what you'd see today, as in using healing methods such as, washing wounds in salty water, eating healthly (they had no real sense of a balanced diet, too much or less of something can make you ill).. Even maybe bandaging broken limbs (as in a fracture) could seem like a miracle, once was broken and would have been amputated would somehow be fixed over less than a month.. Simple things that we see as the norm now, could be so alien to them.. Thats what I mean by Jesus being before his time.

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Guest GhostRanger



believe the whole healing people, was an exageration.. A man before his time, Jesus could well have used medicines








If he did use medicean then why did they not say in the bible








you're thinking too litterally, just because it doesn't say it happened in the bible doesn't mean you can rule it out.. The bible isn't a dated historical book, its filled with stories and Jesus magically healing people could have been written from the view of someone who couldn't explain what they were seeing.. So put it down as a miracle..








I don't mean medicines as in what you'd see today, as in using healing methods such as, washing wounds in salty water, eating healthly (they had no real sense of a balanced diet, too much or less of something can make you ill).. Even maybe bandaging broken limbs (as in a fracture) could seem like a miracle, once was broken and would have been amputated would somehow be fixed over less than a month.. Simple things that we see as the norm now, could be so alien to them.. Thats what I mean by Jesus being before his time.








Although you raise a good point, I would assert that it doesn't necessarily fall in line with the text of the Bible. For instance, the stories say that Jesus walked on water, and healed cripples just by telling them to walk. We can't even heal cripples with all the technology we have now - so if you believe the stories are true, you can't exactly believe they were just being told from the perspective of an ignorant person watching someone a little ahead of their time.

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you're thinking too litterally, just because it doesn't say it happened in the bible doesn't mean you can rule it out.. The bible isn't a dated historical book, its filled with stories and Jesus magically healing people could have been written from the view of someone who couldn't explain what they were seeing.. So put it down as a miracle..








I don't mean medicines as in what you'd see today, as in using healing methods such as, washing wounds in salty water, eating healthly (they had no real sense of a balanced diet, too much or less of something can make you ill).. Even maybe bandaging broken limbs (as in a fracture) could seem like a miracle, once was broken and would have been amputated would somehow be fixed over less than a month.. Simple things that we see as the norm now, could be so alien to them.. Thats what I mean by Jesus being before his time.








Oh i get you now. What you are saying is what we would see as nraml today like a mending a broken like as you say would of seemed like a mircal. But i still dint belive.








Btw i no this has nithing to do with this topic but you no like there is religions about god and heven is there religions about satan and hell it been bugging me for ages

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