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First off, why are you wandering around unknown territory with 4.4mil and and a santa hat? Second, why did you travel to West Varrock to bank when there are closer banks?








Listen I played f2p for a good while I could walk around there with money and rares in my inventory and not worry, but I JUST GOT MY MEMBERSHIP and I just thought I would find the tai wanna mini game I didn't know what to expect I mean I didn't know any other closer banks besides the tele cities I mean c'mon when it comes down to the wire a new member like me minds break down








There you go right there. What you just said should of been reason enough for you to think "I better bank this 4.4M and my Santa hat incase I die".








I'm a spammer.








You are cool. :roll:



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It scuks to be killed when exploring the new members sections but you must relise that when you look on it now you will not be as foolish to wander whering the things and carrying the cash. The game is balanced when you die and some one picks up stuff thay will die sometime and someone will pick there stuff up.












It is a blow when you are new to members but you can make cash back quick good luck with it.

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You cant blame him. He just joined members, and not many new members know where everything is. (Well, Im f2p but I like to watch members quest guides and that kind of stuff just for fun) So doh.

6,521th to 99 woodcutting | Fletching 98/99 |

Idarodo | Combat 90 | Total 1565+ | 38m+ total exp



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This depresses me.








When i joined p2p, i was informed well. I mean by this, before getting p2p or before trying 'things' read guides! Check out the world map, wildy map and the randoms. If you see that you're poisoned, ask a friend what to do or where the nearest bank is.








I have no mercy, becaus it's your own fault. It looks unfair, but if i play a game and i don't inform myself, i'm not suprised i died.








Nevertheless, good luck on getting those stuff back, shouldn't be so hard and let this be a lesson, because now you'll never do that again (i'll hope)










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I did it too - first day as a member, wandered off to explore karamja in my shiny new rune...








Poison??!! little green 11s flashing up as i ran round and round like a headless chicken...didn't even have any telerunes....got a free tele to lumbridge in the end... :cry:

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This depresses me.








When i joined p2p, i was informed well. I mean by this, before getting p2p or before trying 'things' read guides! Check out the world map, wildy map and the randoms. If you see that you're poisoned, ask a friend what to do or where the nearest bank is.








I have no mercy, becaus it's your own fault. It looks unfair, but if i play a game and i don't inform myself, i'm not suprised i died.








Nevertheless, good luck on getting those stuff back, shouldn't be so hard and let this be a lesson, because now you'll never do that again (i'll hope)
















Oh come off it you ignorant douche. You act as though you've never done anything stupid because you acted without thinking and didn't properly inform yourself of the facts. And when that happened, don't act as though you didn't complain about it.








All he's doing it trying to vent his frustration. So stop it with this whole greater than thou attitude and start being helpful.

124 Combat

Retired Echo of Silence Council


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Sorry for your lose, hope you get it back + more. Jeez why don't you guys care a bit more. IF this happened to you, most of you would probably be pretty sad too. And yes this game is unforgiving, i got scammed out of my first 1.3 mill.

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Why don't you go explore the unknown territories with nothing valuable on you and get familiar with places before you go to them. Maybe you could ask your friends that are experienced members and see what they can tell you (if you have any).








Good luck with getting your money and hat back.


^ Blog.


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Something like that happened to me once. Like maybe a year ago I was with my santa killing men in Blue Moon Inn. Then I decided to go upstairs. I had santa, A LOT of runes, some herbs and staff (air). So I decided to go upstairs and killed a man who was there. When I buried his bones shade poped. I tried running but some noob kept closing the door. I completly forgot I had around 500 law, 1k airs and 1k of waters and fires. So I died because of that door closing loser.

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No offence, but it would be common sense to put those valuebles in a bank when exploring an unknown land. Use the World Map or something, I've become an expert RS geographer by staring at the World Map countless times.








If you didn't bank your rares, at least bring a teleport :roll:



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owned by the bs of jagex, you have joined the club of many others before you :wink:

Wow - Zuu - Lvl 55 Destructo Lock - Neptulon


Rattus Jr - Skill totaler Nub ( Zuu's Back)


Archer003 - 92 80 99 92hp Rsc trained

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Oh come off it you ignorant *. You act as though you've never done anything stupid because you acted without thinking and didn't properly inform yourself of the facts. And when that happened, don't act as though you didn't complain about it.








All he's doing it trying to vent his frustration. So stop it with this whole greater than thou attitude and start being helpful.








I'm helpful. But i see it as going to war without weapons.




No need to shout, i did some stupid things too, but i don't have to make a topic about it.








And if i would, i would post it in the right board (rants)


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Oh come off it you ignorant *. You act as though you've never done anything stupid because you acted without thinking and didn't properly inform yourself of the facts. And when that happened, don't act as though you didn't complain about it.








All he's doing it trying to vent his frustration. So stop it with this whole greater than thou attitude and start being helpful.








I'm helpful. But i see it as going to war without weapons.




No need to shout, i did some stupid things too, but i don't have to make a topic about it.








And if i would, i would post it in the right board (rants)












i done stupid things all my chars banned with a resulted loss of over 100mil plus. i can c the point dittos is making. But it obviusly effects some of us more n others ( in needing to make a topic about it) but as he has there is no need to " have a go" at him.

Wow - Zuu - Lvl 55 Destructo Lock - Neptulon


Rattus Jr - Skill totaler Nub ( Zuu's Back)


Archer003 - 92 80 99 92hp Rsc trained

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Hey, dont sweat about it, I did exactly the same in F2P! Lost a red mask, 2 mil cash, 2k of laws and full zammy. Life is crap sometimes, but it aint the end of the world!

99/99 Fletching, 99/99 Cooking, 96/99 Strength


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