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I feel like quiten rs i lost eveyrthing


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i was a level 78 and i had just made the most money i had ver had 500k i know its sad.




but i was hopin 2 buy 1k bloods with it so i was goin to the amge in the wilde and a leve 77 entangled me




and had a wip and owned me i lost 500k i have nothing else worth anything i dont know wut i should do. :oops: :oops: :cry: :cry:


electro skel <(-,-)>

everybody else is someone elses wierdo.

rate my goal of 5k green dhdies and bones and ownin those dragon and abby pkers.

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Such as a Phoenix rises from the ashes, so should you.








Just start again, using your skills to make enough cash for you to do what you do to make more cash.








As long as you have your skills and character, you can make back your money again.

Former TET Leader and Member

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I lost one million in the wild. Now i have much more. It was a good thing for me, and maybe will for you.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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srry but i don't have much sympathy for people who die in the wildy with a lot of cash on them, you knew it was dangerous, and still brought the cash there, so deal with loosing the cash, and move on








on another note, what are your stats? runecrafting is a decent way to make money, depending on what lvl you have

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yea but my skills r this












Woodcutting58 Fletching 48




Fishing 53




Firemaking 39




Crafting 55




Smithing 42




Mining 49




Herblore 34




Agility 42




Thieving 42




Slayer 37




Farming 4 Runecraft 36 i was buyin those bloods for d treasure im 63 mage and range




cookin 56


electro skel <(-,-)>

everybody else is someone elses wierdo.

rate my goal of 5k green dhdies and bones and ownin those dragon and abby pkers.

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it takes me like 1 day to pick 1k flax becuase i can like fall asleep doin it


electro skel <(-,-)>

everybody else is someone elses wierdo.

rate my goal of 5k green dhdies and bones and ownin those dragon and abby pkers.

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When i go to mage i always take no more than 50K. And some acient mage runes tro freeze any mo fo's who try something. Get some nats and entangle!


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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im not a beger im not beging i willnever beg!!!!


electro skel <(-,-)>

everybody else is someone elses wierdo.

rate my goal of 5k green dhdies and bones and ownin those dragon and abby pkers.

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on second thought dont give this guy any attention. He just wants free stuff and not to work for it.








Sorry. Now get to work.








Harsh. It might be true. Either way, the wilderness is meant to be dangerous. He risked 500k and he lost it. He didn't take precautions and it is his fault.

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im noy beging im wonderin wut skills i should train to get alot of cash im askin tello me wen i asked for money in this topic u cant tell me becuase i didnt


electro skel <(-,-)>

everybody else is someone elses wierdo.

rate my goal of 5k green dhdies and bones and ownin those dragon and abby pkers.

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ive never goten addy or rune or steel or dragon drop ever


electro skel <(-,-)>

everybody else is someone elses wierdo.

rate my goal of 5k green dhdies and bones and ownin those dragon and abby pkers.

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You think 500k is bad? I've lost 5mil in the wilderness before. Know what I did? Went to work and now have about 10 times that. So don't quit over 500k....








Go work your runecrafting. Its the best skill to make money with because the process is so simple. Trust me, rc helps in the long run also as you become a higher lvl.


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Current Goals: FIshing 91/99 Cooking 93/99

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k tysm for that advice i have 36 rc and 993 ess alls i have left is a rune 2hander should i sell 2 make more funds for rc


electro skel <(-,-)>

everybody else is someone elses wierdo.

rate my goal of 5k green dhdies and bones and ownin those dragon and abby pkers.

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caskade qwana buya rune 2hander 40k


electro skel <(-,-)>

everybody else is someone elses wierdo.

rate my goal of 5k green dhdies and bones and ownin those dragon and abby pkers.

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