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petition against RULE 8 banning innocents


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I really agree with you because not all families (in fact most families) can't afford more than one computer, but they still want to trade with each other. I dont understand why they made this rule in the first place. I really think that Jagex should get rid of this rule I was already about to send them a customer support message (even though they would probably delete the message before reading knowing how Jagex is) but now that I see so many people agree with me... I still am!!!

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Lol, dumb idea ftb, for the banana.




I admit I've drop traded before...because it's, really easy? But I don't take the risk anymore, I have a few trustable enough friends to have them transferr stuff for me.




Getting rid of the rule would cause to servers being fuller too.

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Any person could easily say that their "brother" is playing on a computer in the same house as you. They don't have any way to determine whether your brother is really a person or if it's the chair next to you. They enforce this rule in most cases, because they don't want even the slightest chance of someone cheating in their game. They have worked a long time to keep their game cheat/hack/scam free and however they are not perfect, they try their best.




This is a logical rule and should not be removed for the fact it could easily lead to people cheating. If you have a sibling that plays RuneScape you will obviously have to take turns or play on separate internet connections. I know many friends that have brothers or sisters that will switch off to play RuneScape. It is easy to get slammed by this rule and it is easy to avoid it, just try to be one of the people that easily avoid it.




The simple fact is that if you break one of their rules, you are not innocent.

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Ok, I've been wanting to ask this question for some time...




Exactly what evidence is there that people are actually banned from mistakes like this?




I don't mean to disparge your claims, I am just curious as to their source. I think there is a very good chance that most of the people who say "I was banned unfairly because I was on a router" are lying.




Does anyone have any evidence to the contrary?

If you dont take steps to ensure that you're protected, you void all right to complain when stuff goes wrong.
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I agree with the original post. Plus, i think not allowing drop trading or transfer between characters is stupid...i mean what difference does it make? You spent the time, no matter on what character, to get that skill level or item or whatever...But oh well, it'll never be changed.

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Personally, I'm disgusted how easy it is to multi-log.. For kicks I can run and keep track of 7 wc's if I want, I find it ruins the game and don't do it but, I have several freinds that always have 2 other accounts making money while he trains his real account.




Most lvl 3 wc'ers are NOT macro, but someone multi-logging




Drop trading is ok though ;)




Edit: Using a router will NOT get you banned, your computer on the network can be identified from the other ones. Oh and it is possible to ML in the same world, but i'm not telling how :P




Either you mean using two computers, or using one window on unsigned applet on default java, and another on signed-either SUN or Microsoft... :roll: lol its not that big of a secret :lol:








anyways, I support this petition because my rl friends help each other out all the the time...

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and i think your confusing multiple logging in with account sharing. if you constantly shaere computers with your friends and stuff then they would be more conserned about account sharing. They catch you multiple logging in when you have 2 windows open on the same computer. jagex can't get rid of this or tons of people will make newb accounts and get on them because it is now legal for them to do so... this is bad. so they will never get rid of this rule. end of story.

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Any person could easily say that their "brother" is playing on a computer in the same house as you. They don't have any way to determine whether your brother is really a person or if it's the chair next to you. They enforce this rule in most cases, because they don't want even the slightest chance of someone cheating in their game. They have worked a long time to keep their game cheat/hack/scam free and however they are not perfect, they try their best.




This is a logical rule and should not be removed for the fact it could easily lead to people cheating. If you have a sibling that plays RuneScape you will obviously have to take turns or play on separate internet connections. I know many friends that have brothers or sisters that will switch off to play RuneScape. It is easy to get slammed by this rule and it is easy to avoid it, just try to be one of the people that easily avoid it.




The simple fact is that if you break one of their rules, you are not innocent.




there are other rules against cheating and autoing scums already; thats why this rule seems pointless and fired to innocents which they are not intent to be aimed at. hope you see my point.




and i think your confusing multiple logging in with account sharing. if you constantly shaere computers with your friends and stuff then they would be more conserned about account sharing. They catch you multiple logging in when you have 2 windows open on the same computer. jagex can't get rid of this or tons of people will make newb accounts and get on them because it is now legal for them to do so... this is bad. so they will never get rid of this rule. end of story.




ironically, rule 8 contains both multiple logging and account sharing, thats why it seems to be confusing .

If you create more than one RuneScape account, they must not interact.
this has doubled what rule 6 has written.


read thorough the rule, you would find out that it would also ban you even you are using different computer to login the accounts, and it did happened (usually caughted by "absolutly nothing" trades).

I have two accounts. Can my friend play one so I can trade between the characters?


No, this goes against this rule. You are not allowed to trade between two characters owned by one player. You would also be in breach of the Account Sharing/Trading rule (see Rule 6).


the banning though mostly happens on computers under LAN, which shares the same ip, whom might be just brothers and sisters... this also alas, happened alot around.




mind you that, there is rule 7 that authorise power to ban autoers and bots. think about that also, do trading accross accounts gives any unfair advantage of gaining exp?

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i randomly give people free stuff.... for instance someone was buying a bronze pick axe... i had a one that i dont use so i just let them have it for free, does this mean im cheating or might get banned because it was a one way trade? its pretty stupid when you think about it really =/ so yes i agree rule 8 should be seriously reviewed, however it wont.

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I don't know anyone that's gotten banned for this. A lot of my friends play at the library. Sometimes there will be 8 people playing on the same internet connection, but no one has ever gotten banned for doing that.

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I support you. Its not fair that my brother and i cant play at the same time, on seperate computers.



"In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
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I totally suppport this, I have two computers but it's a "good" thing that I can't pplay RS on the other :)




But this really suck's for schools or people who have multiple computers or the houses.. hmm.. what is it on english.. hmm.. anyway, the houses with many floors :lol:




Or they should atleast modify the rule right.

6,521th to 99 woodcutting | Fletching 98/99 |

Idarodo | Combat 90 | Total 1565+ | 38m+ total exp



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  • 2 weeks later...
I don't know anyone that's gotten banned for this. A lot of my friends play at the library. Sometimes there will be 8 people playing on the same internet connection, but no one has ever gotten banned for doing that.




well it does... eventually, at least i know some real life friends that got caught by this rule, saying they are mutiple login, jagex thought it is a "he" not "they".




but as long as you dont trade with each other with "absoultly nothing" on one side, the chance is still minimal. or at least, myself has not yet ban by that rule. all we want is a permantant cure, either jagex took more deapth on reviewing whileing enforcing this rule or completely get rid of this "meaningless" rule. so the change of getting innocent banned reduce to 0%

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xactly - Jagex does not know what they're doing with customers, loyal even though the majority are f2pers.




Jagex is probably made up of a very small group of young college guys, who think they are the best thing to happen since sliced bread. Now, I love em for makin the game, but innocent ppl who dont understand computer technicalities and who get banned is jus purely wrong!

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