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The begining of RS? How did it start?


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For those where were around in the days when runescape first came out...




(Yes im talking about the original RSC when it was first releasded)




What did the map look like when they first released it?




How many items where in the game at first?




How many quests?




How many monsters?




How many towns?




How many banks?


The "underconstruction" MMORPG

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Im f2p in rsc








Oh.. the map was lousy... u can click on the map and the char will go there... but theres no red flag . theres is legend as light blue diamond...dunno...








The monsters lvl was higher....




u could use magic and melee at excatly same time...




there is no such thing as magic def i think...




for combat theres att aggr and def...




forget it.....

Hey Nicrune007 , Whats Your Username?


99 Ranged on 2/6/07 99 Hit Points on 9/5/08 99 Defense on 26/4/08 99 Attack on 14/2/09 99 Strength on 25/2/09 99 Slayer on 13/9/09\:D/

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well, the whole RS planet was just a desserted place with no NPCs or Players on land (they all lived in the oceans). As autoers grew, so did the concurence in the water for resources so NPCs and Players hybridized with each other to create creatures that could live on land. And that's how it goes on...

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What did the map look like when they first released it? - I will have a look around for an early map, I know one is on tipit somewhere.








How many towns? - main towns were Lumbridge, Varrock, Ghost Town (edgeville now), Al Kharid added soon after release.








How many banks? - no item banks, only bank for money in Varrock I think








For quests/items being added after release look at http://www.tip.it/cgi-bin/np/viewnews.cgi?newsall, news items goes back to Feb 2001, one month after runescape went public.

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actually there were no banks in the beginning... then they made a bank for money but no items.... and when u started u could choose between good and evil... u could switch between the two options 3 times then u were stuck as that forever... and u could attack and get attacked in any city except lumbridge... guards/white knights broke up fights... there were no quests in the beginning and no armor above steel furthest back i can remember... chefs assistant was first quest ... back then prayer and magic were different even from todays rsc... i dont really remember exactly what but i think magic was used like prayer... and after they changed that u could attack with magic and melee at the same time... also back then u couldnt see peoples levels and many people including me got killed in the wild by higher levels.... i lost r2h worth 1mill..... oh the days... lol



RSC veteran

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and when u started u could choose between good and evil... u could switch between the two options 3 times then u were stuck as that forever...




At the launch, you could not choose, everyone was the same and it was pking everywhere except as you say Lumby and where gaurds were.




Only later did they add the choice of becoming pk or non-pk.

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and when u started u could choose between good and evil... u could switch between the two options 3 times then u were stuck as that forever...




At the launch, you could not choose, everyone was the same and it was pking everywhere except as you say Lumby and where gaurds were.




Only later did they add the choice of becoming pk or non-pk.








thats right... and also u could choose between miner, adventurer, ranger... and 2 other ones when u made ur character... oh and there was no members then



RSC veteran

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Evil magic and good magic! Oh man, just remembered that. Whoever had the masterstroke to combine the two = genius.








Yea, there was this one spell "Fear", that would make an NPC disappear. So in the banks, we'd "Fear" off all of the guards and attack people bringing money in!
















Also, there was no friends list; you could use the "tell" feature to talk.








So like








tell Bubsa hey there!








Would act like the friends list would.








There was up to adamantite armour, except only up to mithril for plate mail. Also, tons of pk battles in the cabbage patch so you could run quickly into lumbridge for safety.

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Evil magic and good magic! Oh man, just remembered that. Whoever had the masterstroke to combine the two = genius.








Yea, there was this one spell "Fear", that would make an NPC disappear. So in the banks, we'd "Fear" off all of the guards and attack people bringing money in!
















Also, there was no friends list; you could use the "tell" feature to talk.








So like








tell Bubsa hey there!








Would act like the friends list would.








There was up to adamantite armour, except only up to mithril for plate mail. Also, tons of pk battles in the cabbage patch so you could run quickly into lumbridge for safety.








I can remember the tell command.. :oops:


Respect- Oy_the_Great, Lode, Bubsa, Weezcake, Thrash111, Gloric, Vmser, Pianofrieak2, Runemetsa

Sigs Made By - Pink

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in the beginning there wasnt much








al kharid wasnt part of the original game, i think it was 90 some smithing to smith full steel? a lot has changed since then








the only thing that changed in smithing was the new items in rs2 the levels needed to smith never changed

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in the beginning there wasnt much








al kharid wasnt part of the original game, i think it was 90 some smithing to smith full steel? a lot has changed since then








:roll: smithing lvls havnt changed very much from the beggining, nobody was 99 smithing for a long time but i remember back when steel kites were the best shield you could get and bluerose13x could smith them :D they were worth like 500k and that was tonnes of money since everybody had like 200k max and everybody thought you were rich :lol: my bro was friends with bluerose so he got me a steel kite 8) and i also remember when there were no teleport spells 8) dam i feel like a freaking oldy now :P



99/99 Crafting

86/85 Mining

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well, the whole RS planet was just a desserted place with no NPCs or Players on land (they all lived in the oceans). As autoers grew, so did the concurence in the water for resources so NPCs and Players hybridized with each other to create creatures that could live on land. And that's how it goes on...
you are a dip[cabbage]. you dont show the slightest bit of sarcasm either so it makes me wonder

485th person to ever play RuneScape

Blue107- perm banned 10/12/2007. $300 USD reward if you can get me in contact with someone who will take 5 seconds to look at evidence and get my original character unbanned. 

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in the beginning there wasnt much








al kharid wasnt part of the original game, i think it was 90 some smithing to smith full steel? a lot has changed since then








:roll: smithing lvls havnt changed very much from the beggining




Actually yeah the smithing levels were different from what they are now. It used to be somthing stupid like addy plate at 99, can't remember exactly. It was changed I believe when bluerose started getting to the higher lvls.

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ahh, i remember the ORIGINAL version of runescape. Think a paper doll on a plastic map, thats what the very first incarnation of runescape looked like lol








heres a link to a site all about rsc and its predecessor
















its a link to one of its many picture pages, but you can get to all the rest of the site from there.












have fun!



Sodb Forum


Stop thinking. It's Runescape.
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in the beginning there wasnt much








al kharid wasnt part of the original game, i think it was 90 some smithing to smith full steel? a lot has changed since then








:roll: smithing lvls havnt changed very much from the beggining




Actually yeah the smithing levels were different from what they are now. It used to be somthing stupid like addy plate at 99, can't remember exactly. It was changed I believe when bluerose started getting to the higher lvls.








After barbarian village was just a gate and there was no wilderness, the map was very small and the Messiahs reigned for pking...








Yeah smithing levels were different and I cant believe people dispute that...heres a pic of when delta first got full addy









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I played a few months after it originally came ou. So I came along when the wild was around. I remember always staying by the wizards south of varrock by the scary level 29 demon. And venturing to falador for the first time scared me. And hard/soft rocks were around. And I recall the addition of sleeping bags, which made eveyone's life easier.

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in the beginning there wasnt much








al kharid wasnt part of the original game, i think it was 90 some smithing to smith full steel? a lot has changed since then








the only thing that changed in smithing was the new items in rs2 the levels needed to smith never changed








As Phil said, the smithing lvl tables have changed since the early start of runescape. I cant remember much, but atleast addy mail was 99 smithing. Mith plate was also very very high. Now Im not totally sure, but I somehow I remember/feel that bluerose was 64 smithing when they were changed. Or then steel kite was 64 smithing... Or something like that. Dont take those backflashes so seriously. Its years ago.








I was so young (irl - lets see... its like 5 years ago so I was like 13) that I didnt really understand everything. And I didnt even know the game was new. I was playing counter-strike back then and my clan leader told me to try the game (he was 18 and a real hacker type of guy - dont know how he got to know abaut the game, since when I trace this back to then, it was out only like 2-3 weeks when I started. I know this cos there was this holiday coming in feb and I started just before that.) But when I got into the game, I think the best weapon that I could get my hands on was Addy long. Later on when the falador was already out, the addy battle axe was published and the axe shop in the port of sarim (???) was crowded.

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