buffrichie Posted March 10, 2006 Share Posted March 10, 2006 Ok this idea is posted on the RS main page as well so If you like it please post on that site how much you like it. If you dont.. dont.. :) FIRE DRAGON-Level 375 The legendary Fire Dragon would be located on a newly discovered island in the oceans near karajama. This island has been the homeland and breeding ground for the dragons for centuries. The mountain will be something new to rs because of its size and will require skills for the parties venturing to fight the dragon to reach the top to assure only the strongest warriors may fight this dangerous dragon. A new dock will be built near the volcano in karajama with the standard karajama boarding fee of 30gp. Once the boat docks at the island a cutscene appears and scales up the mountainshowing its immense size until it gets to the top where suddenly a huge fireball blasts through the sky. After getting off the boat at the base of the mountain on one side you see Green Dragons and a new monster, Baby Green Dragons. On the other side at the base you see Blue Dragons and Baby Blue Dragon and an Addy Ore Mine site behind the mountain.. The path up the mountain is a winding path with obstacles and caves containing the other dragons along the way. As soon as you step onto the mountain you will see a cave. Inside the cave our the Red Dragons and Baby Red Dragons. As you wind your way around the bottom of a mountain a giant boulder blocks your path.. Well to pass some1 in your party must be of 80 strength or greater. The path will stay clear for 5 seconds insuring no lesser opponent sneak by. As you wind your way up the mountain and nearing mid-way point you pass another cave containing the powerful and mysterious Black Dragons. A little past this cave around the bend the path ends and theres only one way to go... UP.... This rock climb will require 50 agility. Now, on a new path, you continue to the top. Clearly visible is the plateau and the Cave which is the den to the legendary Fire Dragon. As you take ur final wind you come to another stop where another rock climb is needed to reach the top. this rock climb will also require 50 agility. As soon as you reach the top a cutscene begins showing the dragon coming out of his den. Flames surround his massive body and he has fearce horns coming out of his tail and head. This dragon will be stronger then any monster every on runescape with 2 special attacks. The first attack will be a sweeping flame that hits all the people fighting for significant damage ( up to 35 mage based ) and without an anti-dragon shield you are sure to die (100 damage) and the other a tail swipe that damages all people fighting for up to 35 melee damage just like the flame. Only the greatest combination of warriors can kill this beast. He will have 550 hit points and for those able to kill him lie the greatest rewards. With such a great challenging new beast the dragon armory will be complete. It will drop the large kite and plate all being rare drops and the large and kite will drop in pieces only dropped by the Fire Dragon. The large will consist of the facemask (made of dragon bones) and horns as one drop and the Dragon full helmet as a seperate drop. The Kite will come in halves as the Dragon Square did but also both halves being dropped by the Fire Dragon.. Why in halves? Well People will argue this dragon dropping all 3 rare dragon items is too much and jagex would not permit it... Well dropping them in halves makes the whole item even harder to obtain and because of the difficulty of the dragon Jagex would feel comfortable allowing this with them benefiting by never having to receive another question about the remaining dragon armor again. Of course the Dragon plate would be the rarest of all these drops at about 1/500 and the other 2 lowering witht he halfs making it harder to obtain the whole thing... The Fire Dragon will also drop a new hide to the game for rangers.... The FIREHIDE... the dragon will drop one upon its death. 5 firehides will be required for the Firehide Body, 3 for Firehide chaps, and 2 for Firehide Vambraces. This new armor will have a nice graphical feature with flames surrounding it and will be the best ranging armor on the game 80 ranged to wield.. Well thats about it post what you think and there is a page on the rs forums to post on if you like this idea... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tintmangbpack Posted March 10, 2006 Share Posted March 10, 2006 It is an interesting idea, but I don't think that it should be put in the game, first off there should be no green dragons anywhere but the wildy. I know this makes me sound like some sort of crazy pker, but if there were green dragons in a safer place the prices would all be impacted. It is a pretty interesting idea, but I would prefer a new dungeon in somewhere else, like south of llyeta. Your true character is what you are like when you believe there are no repercussions. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
buffrichie Posted March 11, 2006 Author Share Posted March 11, 2006 yea on the main forums we concluded this too and decided that green dragons will not be on this island the new baby greens will be tho... thus making the green dragons never come back home once they have grown into big dragons.. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Birdboy60 Posted March 11, 2006 Share Posted March 11, 2006 Fire, and Dragon? Isn't that kinda repeatitive? I mean, Dragons blow fire, so a "Fire Dragon" is redundant. Give it a sweet name, like: Elder Dragon or the Legendary Dragon, something that makes it sounds important/hard. Oh, and have it like, kinda surrounded by baby dragons like the KQ and her Kalphites. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
buffrichie Posted March 11, 2006 Author Share Posted March 11, 2006 thats actually a good idea... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mattbrandon Posted March 11, 2006 Share Posted March 11, 2006 i like it but have doubts about the drops......i like your idea of the halfs etc but i still cant see jagex having a monster drop all 3 new and unreleased dragon items... no matter how hard the monster is but that is my opinion and im sure people will differ but once again great idea one time i woke up sleeping under my bed with a jello and a spoon lol :ohnoes: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bedman Posted March 11, 2006 Share Posted March 11, 2006 Nice idea, but what about alinea's :D A Guide to Chinning in Ape atoll: up to 325kxp/h! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CWolf2 Posted March 11, 2006 Share Posted March 11, 2006 Fire, and Dragon? Isn't that kinda repeatitive? I mean, Dragons blow fire, so a "Fire Dragon" is redundant. Actually it wouldn't be... it would be. Dragons come in many forms from their original myths. There are legends where the dragons don't spit fire. In fact, the fire part seems to come in from the Greek Fire machines they used in Greco-Roman times. Usually shot out of the mouth of a boat, the jelly like substance would coat a surface, and would then be lit on fire (usually when it comes out of the hose). This would give the look of a "dragon" and struck fear in the enemy. As the old saying goes, "water water everywhere, yet not a drop to spare." Basically, these boats were the dragons of real life: terrifying; and if you came up against one, you were certainly dead. Dragons don't normally spit fire, it's just a European legend/myth that they did. And as we all know, the first "dragon" myth/lore/legend was spawned in Asia. I just would like a cool d hide set that was like the Lava Cape, you know, animated and all. Red, with flames, that would be sweet! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kriegstilf Posted March 12, 2006 Share Posted March 12, 2006 The idea of a dragon island isn't too bad, and I like the limiting factors, but having this creature drop all three unreleased dragon items plus new dhide is poorly thought out. In my view, that one idea turns the rest into a ploy to get more powerful armors out quickly so a few can get rich. . . I'm for new ranging armors, but the dragon - definitely not. Maybe a large helm, but nothing more is needed - especially from one creature. Abutebaris modo subjunctivo denuo. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stricken Posted March 12, 2006 Share Posted March 12, 2006 In the house of the Wise Old Man, if you search some bookshelves, you get some books. In one of them it talks about the Elder Dragon. This could be the new monster. It could have a higher level than the level 700 something in the fight pits Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evilkn1ght14 Posted March 12, 2006 Share Posted March 12, 2006 Nice idea. The Kalphite Queen Drops Dragon Two Hander, Dragon Medium Helmet, Dragon Spear, Dragon Chain, and Dragon Left Half. Now he(or she) is propossing that a monster drop 4 new Dragon items. Now those Items will Most likely also go to The Kalphite Queen also meaning the she will be dropping 9 Dragon Items. So why cant the Fire Dragon have four of those items? Anyway thats my idea ~ Kill3r c0w Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jakehh Posted July 22, 2006 Share Posted July 22, 2006 Name Of Dragon: Ledgendary Dragon. Owned by Zaros Controlled By Azzandra (Smoke Spells) Colour: Lava like colour with red electrical waves comming out (Same with d'hide armour from it) Agressive: Yes 100% Drop: Lava hides, Charred Bones Drops: Dragon left half, Spinich roll, Rune dagger, Dragon spear, Weapon poisen, Herbs, Staff of fire, Lava Battlestaff, Coins (3gp - 793gp), Bronze arrows (5), Death Runes (879 - Medium Rare Drop) Chaos runes (1 - 42) Dragon short sword (Stats Below) Rocks (No use), Lobster pot, Dragon Full Helm Viser (Helm in 15 Peices) Stats of Dragon Short Sword! Attack Bonuses Defence Bonuses Stab: + 78 Stab: +1 Slash: +34 Slash: +0 Crush: +65 Crush: -19 Magic: -1 Magic: -32 Strength Bonus: +70 Range: +3 Range: +18 Prayer bonus: +1 Max hit With 99 Strength (No prayer or pots): 25 Special Attack: Creates a 2 Second Inpenitrable Orb 100% of special bar rawr. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
the_trinity_11 Posted July 22, 2006 Share Posted July 22, 2006 I like the idea, although sorry to say but i definetly like White Dragon Hide idea better, i've seen it a few times, and i think it'd be a great update for all high level rangers. I mean, karhils has done rangers no good. And range is definetly underupdated for higher levels. PLAY this awesome game...Clicky Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Minishcap92 Posted July 23, 2006 Share Posted July 23, 2006 This is kinda old topic... why it was bumped??? Used to play RS, not anymore. WoW pwns! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Beamo26 Posted July 23, 2006 Share Posted July 23, 2006 It seems like a good idea, I'm not sure about it dropping all of those items though... I like the Fire hide idea and maybe just the Dragon Large along with Dragon 2h and Med etc Nice idea, well thought out :thumbsup: =D> Check out my blog here!Thanks Jopie211 for the sig Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kakashka Posted July 25, 2006 Share Posted July 25, 2006 how bout instead of fire dragon, we have white dragon? I mean the fire hide would probably look to much like red d hide and everyone on the rs forums wants white d hide armor. So uh yeah i dont really like this fire dragon unless its a white dragon :shame: but yeah it is a pretty good idea with the new dragon armors though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
drgnrider Posted July 25, 2006 Share Posted July 25, 2006 this sounds like a good quest.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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