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Help with starting out


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Hey everyone I just became a member today, and it's pretty overwhelming to see all the new stuff lol. Is there a guide somewhere on this form for new P2Pers starting out? I have no idea what I should do first, whether I should do the quests or train a new members skill. Any help would be appreciated! :D

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Check out CW, then Id do the druid quest for herblore, start working on you rmember skills and do lost city, and legends.




lol immediatly legends, like the kid (or elder person) has his herblore that high in a few days

I was once at the airport with my friends in California, had to go "potty" really bad, and just pissed my pants in the middle of the terminal. (All the cool kids piss in their pants, right?)


barrows loot: lost count

daga king loot: lost count :p

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well you should do the fishing contest quest http://tip.it/runescape/index.php?rs2quest_id=29 so you dont have to walk over white wolf mountain. After that i would go try everything there is to members so you can get a feel for what you want to do.




im now about 3 month p2p and i have not made fishing contest. its absolutely not necessary, you just should never forget to sock laws in ur bank.

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u should get a ring of dueling and go c wars :D








nearly everyone in Castle Wars are n00bs. I would do the quest "fishing contest so you can get past white wolf mountain.








If he has high enough combat then he should do the quests "Tree Gnome Village" and "Grand Tree" That way he has access to spirit trees and gnome gliders.








Then he should check out CastleWars or the Duel arena.
















I stopped going to CastleWars for like 4 months. There is NO strategy to the game. All you do is enter the game watch like 50 other players run around like chickens with their heads cut off. You can't organize anything with anyone because they easily lose interest.








Plus, no full barrows alowed. No fire cape allowed.








You can't range or mage from the towers in the middle of the arena.








The score gets to one and someone gets their own teams flag. Final score= one.








Overall- Fight pits owns castlewars.

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Check out CW, then Id do the druid quest for herblore, start working on you rmember skills and do lost city, and legends.




lol immediatly legends, like the kid (or elder person) has his herblore that high in a few days

I had my herb high enough the first day p2p came out and did it
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i would just run around and explore stuff. lvl soem skills go do something else.




FIrst time i was in members i said to myself. "I will bring 100k and if i see something i like, i will buy it." haha, i seen a glory ammy, and tryed to buy it for 90k...i quickly found out. 100k isnt that much and i never got that ammy... but i have like 30. lol just a funny story. :-)

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Train your agility - makes your running energy last longer and makes it easier to get around. Also makes you able to use shortcuts.




Make yourself some gaming necklaces and rings of duelling - to teleport with and thereby making it easier to move around.








Lost city to wield your first dragon weapons.




Druidic ritual to start herblore




Tree gnome village - to teleport with the spirit trees and make it easier to move around




Grand tree quest - to ride with the gnome glider and make it easier to move around




Priest in peril to get access to Morytania




Ghost ahoy to get the ectophial, to teleport and as panic button




Fishing contest - *if* your magic level isnt high enough for Camelot teleport.




Tears of Guthix - then you can visit Juna every week and get free exp in your lowest skill




Plaque city if your magic level is high enough for Ardounge teleport.




Hero's quest to be able to recharge the glory amulets you would want to get your hands on for easy teleports.








So basically: start with things that makes it easier to move around in the HUGE world. That will make your gaming experience a lot more enjoyable.

Please think before you ask a question. If you ask the right question, its much more likely you get the answer you are looking for :)




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