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The hills have eyes..


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I just came back from watching that movie and WOW was it MESSED up... was org. rated NC-17 for JUST blood and violence .. lol me and my m8 went , were 14 almost 15 for me and the girl that worked there is like "Are you 17 sir?" "Yeah , I am" "Okay!" *Sells tickets* Any ways , any one else seen this [bleep]ed up movie? Discuss

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Downloading it now :)








Make sure you don't get the 1972 one ;).








Make sure you don't get the 1972 one ;).




Make sure you don't get the 1972 one ;)




:( I guess there wont be a good version out until it comes on dvd in america anyway.

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Nc-17? Thats odd. Its only R at my theater. We never get NC-17 movies...








I thought it was terrible. Was just as bad as any b movie with ron jeremy in it, it ended so that you knew(as if you already didnt-their stuck in the middle of the desert without a vehicle) that they were going to die anyways, and for the most part, instead of being scared, I felt bad for the mutant people.




The intro scene where they try to scare you with images of mutated babies was just pointless. Its more sad then scary to see a baby that has mutated and couldnt function in life, so it died.


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The intro scene where they try to scare you with images of mutated babies was just pointless. Its more sad then scary to see a baby that has mutated and couldnt function in life, so it died.








oh man, i gotta see this!

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I've been wanting to see it. But NC-17? Are you sure?








I guess I'll go after finals, when I'm back at home. :wink:


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The intro scene where they try to scare you with images of mutated babies was just pointless. Its more sad then scary to see a baby that has mutated and couldnt function in life, so it died.








oh man, i gotta see this!








we had to see a bunch of those images when we learned about drugs last year. like there as this guy who collected siamese mutated babies in jars in his lab and studied them i guess. THAT WOULD BE THE SCARIEST ROOM TO GO INTO.








but about the movie, all the commercials say its rated R. where do you live?

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I've been wanting to see it. But NC-17? Are you sure?








I guess I'll go after finals, when I'm back at home. :wink:








No, it was originally NC-17, I guess they just edited it. But anyway, seems like it'd be a good movie, I've only seen 100 adverts for it over internet/tv.


Gamertag: King Arizona

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The original one was on TV last night but i fell asleep before i started :(



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