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What will happen to the tip.it sig community?


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Hmmm... I know that selling Signatures is banned, and I therefore do not wish to be flamed for posting about this, but I made signatures in my day for my love of the media community, not for the cash... out of the 16 sigs I made, 11 were presents for friends... So I ask you all one question...








Why stop now?








Surely the love alot of you have for Making sigs goes beyond the money you made in game... surely you don't want to let a thriving community die...








I know most of you won't see the point I'm putting across, and I can also see that we have lost a hell of alot with the recent ban... The money is a hell of a loss... but anyway... this is a wish, a plea if you like, that we don't let the Media 'Market' die...








Thanks for reading, post any thoughts you have... and I mean anything and everything...









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Aye... I only hope that it was strong enough already to withstand such a hit...








I'm worried about the waves of people making pixel sigs for the cash involved though...

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I think my earlier post may be accurate.




Personally, I think the main problem is compitition.








The best sig makers would probably be willing to make free sigs, but just too many people would want one.








Look at Mxm, last sig took 2.5 MONTHS. I doubt he is in it for cash, the cash is just to stop hundreds of requests that he would normally get.








Also, I doubt that much sig selling will stop. Most people will just pay sig makers for other items, like maybe cabbage or a chisel, and the sig maker will throw in a free sig or something.


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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That's still against the rules... 'throwing in a free sig' would still be selling a sig, no matter how you look at it... If you give someone money, with the intent of buying a sig, even if you're paying for, as you say, some cabbage, you're still breaking the rules because you would infact be buying a sig, and some cabbage...

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Oh jeez, whats next?








P-Mod swat raids on suspected drop trading sites?








Pardon the off topic-ness, but alot of things has been happening to RS lately...








I dont charge for sigs myself, but I find this really sad...








Its been a tradition for as long as I can remember! :cry:

The Enrichment Center reminds you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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i bet there will still be a blackmarket..people will just pay them and the seller will throw in like a rune 2h so jagex doesnt ban em lol








ppl will still sell their sigs for money and ppl will still buy, there isnt a need to try to "disguise" the trading, jagex doesnt know if your friends or they owed you a favour :wink: they will have no proof that u sold a sig :roll:



99/99 Crafting

86/85 Mining

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I have thought about this, and there is a perfect idea for this on another forum I use. For the first 10-20 posts you make per day, you could get one monetary unit for the forums like '1 gp' it could be right under your location or post count or something like that. Now on the other forums I go on, when you get 5,000 of these, you can buy a custom rank. SO maybe you could either do that, if these forums allow it, or they could be given out as prizes for contests etc. Also they could be a form of buying signatures, because you are still getting something for the work that you made, and it is not againts Jagex's rules. :)

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I have thought about this, and there is a perfect idea for this on another forum I use. For the first 10-20 posts you make per day, you could get one monetary unit for the forums like '1 gp' it could be right under your location or post count or something like that. Now on the other forums I go on, when you get 5,000 of these, you can buy a custom rank. SO maybe you could either do that, if these forums allow it, or they could be given out as prizes for contests etc. Also they could be a form of buying signatures, because you are still getting something for the work that you made, and it is not againts Jagex's rules. :)








its cost loads of money i was going to make a site with that but then i found out how much it would cost. Unless tip.it gets a lot more donations then well.. not going to happen
















And sigs will never die. Remember tip.it isnt the only forum :wink:

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this crap made me hate jajex....this screwed me over. I make pixel sigs, even tho am new to, i have been getting lots of approval. I don't do it for the money...but the money was an inspiration for it...i was almost one whole day in the mood to stab some p-mods eye out.

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When did THAT happen?..
















With this gone, I've just about lost most of my usefulness here.








I don't make much signatures anymore, and I can't sell 'em.












God [bleep]ing damnit, this is [cabbage].


It really has

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we can't sell sigs ne more???

You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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All i have to say "for all you people that make their only money off of sigs, use your skillz, thats what they are there for" :wink:
Lmao! Making a sig takes a lot more skill then clicking on a fishing spot, or in your case, abyss pkers. :roll: *Looks at your homemade sig* :lol:


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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All i have to say "for all you people that make their only money off of sigs, use your skillz, thats what they are there for" :wink:
Lmao! Making a sig takes a lot more skill then clicking on a fishing spot, or in your case, abyss pkers. :roll: *Looks at your homemade sig* :lol:[








Whoops! EDIT.

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im happy, now people can actually be nice and help out people who cant afford a work of art.....








good bye sig merchants,lol owned :twisted:








that's why they work for the money in the first place * tard.








you make money, then you buy the sig which takes time and effort which all in all means you payed money for time.


TheDark or Kevinnv on other forums.

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I'm going to lock this as we already have a topic to discuss rule 12 ;) and this is turning into flameing and spamming :roll:.








Lets not spam this board and just keep all constructive discussions here








Thanks for your cooperation.








Tip.it Forum Moderator





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