tilly Posted March 16, 2006 Share Posted March 16, 2006 hi yall :) a few mins before writing this i was asking myself:why ranged? ranged is my favourite skill.i'm a lvl 87 combat with 90 ranged,and i'm not stopping here,altough i've seen the minpoints of it. first of all it's a really fun skill to train....training is fun,but it's pretty weak against all other ways of combat. as an example:let's take pures...melee at first:they can hit like 3 quick 30s with dds. mages at second:can hold you for 20 seconds long and hit 30s. ranged:max hit is around 26 with crystalbow,potioned,and very rare,plus pretty slow.then for the mage short,it's an awsum weapon it's fast,can hit in the 30s easily,but it only has one special...so far for ranged.this all ain't gonna stop me from getting it as my first 99 stat...but i think jagex should do something about it,so we rangers,can duel and pk together with mages and meleeers. plz post your oppinions here.i'm sry if you see it in a complete other way. but keep the flaming for yourself plz... happy posting :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
x_bow80 Posted March 16, 2006 Share Posted March 16, 2006 yea, rangers are low in pking, but cbow rox!!! Even tho i dont have 1 :cry: 99 Pics - Range, Defence, HP, Attack, Magic, Strength, Cooking Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tilly Posted March 16, 2006 Author Share Posted March 16, 2006 it's a good bow,but the boltracks cost alot and you don't get em back,i've even bought one for duelling but i'm pretty disappointed...well keep up the posting and thanx x bow :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
moopymitchell182 Posted March 16, 2006 Share Posted March 16, 2006 So what's the point of this topic? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pionex40 Posted March 16, 2006 Share Posted March 16, 2006 OK, here is my view on Rangers and PKing, note I am 99 Range. For all the time that rangers had a massive unfair advantage over EVERYONE in RS2, if they hit nothing but zeros for the rest of the RS lifetime, it would still be unfair. Thast how unbalanced range was, so tough it up, you had your day, its over. You only get one chance to live your life....But, endless opportunities to screw it up. Pio "But your honor, he deserved killin "Judge " Fair nuff, the defendant is free to go" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Muijs Posted March 16, 2006 Share Posted March 16, 2006 moopy, this is another "we rangers want to be the best combat style again, now that its all balanced we dont own everyone anymore, boo hoo. we dont care that we are the cheapest form of combat, we want to be the best combat form too!!!!!" topic. from time to time they pop up. we'll just have to ignore em :wink: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nyarlathotep Posted March 16, 2006 Share Posted March 16, 2006 How come when someones complaining about range being 'underpowered' they always compare themsleves to melee pvp when theyre supposed tolose to them? And how come if range is underpowered at any given moment of any given day taverley blue dragons and waterfall fire giants permanently camped out by rangers? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Freakyhair Posted March 16, 2006 Share Posted March 16, 2006 There's always going to be a combat syle that will be better than the rest, at the moment it's melee. Chances are they'll nerk the spec bar and more rangers will appear. It's hard to get an equal triangle. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Noproblem22 Posted March 16, 2006 Share Posted March 16, 2006 How come when someones complaining about range being 'underpowered' they always compare themsleves to melee pvp when theyre supposed tolose to them? And how come if range is underpowered at any given moment of any given day taverley blue dragons and waterfall fire giants permanently camped out by rangers? That was a horrible arguement. Sometimes the only reason people train range is for total lvl. That would be my case...and hes not comparing range to just melee, look at his topic. Its range to both. Range just doesn't do the damage the other 2 classes are capable of. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pure_arch_jr Posted March 16, 2006 Share Posted March 16, 2006 ranged:max hit is around 26 with crystalbow,potioned,and very rare,plus pretty slow.then for the mage short,it's an awsum weapon it's fast,can hit in the 30s easily,but it only has one special...so far for ranged. Ok well, crystal bow hits 22 max I believe, and mage short hits 30s? Noo, max with mage short is 22 and 23 with special. 30 is way out. :oops: RIP Staking RIP 2 Mage Short Specials Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JokerJedi Posted March 16, 2006 Share Posted March 16, 2006 i think tho that range can be very deadly Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kinkydave Posted March 16, 2006 Share Posted March 16, 2006 ok currently i have 96 range.. and no, range is not underpowered. range is good not for high hits but acuracy and speed, which is why mages are so easy. Once your range is high good melee armor should never be a big deal, karils bow hits through it with out a problem. the only argument i have is the magic short bow special. compared to the dds where its special increases acuracy and damge and it has four specials per bar. the mage short only has one per bar and it lowers acuracy. if anything the dds special should have been weakened, not magic short bow. as for the damages... with crystal bow potted i have hit a max of 25. karils bow potted i have hit 23. magic short bow and seercull 22, also potted. and my best special was a 22/22. i guess by 30s you ment 15/15 all done..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crossfire39 Posted March 16, 2006 Share Posted March 16, 2006 Like the guy above.. i really want to know where you got the statement about how we can easily in the 30s... Otherwise range is pretty sweet outside of the wildy. No food and inespensive. .:: RSC Product ::..:: 116 Combat ::..:: 1777 Overall ::..:: Biggest Single Drop Log Ever ::. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RaScape Posted March 16, 2006 Share Posted March 16, 2006 ranged:max hit is around 26 with crystalbow,potioned,and very rare,plus pretty slow.then for the mage short,it's an awsum weapon it's fast,can hit in the 30s easily,but it only has one special...so far for ranged. Ok well, crystal bow hits 22 max I believe, and mage short hits 30s? Noo, max with mage short is 22 and 23 with special. 30 is way out. :oops: Yeah what he said was confusing cause the crystal bow is by far the strongest and the magic shortbow hits 44-46 with the special based on hat pure_arcg_jr said. To the author of this topic. Rangers are stronger than mages anyway you put it even when they use full Ahrim's. If a mage doesn't pray or whip out a whip or another weapon, then the mage would lose. The archer can shoot nearly two times when a mage casts one battle spell. plus the fact hat mage armour has no defense protection and splitbark isn't really great in use or looks, except for people who use splitbark and mystic bottom (which I find pathetically funny) instead of just using full Ahrim's or something else. That is an effective money idea but it looks so ugly...Anyway..a fight where the archer or mage doesn't move and all the variables are controlled, the archer would have the upper hand but since RuneScape has random chances, the mage could win rarely. - That's just my thought. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
uk_swat Posted March 17, 2006 Share Posted March 17, 2006 Pure rangers with high lvl range own in my opinion,with a pot and recoil they own most other pures :D 23 whip pks,3 dhorka,2 ahrims lvl 119 attack 99 strength 99 and defence 92 plus 94 mage Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mam123 Posted March 17, 2006 Share Posted March 17, 2006 well guys some of you are wrong.... mages were actually owning rangers. Dont tell that mages are not way overpowered now...Block you from teleing then beat the [cabbage] out of you with damage spells. Ok rangers can still use this spells too... but did u see the -magic attack bonus on ranged armors. You will tell then use mystic mixed with ranged... less accurate with range now? Thats why the seercul came out... but it didn't change anything... they forgot the dam stats restore pots o well... i agree with this dude... rangers are not good anymore Not a member of 'the'clan anymore :S But still proud that i was one!Characters:-Mam123 ~BanNed~-Purr Pker ~Main character~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frightful Posted March 17, 2006 Share Posted March 17, 2006 I agree 100% with you. I've been ranging forever (actually 4 months) and I have 40 Ranging. It's pretty weak, but when you PK rangers get SMASHED. OWNED. They're bad against melee, their armor is TOO good for arrows, let alone darts. Mage's armor can be badly pierced by arrows, but now with Split Bark armor and the fact that they can hit 17s at the same Magic Level as Ranging, where you can only hit 9 to 10s... And also, there are Amulets of Magic (+10 Magic), Amulets of Strength (+10 Strength), but no Amulets especially for Rangers are made. None. Nata. Jagex needs to upgrade Rangers... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bobdjojo Posted March 17, 2006 Share Posted March 17, 2006 yeah i had typed out a really long speach about the triangle but i sumarized it in this rangering all though my highest skill is underpowered but i believe someday rangers will get there just deserves :evil: oh and jagex how bout letting us use blue hide in f2p :evil: -no longer playing runescape, I have moved on to play world of warcraft. But I love the community of the forums so I plan to stay here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kinkydave Posted March 17, 2006 Share Posted March 17, 2006 well guys some of you are wrong.... mages were actually owning rangers. Dont tell that mages are not way overpowered now...Block you from teleing then beat the cabbage out of you with damage spells. Ok rangers can still use this spells too... but did u see the -magic attack bonus on ranged armors. You will tell then use mystic mixed with ranged... less accurate with range now? Thats why the seercul came out... but it didn't change anything... they forgot the dam stats restore pots o well... i agree with this dude... rangers are not good anymore two words...bull ***. the only adavantage a mage has over me is freezing or entagling me...but then i simply use crystal bow and hit with no problem. and i would be happy to prove it :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tilly Posted March 17, 2006 Author Share Posted March 17, 2006 thnx all for the replies i didn't expect this much,well and about the 30 hitting i ment with a special.altough that's 1 x30 and u have to wait a long time to hit it again Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pure_arch_jr Posted March 17, 2006 Share Posted March 17, 2006 thnx all for the replies i didn't expect this much,well and about the 30 hitting i ment with a special.altough that's 1 x30 and u have to wait a long time to hit it again Still Can't hit 30. :wink: well guys some of you are wrong.... mages were actually owning rangers. Dont tell that mages are not way overpowered now...Block you from teleing then beat the cabbage out of you with damage spells. Ok rangers can still use this spells too... but did u see the -magic attack bonus on ranged armors. You will tell then use mystic mixed with ranged... less accurate with range now? Thats why the seercul came out... but it didn't change anything... they forgot the dam stats restore pots o well... i agree with this dude... rangers are not good anymore two words...bull ***. the only adavantage a mage has over me is freezing or entagling me...but then i simply use crystal bow and hit with no problem. and i would be happy to prove it :D Mage is over-powered lol. Oh, and mage short bow with rune arrows is better than crystal bow, and karils x-bow is even better than that. Ranged has the ability to hit constantly and at distance (with Karils x-bow), but what it lacks is the ability to KO. RIP Staking RIP 2 Mage Short Specials Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mmm000_Cow Posted March 17, 2006 Share Posted March 17, 2006 ok currently i have 96 range.. and no, range is not underpowered. range is good not for high hits but acuracy and speed, which is why mages are so easy. Once your range is high good melee armor should never be a big deal, karils bow hits through it with out a problem. the only argument i have is the magic short bow special. compared to the dds where its special increases acuracy and damge and it has four specials per bar. the mage short only has one per bar and it lowers acuracy. if anything the dds special should have been weakened, not magic short bow. as for the damages... with crystal bow potted i have hit a max of 25. karils bow potted i have hit 23. magic short bow and seercull 22, also potted. and my best special was a 22/22. i guess by 30s you ment 15/15 all done..... You can't kill a mage if they have food left because range hits so low, because your maximum hit will be barely over 20, however they can heal 20 every time you hit. When they do run out of food they can just run and you have no way of stopping them like mages do. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zimbe Posted March 17, 2006 Share Posted March 17, 2006 The thing is, that it's stupid to pk as ranger, mage or melee. Hybrid is the way to go, I my self use melee + mage or ranged + melee. At the moment im getting 99 ranged, its a good help when you meet mages/mage melees. Proud Blacknight since 2004 SeptemberBlacknights Elder since 2005 SeptemberBlacknights Warlord/council 2005-2007 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pure_arch_jr Posted March 17, 2006 Share Posted March 17, 2006 The thing is, that it's stupid to pk as ranger, mage or melee. Hybrid is the way to go, I my self use melee + mage or ranged + melee. At the moment im getting 99 ranged, its a good help when you meet mages/mage melees. Just get 94 mage and barrage like the other million "good" pkers that just use the same monotonous strategy. :x RIP Staking RIP 2 Mage Short Specials Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarkDude Posted March 17, 2006 Share Posted March 17, 2006 Range IS underpowered if you like it or not. Rangers can't KO which is really the only way to get pks these days, and even have a hard team beating mages. Meleers can Easily kill both rangers and Mages. Mages can kill Meleers and Rangers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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