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Can you get lvls after 99??


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I know this sounds stupid but oh well. If you look in the forum "Rate this" under the topic "100M Range Exp". There is a picture of someone showing their range exp and it says:








Current Exp: 100000000




"Next Lvl": 14391160








Now I know 99 is the highest lvl you can get but why would it still say that "next lvl" at 143M exp even after you have 99 range?

117 Combat


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I think that for some skills, it would be a blessing and some a curse...




GOOD SKILLS to raise the cap of:




Prayer: Ever run out right when you REALLLLLY need it?




Cooking: With higher levels, high level food would burn less easily.




Firemaking: Have the ability to light fires that last until you log out.




Woodcutting: Chop trees down faster.




Mining, Fishing: Get ore/Fish more quickly (who wouldn't want that?)




Runecrafting: Get more runes per ess.




Agility: Fail obstacles less frequently... Sounds good to me!




BAD SKILLS to raise the cap of:




All combat skills: Whats the point?




Smithing: Would need to make more items to smith and would wreck the economy.




Fletching: More bows? Oh god, whats next? This is coming from an 80+ fletcher too, lol...

You act like the game community is like the stinking bowels of hell.... In all reality.. its much.. much... worse.



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It is impossible to reach levels after the 99. Simply 99 is maximum and i really don't know, why there is "Next level". It would be better to show something like "U R KING DUDE!" :lol:




Limit of maximum XP is 200 milions. After this amount you are able to do anything you want in the 200M-skill, but you won't get any XP. Already one player reached in Cooking and two reached in Fletching. I think they are mad as a hatter, especially XXX Neo XXX.

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I do think they should make all the lvls go to 110 or something.. Right now Zezima has been 2079 skill total for I don't know 1-2 years? The Old Nite is right about to be the 2nd one.. They need to take the skill past 99 and add 1-3 more.

117 Combat


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I do think they should make all the lvls go to 110 or something.. Right now Zezima has been 2079 skill total for I don't know 1-2 years? The Old Nite is right about to be the 2nd one.. They need to take the skill past 99 and add 1-3 more.








First of all another skill now would more likely make more people quit rather than start on runescape, already as it is now there are plenty skills to start, for example :




I want to train magic, but i need runes. What do i do? You train runecrafting, then it all becomes free to lvl a skill that required cash for runes, and equiptment can be gained by maging, look at mage train arena.








I want to make my own armor but also train my ranged so i have a wide amount of combat skills : the simple answer = smith ur own armor and make arrow heads, which with fletching can make it free, and even a profitmaker if you dont use up all arrows.












my second point is : what would be good with 105 smithing?, making dragon? nah that would break runescape totally, the point of dragon is that you can't gain it unless you pay a NPC that deals with dragon items or find it as a drop, who would like zezima to make 50,000 Dragon Chainmails and make that item as common as Rune Scimitar, if runescape ever goes that way i would prefer to quit rather to achieve meaningless goals like this one :shock: 8) :lol: :shock:

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I have a few 99 lvls, and yes after reaching lvl 99 you do get another 'next lvl at 14,391,160', i think that lvl 100 does exist and that is it, when i got '100' range im sure i hit a bit better then at 99, but who really knows eh..? But if not then why is the next lvl there? you do not get another next lvl after passing the '100'

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I do think they should make all the lvls go to 110 or something.. Right now Zezima has been 2079 skill total for I don't know 1-2 years? The Old Nite is right about to be the 2nd one.. They need to take the skill past 99 and add 1-3 more.




Lol has farming been out for 1-2 years. :roll:

99 Fishing/Cooking - Both Achieved in Rs1

99 Attack, Defense, Strength, Range, Hitpoints, Fletching

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I think that for some skills, it would be a blessing and some a curse...


GOOD SKILLS to raise the cap of:


Prayer: Ever run out right when you REALLLLLY need it?





This is rather one sided point of view, don't you think? Its pretty hard to lose 99 prayer in a few minutes (if you use it wisely)





Cooking: With higher levels, high level food would burn less easily.





And Damage the Economy, like..*gasp* Smithing!





Firemaking: Have the ability to light fires that last until you log out.





And make the wholse rs server lag even more?





Woodcutting: Chop trees down faster.





And ruin the economy .. like smithing?





Mining, Fishing: Get ore/Fish more quickly (who wouldn't want that?)



And ruin the economy even more again?





Runecrafting: Get more runes per ess.



We get enough runes per ess already, again would ruin the economy





Agility: Fail obstacles less frequently... Sounds good to me!





Whilst Agility probably does not contribute to the economy, it probably helps in pk so .. no.





BAD SKILLS to raise the cap of:


All combat skills: Whats the point?


Smithing: Would need to make more items to smith and would wreck the economy.


Fletching: More bows? Oh god, whats next? This is coming from an 80+ fletcher too, lol...




Bingo ;)

Proud founder of the Myriad

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I have a few 99 lvls, and yes after reaching lvl 99 you do get another 'next lvl at 14,391,160', i think that lvl 100 does exist and that is it, when i got '100' range im sure i hit a bit better then at 99, but who really knows eh..? But if not then why is the next lvl there? you do not get another next lvl after passing the '100'




Thank you, that's what I was wanting to know.

117 Combat


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I don't agree that you should get pass level 99. As of this moment, only one player out of the whole game have completely beaten Runescape (Zezima, full 99). Chances are most of us will not get to that point, so no reason to raise the cap.

All I learned in life, I learned on Tip.it

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It would be so sweet to have an ultimate like lvl 150 skill. Something that would be insanely hard to get to, but insanely sweet to have.




Such as:


-150 Agility: Never run out of energy


-150 Cooking: Never burn anything. Ever.


-150 Firemaking: Make fires that don't go out until you log out


-150 Fishing: Catch fish at a very, very fast pace


-150 Herblore: Make the ultimate potion that gives you a permanent increse of your choice of skill when you drink it


-150 Magic: Cast a spell where you can open your bank anywhere (other than beyond lvl 10 wild)


-150 Prayer: Never run out of prayer. Ever.


-150 Runecrafting: use noted ess for runecrafting


-150 Thieving: Steal from other people


-150 Woodcutting: Cut any tree and it doesn't run out, but it does for other people




Ahh...the dreams of me that won't happen. And no bull about ruining the economy, only like 3 people would get there anyway. Ok, maybe that potion would...

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