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Won the Championship! [Team background inside]


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Yes it's true, we've made it this freaking far.




We went from 4th place to 7th then shot back up to second place after our 7 game losing streak. We won our first tournament game, lost our second, won our 3rd and 4th this afternoon and are going to the championship game tommorw.




I play the sport of hockey and I play defense.




I just thought i'd let you all know :P



"I backed my car into a cop car the other day

Well he just drove off sometimes life's ok


Alright already we'll all float on

Alright don't worry we'll all float on" - Isaac Brock

Days Hunting:4 - Kingly Imps Caught:2

Money Earned: 4.5-5m

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Good Luck and hope you win :D


Just don't let the other players shash you in the side walls :lol: (or watever they are called :? ...)

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Uhm... at least it's not a spelling bee? :P




Seriously though, as long as you get plenty of rest and watch what you eat, you should do fine :)

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what championship???? states, regional, etc???




Gratz hockey is pretty cool sport.








Field hockey, ice hockey or street hockey?




Ice Hockey






Thanks for all the luck you guys :)



"I backed my car into a cop car the other day

Well he just drove off sometimes life's ok


Alright already we'll all float on

Alright don't worry we'll all float on" - Isaac Brock

Days Hunting:4 - Kingly Imps Caught:2

Money Earned: 4.5-5m

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Seriously though, as long as you get plenty of rest and watch what you eat, you should do fine :)




Definately important to prepare well, like this. If you do that, then you probably won't need this, but I'll say it anyway: GOOD LUCK! :P

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Some background on our season: We started off the season great! won the first 3 games right off the back. We gained 2 more players (totaling 11 players from our previous 9). I said to my friend "Watch these kids will curse us and make us lose". I didnt really mean it but to my suprise they brought us a 13 game losing streak. It's not their fault, just a good myth to live on :) At the end of the season we shot back and won 4 more games, plus 5 more games in the tournament. We only lost once in the tournament (thank god for double elmination) After playing all teams except one, defeating 3 teams, we won. It was a great feeling, and emotion I can not explain. As this has come to me young it may never happen again. But to fullfill my dreams, when I grow older i'm determined to lead a team to victory such as my coaches did. I'll miss my team since we all live in differnt parts of my state, but i'll never forget them. I've made friends and made memorys i'll never forget. It's wonderful to have something like this and i'm proud of myself for making it this far. As my coach, and fellow defenseman said, along as myself, said that i've vastly improved. I beleive it too.




I'll post some pictures later once I get them onto my computer 8)



"I backed my car into a cop car the other day

Well he just drove off sometimes life's ok


Alright already we'll all float on

Alright don't worry we'll all float on" - Isaac Brock

Days Hunting:4 - Kingly Imps Caught:2

Money Earned: 4.5-5m

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