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In Flames - Come Clarity




I know they're basically a Death Metal band, but what genre would this song be? It's a lot slower and more melodic than death metal, but holy crap, what a song...

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"Nu-Melodic-Metalcore" it has been called.




It sucks, and so do you for liking it. In flames used to be an incredible band... but now theyre horrible.




Its just Nu metal crap pretty much.




I looked a bit at a metal site today, this is what they had:




Melodic Death/Gothenburg, modern rock




But they are a bit nu metal, their new stuff.






And I was wrong about fear factory, they realy are more death than nu.

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"Nu-Melodic-Metalcore" it has been called.




It sucks, and so do you for liking it. In flames used to be an incredible band... but now theyre horrible.




Its just Nu metal crap pretty much.




And you suck for being a narrow-minded little gimp. Seriously, if you took 5 minutes of your time to step away from whatever secluded little genre of music it is you listen to (probably black/death/thrash metal), you might actually find something you like and stop behaving like an elitist tool.

Kirk and Lars I could handle. At the same time.
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Well gee, I just can't feel very happy when one of my favourite bands, a band that pioneered my favourite music genre, sells out to whatever crappy wannabe sub-genre of the week is happening.




Oh and secluded little genre? Theres not much music i dont like, i have about 5000 songs on my computer (I had to stop downloading because i ran out of space) and its pretty hard to get that many songs by similar sounding bands.

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You can't expect a band to release the same album with the same sound for 20 years - people change, bands change.


You're no better than all the people that whine because "Metallica were only good before the black album". So what if it sounds different, just accept it and move on, and don't criticise the people who do like it.

Kirk and Lars I could handle. At the same time.
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Oh and secluded little genre? Theres not much music i dont like, i have about 5000 songs on my computer (I had to stop downloading because i ran out of space) and its pretty hard to get that many songs by similar sounding bands.




What a supporter - you steal their music :| why not go out and buy an album?

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Well gee, I just can't feel very happy when one of my favourite bands, a band that pioneered my favourite music genre, sells out to whatever crappy wannabe sub-genre of the week is happening.




Oh and secluded little genre? Theres not much music i dont like, i have about 5000 songs on my computer (I had to stop downloading because i ran out of space) and its pretty hard to get that many songs by similar sounding bands.




Maybe if you bought their stuff they wouldn't have sold-out?

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5,000 songs is not hard to get of similar sounding music. There are more than enough bands that give a nu metal/death metal sound to at least hit 6500 without a problem. So stop downloading music and buy an album trust me having that album looks much nicer in a collection of CD's then the same shiny silver with words written on it in a sharpie marker.

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Well gee, I just can't feel very happy when one of my favourite bands, a band that pioneered my favourite music genre, sells out to whatever crappy wannabe sub-genre of the week is happening.




Oh and secluded little genre? Theres not much music i dont like, i have about 5000 songs on my computer (I had to stop downloading because i ran out of space) and its pretty hard to get that many songs by similar sounding bands.




Maybe if you bought their stuff they wouldn't have sold-out?




I think the essense of 'Selling-out' is that they sell a lot of records which consequently makes their sound more appealing to the mainstream as they don't want to disappoint on their next release.

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Well gee, I just can't feel very happy when one of my favourite bands, a band that pioneered my favourite music genre, sells out to whatever crappy wannabe sub-genre of the week is happening.




Oh and secluded little genre? Theres not much music i dont like, i have about 5000 songs on my computer (I had to stop downloading because i ran out of space) and its pretty hard to get that many songs by similar sounding bands.




Maybe if you bought their stuff they wouldn't have sold-out?




I think the essense of 'Selling-out' is that they sell a lot of records which consequently makes their sound more appealing to the mainstream as they don't want to disappoint on their next release.




I consider it changing the genre of music that you play, or changing everything that you stand for [Green day], to please a 'bigger' audience.




Aka - A stunt to make more money and have more fans.

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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Well gee, I just can't feel very happy when one of my favourite bands, a band that pioneered my favourite music genre, sells out to whatever crappy wannabe sub-genre of the week is happening.




Oh and secluded little genre? Theres not much music i dont like, i have about 5000 songs on my computer (I had to stop downloading because i ran out of space) and its pretty hard to get that many songs by similar sounding bands.




Maybe if you bought their stuff they wouldn't have sold-out?




I think the essense of 'Selling-out' is that they sell a lot of records which consequently makes their sound more appealing to the mainstream as they don't want to disappoint on their next release.




I consider it changing the genre of music that you play, or changing everything that you stand for [Green day], to please a 'bigger' audience.




Aka - A stunt to make more money and have more fans.




that's what I see as a band Selling-out as. Green day, for example, used to have a great style. It was just fun music, didn't have to mean anything deep. But than for american idiot they changed the style completly, turned the CD into a normal run-of-the-mill goverment bashing CD, and just completly changed their style. That's selling out.






Sadly to say, I haven't listened to some of In flames Old stuff, I have their reroute to remain and soundtrack to your escape CD's, which I do like. But than again, I don't realy "hate" the nu metal genre, some of the bands in it are some good bands, at least I like their style. (And no, i'm not some ''nu metal kiddie' either, I have a lot of different styles on my playlist [all metal though about... :oops: ], but ranging from power metal to death and black)

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Well gee, I just can't feel very happy when one of my favourite bands, a band that pioneered my favourite music genre, sells out to whatever crappy wannabe sub-genre of the week is happening.




Oh and secluded little genre? Theres not much music i dont like, i have about 5000 songs on my computer (I had to stop downloading because i ran out of space) and its pretty hard to get that many songs by similar sounding bands.




Maybe if you bought their stuff they wouldn't have sold-out?


Ive never downloaded an in flames album, i have every good album except the first one, because getting that will take me 40$ and 8 weeks of waiting. I also have the DVD and a shirt. Ok?




And nadril, if you have aim i can send you some older In Flames.

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that's what I see as a band Selling-out as. Green day, for example, used to have a great style. It was just fun music, didn't have to mean anything deep. But than for american idiot they changed the style completly, turned the CD into a normal run-of-the-mill goverment bashing CD, and just completly changed their style. That's selling out.




Greenday has been around since? Half-way/end of the 80's? I bet half of you weren't even BORN at that time. AMERICAN IDIOT came out when? 2004? That's ATLEAST 14 years of the same style. You can't blame a band for growing up, getting mature, growing to a stage where they REALLY have something to say. Where they want to be heard, and hell, I can't blame them for wanting some money as well. You see, it's the same as growing up, or do you still think the same as you did 14 years ago? Are you still happy with $2,- allowance a week?




You know what you guys are? You're arrogant, elitist, spoiled little children that don't think of anything other than theirselves.






Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Greenday didnt mature, they lost all style to please pre-teen girls with stripy material on their arms and who wear black clothes and claim punk.




Secondly, genres pigeon holes bands. IMO, everyone should just gedova it.

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that's what I see as a band Selling-out as. Green day, for example, used to have a great style. It was just fun music, didn't have to mean anything deep. But than for american idiot they changed the style completly, turned the CD into a normal run-of-the-mill goverment bashing CD, and just completly changed their style. That's selling out.




Greenday has been around since? Half-way/end of the 80's? I bet half of you weren't even BORN at that time. AMERICAN IDIOT came out when? 2004? That's ATLEAST 14 years of the same style. You can't blame a band for growing up, getting mature, growing to a stage where they REALLY have something to say. Where they want to be heard, and hell, I can't blame them for wanting some money as well. You see, it's the same as growing up, or do you still think the same as you did 14 years ago? Are you still happy with $2,- allowance a week?




You know what you guys are? You're arrogant, elitist, spoiled little children that don't think of anything other than theirselves.








Man I hope you're not talking about me.


I just hate them for their views and what they sing about, I disagree with almost everything they say and write.




And I really don't like it when I get made fun of for something that I make fun of other people for... Er... if that made any since at all.




Another point of view


It's annoying when you listen to a band for such a long time, and then out of no where they come out with an album that is completely different than anything they have ever written. That's like Fall Out Boy coming out with a metal album.




For some people, it does make a difference on how they feel about a band, and they do have a right to get angry.... In my opinion of course... :P

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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Man I hope you're not talking about me.




Or else? :P




Another point of view


It's annoying when you listen to a band for such a long time, and then out of no where they come out with an album that is completely different than anything they have ever written. That's like Fall Out Boy coming out with a metal album.




Only if you're very conservative, I guess. Otherwise your point of view doesn't really make much sense. [edit]I assumed the "another" was your point of view as well.




For some people, it does make a difference on how they feel about a band, and they do have a right to get angry.... In my opinion of course... :P




Sure that makes a difference. But with Greenday it just seems more like people feel 'bad' about Greenday just for feeling bad about them, and to rant along with the crowd. Which would be just as plastic as the band they hate with so much passion.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Or else? :P


Or else.... I'll..... verbally assault you!:D


Only if you're very conservative, I guess. Otherwise your point of view doesn't really make much sense. [edit]I assumed the "another" was your point of view as well.


Well this wasn't my point of view... Mine was that I hate them for what they stand for, and what they sing and write about.


Sure that makes a difference. But with Greenday it just seems more like people feel 'bad' about Greenday just for feeling bad about them, and to rant along with the crowd. Which would be just as plastic as the band they hate with so much passion.


Phew... Good thing none of those people are here... :wink:

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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Sure that makes a difference. But with Greenday it just seems more like people feel 'bad' about Greenday just for feeling bad about them, and to rant along with the crowd. Which would be just as plastic as the band they hate with so much passion.


Phew... Good thing none of those people are here... :wink:




*rants about Greenday*




wait.. I like the sound of their new stuff almost as much as their old stuff. I don't care too much about what they're saying at all :roll:

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