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things you like and dislike... the community


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well we all know that runescape is a great game and its lots of fun. we also all know that tip.it is the greatest runescape fansite out there, no question about it. but what about the driving force behind the two? what about the community? granted, the community as a whole has gone down for runescape, but it doesnt seem to have gotten too bad for tip.it.




so heres what i think. i think that there are still both good and bad points to the community both in game and here. and i want to know what you think.




for me, the best points of the runescape community are the fact that you can turn public chat to off and keep a friends list of 100(much, much more than ill ever need) friends.




the bad points are that there are so many whiny, scamming, begging, crying players that it just sickens me. im actually taking a break from RS for a bit to play maple story (great game, btw. stunning level design, great music, etc. etc. but im not advertizing it here or anything >_> <_<) and the community there is so nice. the only bad place was the "free market" which resembled varrock, world 1.




as for tip.it, the greatest points are that the community is generally friendly, the mods and admins arent to overly "wrathful god"-ish, and you can come here to have a nice friendly arguement without getting called a noob(generally) or getting banned(most of the time).




the bad points about tip.it are that you see a ton of people who dont know where the search button is or how to use it. not only that, but you cant extend tip.it beyond the boundaries of the internet and your computer to have it encompass your entire life.

I couldn't care less if he was Andrew Gower himself, I just don't like arrogant smegheads.
*in the voice of the comic book guy from the simpsons* best. quote. EVER! :thumbsup:
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*jumps on the neogeo bandwagon*




no matter where you go, there will always be noobs. the good thing is, here at tip.it we are able to help out most of them, tell them what they are doing wrong and how to not be noobs. whereas, in rs, every level 3 jumping off the first boat from tutorial island will ask questions and attempt to find things out about the new world they are in. however, most of the time, rs is more than unwelcoming to our newbie friends, and they will mimic the behaviour they first see, usually the undesirable kind. as a kind, newbie loving community, we must help our level 3 friends to change their behaviour BEFORE its too late. if they ask a question, as stupid as it is, answer it, rather than calling them a noob and giving them a reason to dislike higher leveled players. if they are doing something stupid, like scamming, inform them that they are doing something wrong and should change their behaviour. if they dont stop, then you can go ahead and report them all you like. but give them a chance. remember your first day of rs. i know i was too scared to venture away from lumbridge, as stupid as it sounds. so keep an eye out, and help them to mature into the high leveled players we want them to become.






ps: i just became a player mod!

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The people who don't want to play the game fairly are the ones crueling it for all of us. Little kids (generally) who all their motives are is how they can gain at any expense.




Anyway pretty obvious statement ...but had to be made.




p.s. Congrats Stallion on PMod. (sent you a pm about it). :D

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The in-game community is awful. The official forums are a good mirror of most of the gaming community.


Tip.it forums have the best among that community.




In fact, Runescape has one of the worst community for a mmorpg of this big. Just go on onrpg forums, or any gaming-reference website for mmorpgs, everyone always goes "What's not worse than Runescape?". They think everyone that play this game are morons, it's very insulting. And if you tell them you play Runescape, they all go laughing "You have no taste" Yada yada...


Well they are right in a sense.. Most of the people who play Runescape are far from being .. clever. They just ruin the reputation of the game for everyone else.

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the bad points are that there are so many whiny, scamming, begging, crying players that it just sickens me




if you drive across the country, inevitably there will be road construction along the way. the noobs arent going anywhere, its just a part of life

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