WutangFlu Posted March 24, 2006 Share Posted March 24, 2006 Ok. This thing is really getting on my nerves. I'm not doing this just to complain about school, I actually care about my education, and that is why I'm posting this. I have two teachers, my World Geo teacher(who also teachers Health/P.E), and My Lifeskills Math teacher. Both of these teachers are HORRIBLE teachers. My world geo teacher gives out homework like crazy. Example: 2 lessons in out geo book, memorize an entire continents countries/capitols AND physical features in one day, and take a test next day. Now you might say, "just study" i have no problem with that, i end up passing them and going on. But its the way she teaches. She recently gave us an assingment were we had to make 20 slides in power point for a country we selected. Thats was fine with me.. easy Wikipedia Assignment, the thing is she assigned it on a Friday, and due Monday. I was like ok, im fine. But other people wont be, some people i know don't have computers, let alone Internet AND computers. This teacher just doesn't realize that some people don't have these resources. Another thing that she does that really strikes me as a bad teaching habit is interrupting us why we are taking test. Situation: im taking a map test.. *write write write* Teacher: OH! remember the "blah blah blah" is due tomorrows. just out of no where... and just today i was in P.E/Gym, whatever you like to call it. we were playing lacrosse all day, and we had three teams, but only two could play at a time in 20min. intervals. The people who were not playing just sat out and did nothing. So at the end of the class she comes and asked me if i can take a makeup test real quick. (i think to myself, ...could you have not given this to me while i was sitting out, or BEFORE class?) I just took it, whatever. So i took it, and i ended up missing my ride home because of her. There are many more reasons why i think this teacher is not-so-good but i think i got my point across. I just wanna * slap her for being to stupid, she has no common sense or sense of organization or sense of her students lives and needs. Im not the only one who thinks this either, I bet most, if not all of her students think the same way. As for my Life skills math teacher.. WOW, STUPID STUPID STUPID, ok.. hes a student teacher you'd expect me to cut some slack.. yeah so i did, but DAMN! He wrote some stuff on the board, half of his words are spelled wrong, and you try to correct him and he yells " NO THERE NOT!" and since hes a student teacher hes about 22-23 years old i found out. He sits in class and trys to fit in and acts like a gangta and puts on this mentally challenged show that no one but hims laughs at. And also, he never explains anything right. So we, as students are always asking "Did you mean this" "What was that" "ok, explain that one more time", and he has this horrible speech problem were he slurs all his words which makes it even worse... i dunno.. i thought to myself to get some kind of thing started were i go up to my fellow students and have them sign some stuff on paper, and confront the teacher or someone on the council in school.. Do any of you have these stupid teachers? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest AshKaYu Posted March 24, 2006 Share Posted March 24, 2006 I'm only in Grade 7, and since I moved here, I had to go to a small Catholic school for French Immersion, and in English time(Morning), we have this one teacher. She just lectures us for 15 minutes about how they are not going to take this crap in High School, after three people didn't do a small, 5-minute Reflection sheet(2 were sick). Then five minutes later she tells us about how she was scared of ATM machines when they first came out :roll: . Honestly, there's a word that describes her, and it begins with an H. My afternoon teacher gives more homework, but shes nicer, and occasionally gives class time. Plus she gave out chocolate when she screwed up testing :) . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WutangFlu Posted March 24, 2006 Author Share Posted March 24, 2006 Another bad teacher i HAD... my Algebra I teacher.. EVERYDAY... Classtime: 1hr. 30min. Lecture: 1hr 20min. Assignment: 50+ problems under 40 if it was a good day 5min. Time to work: 5min. Assingment due the next day. :| i failed that class and have to retake it, this time im not getting him as a teacher, if i do i WILL slit his throat ... hes that bad. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chaostayoko Posted March 24, 2006 Share Posted March 24, 2006 teachers com and go.... you cant really frustrate your self over a couple of them. :? :lol: :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lionheart_0 Posted March 24, 2006 Share Posted March 24, 2006 Both of these teachers, do sound like their teaching ways are horrible. Most teachers though wont mind though if you do go and talk to them and tell them your having problems with the way their teaching you. Also if you do end up getting that bad teacher again, just go to the office and ask to be switch difrent classes. Also about the homeowrk one, large amounts of homework is no rare in grade 12, and especialy if your in one of the higher rated classes, or smarter classes. Sig by IkuraiYour Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Google90 Posted March 24, 2006 Share Posted March 24, 2006 I am not attempting to make fun of southern people My teacher in 8th grade science. Umm yea shes from the south Last year, we did one project about milkweed bugs. For 5 months, all we did everyday was write and analyze our results everyday(we made an enviornment for them.) 5 Mins of analyzing. 42 mins of sitting in class. She also goes ~deep southern accent~ Her: iight ya'll youngings take outs yalls homework about (insert topic here) (this was actually due 2 months ago, which she collected, it was a paragraph about what we were talking about) Class: You collected that 2 months ago Her: Ya'll be liyng. Imma go call the prinicpal and give all of ya'll detention. This went on the whole year. One of my classmates found weed in her bag. too :lol:. Up to this day she still works like this, teachers are trying to get her fired, but no one can prove what she does. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WutangFlu Posted March 24, 2006 Author Share Posted March 24, 2006 Both of these teachers, do sound like their teaching ways are horrible. Most teachers though wont mind though if you do go and talk to them and tell them your having problems with the way their teaching you. Also if you do end up getting that bad teacher again, just go to the office and ask to be switch difrent classes. Also about the homeowrk one, large amounts of homework is no rare in grade 12, and especialy if your in one of the higher rated classes, or smarter classes. yeah hows this for a situation then... Girl: Shhh... Sh.. sh.. sit DOWN! *yelling at get boyfriend* Teacher: "Girl" go to the office. Girl: why Teacher: disrupting the class Girl: so is he Teacher: no hes not Girl: Fine, i'll leave, i cant stand your [bleep]ing teaching anyway Teacher: go right ahead. whats wrong there? wow.. i was about to stand up and start pushing her around and see how she liked it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
runesmithie Posted March 24, 2006 Share Posted March 24, 2006 teachers com and go.... you cant really frustrate your self over a couple of them. :? :lol: :D Not in small schools, I've had the same teacher for math (One of the best teachers I've had though :D ) since 9th grade and I will until I graduate, same with the horrible lecturing history teacher, the rambling, fun, doesnt know what to do so he gives you a page of work out of the book (same page 3 times a week at times) science teacher, the great english teacher... and thank goodness I'm not going into anymore business classes because that teacher is horrible! We had 1 day to do an assignment that was easily 3 hours =\ Due at the beginning of classes too, if you work on it the day its due in class you get a 50... then I go to a free hour, of which I am a great teacher to myself ;) And then I top it off with the science teacher teaching Principles of Technology :D What a great lifestyle Her: iight ya'll youngings take outs yalls homework about (insert topic here) (this was actually due 2 months ago, which she collected, it was a paragraph about what we were talking about) Class: You collected that 2 months ago Just like my sciences teacher :P! He will ask for month old homework and when we say we turned it in (we did it on paper), he says it cant hurt to do it in Word again :P I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mixand Posted March 24, 2006 Share Posted March 24, 2006 omg i hate when teachers get you in trouble for somone talking to you when your not saying anything... "If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." - Samuel AdamsMy new site. [bETA] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Althalus Posted March 24, 2006 Share Posted March 24, 2006 My grade 12 math teacher was pretty decent, I only had one problem with her. Everytime she started writing on the board she would periodically turn around and shush us, even if no one was talking. It's like some kind of nervous tick.....it drove me crazy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dragonst0rm Posted March 24, 2006 Share Posted March 24, 2006 KILL ALL THE TEACHERS. Whenni was at skool i had this pe teacher he was small and very annoying. And he did ballet and male doing ballet. Every thought he was gay. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evilperson Posted March 24, 2006 Share Posted March 24, 2006 I wouldn't say the schools fault, but in a way it is. I know where your coming from. I made a post a while back about my ridiculous World history teacher and I guess I made some bad posts back then because I got flamed for it. But listen to MY situation: On the Vietnam war test, one of the questions was: "What ended on April 30, 1975?" Now I didn't respond like this, but some people did. They said, "The War". She marked them wrong because they didn't specify which war. I don't think the U.S. was involved with any other country at that time, but that isn't the point. Is that testing someones knowledge or is it trying to take away what few points they have in the class. If you miss one homework in that class, your grade LITERALLY drops 1 whole letter. I hate her. Everybody lovin' it, but ain't no body touchin' it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
-Hero- Posted March 24, 2006 Share Posted March 24, 2006 I've had the same english teacher for 4 years and im in highschool....seriously theres like 6 english teachers at my school and i get him every year and he smells..not good. NumaNuma Fan | WoW > Rs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zippi08 Posted March 25, 2006 Share Posted March 25, 2006 Hmm, bad teachers, where do I even start? Well, in 8th to 9th grade I had a horrible Geography/History teacher. His nickname among students was Michael Jackson, cause he kind of resembled him..and he always got these weird twitches. I practically learned nooothing with him. Every lesson, we did the same thing. First we read through the text in the text book and then individually we answered some questions regarding the text. If you didn't manage to answer all the questions during class time, it was homework. I always ended up chatting away the whole lesson when we were to do individual work. Also, he never lectured us himself, all he did was read through what it said on the book with us. The tests we got from him were totally weird too. He always gave us the exact questions that were going to come up in the test. So it was just a matter of learning them by heart. He always had 2 analysing questions in the end and those questions would determine if you would get an MVG (the best grade here in Sweden). And almost no one ever got MVG from him. There would be like one person every test that got an MVG. Then he would take aaaages to correct a test. It sometimes took him 1-2 months, and by the time he did do it, we were all like "Huh? Which test?" And then "Ohhhh, the one loong time ago..." The most stupid thing ever was that wrote down people who were active during class. Sometimes he asked questions regarding the text we just read or other questions he made up, and then he chose a person who has his/her hand raised to answer it, and then he would put a mark beside that person's name on his class-list. That's how he divided between the active people in class and the non-active. Then there's my Technology class teacher that seriously is *the* worse teacher ever. He was stinky, yellow-haired and yellow-teethed :x Almost all students were scared of him, because he loved to yell at us for no reason at all. He always said "Yeah, if you guys have any questions later, don't hesitate to ask." And then when you do ask him he goes like "DIDN'T I JUST TELL YOU HOW TO DO THAT?!!!!!!!" Also, if he couldn't find something, like his pen, he blamed it on us, and he got mad at us. Idiot teacher. Thanks for the sig, Runesmithie :)RIP Steve Irwin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GordanFreeman Posted March 25, 2006 Share Posted March 25, 2006 My Algebra 1 teacher's out to get me, she is mean, she does these overhead notes and she goes way to fast, like taking off the transparencies and stuff in a matter of seconds im like wtf? i didn't even get enough time. She also sticks me in the back and i have a problem with my vision so i can't barely ever see the overhead either! Also she hand-writes everything. Just plain annoying. Luckily school's over in a few months. "El que no arriesga no gana" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Papickett Posted March 25, 2006 Share Posted March 25, 2006 let alone Internet AND computers Who has the internet and doesn't have a computer? Gamertag: Dances w NinjasRetired(Oh noes!) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zippi08 Posted March 26, 2006 Share Posted March 26, 2006 let alone Internet AND computers Who has the internet and doesn't have a computer? Um, at least half the world. Thanks for the sig, Runesmithie :)RIP Steve Irwin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dymed Posted March 26, 2006 Share Posted March 26, 2006 let alone Internet AND computers Who has the internet and doesn't have a computer? Um, at least half the world. At least half the world has internet but not a computer? What do they do, browse on the LCD screens built into their palms? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
runesmithie Posted March 26, 2006 Share Posted March 26, 2006 let alone Internet AND computers Who has the internet and doesn't have a computer? Um, at least half the world. At least half the world has internet but not a computer? What do they do, browse on the LCD screens built into their palms? I think there was possibly some language mixup there :P I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WutangFlu Posted March 26, 2006 Author Share Posted March 26, 2006 mhm Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zippi08 Posted March 26, 2006 Share Posted March 26, 2006 let alone Internet AND computers Who has the internet and doesn't have a computer? Um, at least half the world. At least half the world has internet but not a computer? What do they do, browse on the LCD screens built into their palms? Oh, I mis-read Papickett's answer, thought it said "Who doesn't have internet and a computer?" Nevermind. Thanks for the sig, Runesmithie :)RIP Steve Irwin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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