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Carpentry a skill to come?


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OK so alot of people say carpentry is comming out next (our necromancy.. dif topic tho) but as i do every new quest to keep on top of them i realize there are alot of them with building things and fixing things up (special the newest quest in aid of the myreque) and every quest that has these i just get CRAFTING exp so im thinking maybe carpentry will not be its own skill but a sub skill of crafting. just a thought post your thoughts and comments on this topic if yah want

70+ all skills. 17/24 skills 75+

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Carpentry is most assuredly going to be a skill. I think it would be better if it were a part of Crafting (as I'm low crafting (52+ish) and am always looking for an easy way to level up that skill). But otherwise all we can really speculate about is that it will involve teak and mahogany logs as they have been cited as commonly used for furniture and I assume some other trees will also be used (oak furniture, is there any willow furniture?) Carpentry will be released when Player owned Houses are released and will probably only be used as a show off skill as I doubt you can really profit off of it (Selling Teak Chair 100k!!! :wink: ).




Not much is set in stone as Jagex has released very little about the skill and Player Owned Houses but we do know they're coming eventually (My guess is during the summer as they know that is when their demographic has the most free time).

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hmm well if it does come outi have nothing to worry about i have 90 craftin =)




nice, u think you could make me some glories lol i have like 9 cut d stones in my bank and a crystal key so im about to get another d stone ill give u gold bars too lol

70+ all skills. 17/24 skills 75+

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Don't hold your breath waiting for it. It was out...oh, let's see...4 years ago? (fellow veterans feel free to correct me) It had so many bugs in it that it was yanked like a bad tooth. I'm sure we won't see it again until Jagex is 100% sure it will work properly.



The only easy day was yesterday.

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if there was then a scroll bar is needed because its a new skill and the skill list is full,also what would you do with the items you make, we don't own a house in runescape, all the other skills you can keep to help you with another skill.

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Don't hold your breath waiting for it. It was out...oh, let's see...4 years ago? (fellow veterans feel free to correct me) It had so many bugs in it that it was yanked like a bad tooth. I'm sure we won't see it again until Jagex is 100% sure it will work properly.




Dunno exact timeline of it, but I remember rune armor/weapons was the replacement for the POH not coming out.

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Don't hold your breath waiting for it. It was out...oh, let's see...4 years ago? (fellow veterans feel free to correct me) It had so many bugs in it that it was yanked like a bad tooth. I'm sure we won't see it again until Jagex is 100% sure it will work properly.




As I recall at the very beginning there was no carpentary skill, but after a while of the game being up it was added into the skill menu/window and nothing more happened to it, but it was removed when (oh noez) rs2 game along, but I may be wrong about the skill not being there when rs1 first starded, it was a long time ago and my memory isn't so great :lol: .

Lowgravity, I want to be just like you. But...I never will be as 1337 as you. :(
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Don't hold your breath waiting for it. It was out...oh, let's see...4 years ago? (fellow veterans feel free to correct me) It had so many bugs in it that it was yanked like a bad tooth. I'm sure we won't see it again until Jagex is 100% sure it will work properly.
Well hello there, fellow veteran. Carpentry was not in the stat screen in the beginning, it came later on and was removed from the stat screen. The thing is, you could never train the whole skill. So, it wasn't bugged, because it didn't even exist!


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I have problems training all my skills right now..I mean.I havent realy tried all my skills yet like farming


sow I dont realy care if it comes now or in the summer..

I always tell the truth even when I lie

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