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Read page 19 to see how much Jagex hates ME!!!!!


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RSN: jaxter98




I should come because I think that it it important to have FUN leaveing RuneScape and if you are there with only like 3 people you are less happy than if you had more people cheering for you. P.S make sure to keep some stuff so that if you come back you can still play

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RSN: RoswellCrash




I would like to come because i have been playing RuneScape A year now but have nothing but my levels to show for it some items would be great, and also because i will miss sk8ermaster's drop because he forgot us english are five or more hours behind and i will be working when his drop is going down.




So bring an englishman along! bring me along.




Roswell Crash

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Well, I don't know you, but good luck and have fun in real life. I'm sure you will though :wink:






Anyway, the only reason I would come is because of that dark cavalier - I love them so much.




My runescape name is spams. If you do come back, drop me a pm, I'll be happy to give you some starting stuff to get you back on your feet.






Remember, stay away from fast cars, fast food, and fast women. :wink:

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Rs name: Blacksimon




Reason why I should come: First of all, im not much of a materialistic person, money does not mean much to me, im lvl 112 and have a bit over 50k in my bank. One thing I do love is donating things to people, around 90% of everything ive ever owned has gone into drop parties, logg on world 79 and feel free to ask anyone about blacksimon. If I were to come to this drop party, id most likley sell what I get, and buy lots of full rune sets to drop. Who knows, I just might make somones day and keep them from quitting.




And btw, quitting the game is a very hard move to make, and i repect and honor your bravery towards something like this, I know i woulnd never be capable of anything like that.

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:shock: :shock:


rsn: uk_dragon1


reason: i will make ur party real fun :lol: :D i could also realy use some of those items, and would love to be able to boast to my rich m8 who loves to call me "noob"!, and even if i dont get any stuff im sure we'll all have a great time!


P.S. i think it's great that u are doing this, this way noobs like me have a chance of gettin something expensive, which could be the highlight of some peoples rs career.

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hey man sorry to see another runescaper leave. I wish you the best of luck in whatever you do. I want to come just so youll go out in a bang. It sucks to leave with only 3 people saying bye. A tip take a pic before you leave of all your friends saying bye. My runescape name is spellsword95.




Ps. I'll bring the beer :D

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After being diagnosed with cancer a year ago, i have not have had time to play much runescape. The last drop party I have been to was one held by w13 on RS Classic. I love drop parties, and I would love to attend yours after finally becoming a cancer-free patient.








Rs name- Speed Dog

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RSN : caskade




Contrar to your statement "none of you know or care who I am," I know you as an acquiantence on these boards. You mostly post in general. But that is besides the matter at hand. I hate to see veteran players leave, but life goes on as they say. On that note, I'd like to thank you for giving back what you have earned over your past 4 years of gameplay. Unlike many who simply say "Forget this game, I'll just quit and let everything rot and rust," there are the few exceptions like you who give back. I'm sure I'll one day quit like you, and I will do the same. I'll give back what I've made and earned. Whether it be to my friends or the community. Another thanks to you for offering all of us this opportunity, and not just your closest friends. Allowing us a chance as a community to receive what you want to freely give, and quite a bit of swag it is, is very generous of you. Even if I don't receive that arm of invitation from you, I'm sure those that do receive it will be glad have such an "honor" as one might say.




Again, thank you for allowing us all an equal opportunity in this, and not just picking favorites.




good luck making your decision,






Sig Under Construction

Current Goals: FIshing 91/99 Cooking 93/99

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rsn: bayern bt




I like you have also been playing for 4 years, but I have not come nearly into the amount of cash that you have. I would like to gain some cash and go for my goal of 99 range also.

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Runescape Name: Amoeba0012




Reson for coming: Well... To tell you the truth, I never knew you but I am starting up a new clan with some of my freinds and it would be awesome if i could attend this drop party so that i can progress our clans funds further have more fun with the clan!




Sorry, I have no good reason like "i am dieing from cancer", or "all the proceeds will go to charity", but as i said before, I would like to come so that our clan can skip some of the money making procedures at the beginning and move right on to pking in Dharoks. It seems like so many players are quitting runescape... Man... Off topic: Los Angeles looks really cool when its raining.




P.S: DONT TELL PPL THE TIME AND PLACE UNTIL RIGHT BEFORE IT, cus... you know... leaks happen :P

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well im steel sledge ive made 100s of mills and have been haked many of times just recently again but that isnt my reason eevryday i try and get items for my freinds for x mas b days but it always goes away and if u can find it in your heart to let me come you will ge t a tingle inside otherwise youd be hurting my feelings=[

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RSN : Langerkiller




Reason why I don't want to come to your party: I've been playing for 2 years now and I always managed to lvl up my skills on my own without getting financed through friends or drop parties. I never understand why ppl quitting would want to reward strangers with the wealth the accumulated through the years... I hope you don't regret that decision someday and that you have fun on your last runescape day.




Let me add this to all the ppl begging to come to your drop party: You just have sunk pretty low, i hope all those who begged in these last 12 pages will never EVER again call ppl noob in-game for saying "free stuff plz", because you just did.




Happy scaping guys, happy retirement dude, this post wasn't intended to be mean to you.



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^^ Then why u include ur rsn? (Besides, here he is offering free stuff, no one was standing in the middle of varrok on f2p asking for free stuff) If you really wanted to show how little you cared about going to the drop party then you wouldnt have included it... Man, reading all the different things people have posted here... People have so many different strategies! Theres the "truth", which usually is only part of the "truth" in the first place ;) Even the people who are all "against" this drop party include their rsn, just in case he choses to accept them. I love this one, "i had cancer"... If you had cancer we all feel sorry for you, but you cant go around the rest of your life expecting benefits from it. You say that you recovered from cancer, so go be great like all those other cancer patients who donate to charity... Once again, i do feel sorry for you if you really did have cancer and im glad you recovered from it. Most cancer patients I know dont like to go parading around like Lance Armstrong expecting benefits.




I guess i just broke the rules (which in its own way could be another strategy for getting picked, heh, the ole "nonconformist act" to stand out) so consider my post retracted earlier. I think its just interesting to study everyones mind.




Have fun in life, and nice stats (this i call the "suck up" strategy)




PS: I want those rune legs (you did have them right?)... i dont know why yet... i just want them... (recognize this? its the act funny to stand out one!)




GOOD LUCK ON GETTING PICKED YALL! Im just gonna go to this other dudes drop party. How do drop parties work anyway?

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rs name: la_wildcard






reason to come: well i decided to quit about a month ago because of not having enuff time to play with baseball and stuff, well i broke my ankle a couple days ago and decided to play againm ive been looking for an oppurtunity to get back on my feet as u can say because i dropped all my stoofs, this is like the perfect opportunity, ty in advance

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RSN: Sirlaser




I am dedicated to my clan, I am honest, I help out friends whenever they need it. I also realllly want to goto your drop party so I can keep some and give a bit to some of my poorer friends, lol.




Hope you pick me :)

RSN - Sirlaser [ Private Chat: ON ]

~~115/120 Combat~~

Leader of Exile [X]

>> Click to Enter EXILE <<

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RSN: me4391


I dont know.... i guess i need the money... got scammed all my stuff... im thinking of quiting if things dont start getting better. :( im working my but off but i always get lucky and find a scammer to steal my hard work and my hopes of trusting anyone else.






"I used to act dumb. It was an act. I am 26 years old, and that act is no longer cute."

-Paris Hilton

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