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Why not? [Rule 9-15]


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Yes, I'm covering the other rules now.


Again, this is a different topic than the other two.






=Rule 9 - Encouraging Others to Break Rules


You must not encourage others to break any of the RuneScape rules.


=Rule 10 - False Representations


This service must be used appropriately and treated with respect at all times.


=Rule 11 - Advertising/Website


You are not allowed to actively advertise in the RuneScape game or RuneScape forums.


=Rule 12 - Real World Item Trading


RuneScape items must only be exchanged for other items/services within the game.


=Rule 13 - Asking for Personal Details


To protect players' saftey and privacy, you must not ask for personal details.


=Rule 14 - Misuse of Official Forums


Forums must be used respectfully at all times.


=Rule 15 - Advert Blocking


Please do not block the Adverts in free-to-play RuneScape.




Rule 9- makes lots of sense, good I guess, even though it's implied...


Rule 10- I didn't understand this at first, but it means to not abuse the customer support. Good idea I guess...


Rule 11- I guess you don't want links to bad (as in...porno, etc) sites. But since the chat blocker blocks websites...how can you ban people for it? This rule is ok, but Jagex WAY over reacts to it most of the time. Like saying tip.it. That's getting pathetic.


Rule 12- Well..ok. I don't want some rich guy to buy Runescape cash. But again Jagex goes WAY overboard. Really, you could give generously to someone and get banned. I know it's happened.


Rule 13- I think this one is fine. One of the few things that Jagex did right in the rules...


Rule 14- I suppose in a sense the same rule applies at tip.it. There's about four good rules now...




Did you even know this was a rule? It's new news to me!




Why do we have this rule?




The adverts above the Free-to-play version of RuneScape are what enable us to keep the free game running! The sponsors who show their adverts there are the ones paying for you to enjoy a free game in the first place, so please don't block them.


What the heck? That's stupid!!!


That's got to be the second hardest rule to inforce I have ever heard. The first being there was a website that said no picking your nose.




What do you think?

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I agree... that last rule is stupid... but i guess jagex wants to make sure it gets its money from it's sponsers so they make sure the adds are there.




I for one don't understand why they would allow the use of outside websites, but don't allow talking of it in game...




the rest i pretty much agree with...

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I block the Ads, I have Duct Tape over them.










Wouldn't It suck if they banned you for that?






dude i totally agree with u




1 question!when did they change the game becuz someone complained?or signed an online petition?


Woot! Got total lvl 900 in f2p!

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ah, 3 topics that could have been merged and serves no purpose as different topics. Guess My prediction was true.




Btw how about you give an explanation of way you think rule 15 is the stupidest rule instead of just saying "What the heck? That's stupid!!!"


Sure it may be hard to enforce but it's there for a reason. How else to except JaGex to pay for f2p server costs? Donations?

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. How else to except JaGex to pay for f2p server costs? Donations?




By the profit after paying the expensives (saleries, updates, etc.,) they have enough CASH to keep up the f2p. They make like 5 mil a year.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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. How else to except JaGex to pay for f2p server costs? Donations?




By the profit after paying the expensives (saleries, updates, etc.,) they have enough CASH to keep up the f2p. They make like 5 mil a year.


WHo is the "they" you are talking about? Oh and how do you get the 5mil figure? Do you somehow know the amount of employees and how much they are paid?




dude it's not donations it's sponsors look it up in a dictionnary




they r ur best friends


Says the guy that spells dictionary wrong. I think anyone can understand what I meant. Oh and how did I use the word donations wrong? Nice attempt to make yourself look superoir correcting my supposed wrongful usage of the word "donation". :roll:




Oh Btw what do you have against Shiva? You have "Don't RIP shiva" in you sig after all.

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Ads are the only reason there is a f2p. So what nobody clicks on em but its still renting space. Dont like the ads get members...

well today at 11:30 am 14 years ago i was born.. wo0t!!!
At 11:30 you should start holding your head underwater wo0t!!!
Stop acting such a moron.
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I wonder how effective any online ad can be. How many would you say you've ever clicked? I don't recall any except by accident. Still, it is revenue, if you wish to play the game you can so long as you view the ads.




There are programs that can track in a way if you're showing the ads on your screen. Not sure of the details, but let's face it. If you're playing Runescape, you're allowing a limited access to info on what your computer does to Jagex.




Most the rules are reasonable. Some are fairly vague and can stand to be plainly illustrated, especially in the new Knowledge Base Jagex put together.


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eh? Jagex secretly added that with no official announcement of it...now F2Pers with spyware programs can egt banned for it and Jagex can use the rule against them, saying it was there all along. How can Jagex even detect us blocking ads anyway?



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Most likely, the character won't be banned. It'll be informed that it is blocking adverts against Rule 15. They'll ask you to remove the ad blocker for their site or cease playing their game.




When you agreed to play, you agreed that Jagex can change, add or adapt rules over time without notification and that you'll agree to those changes ahead of time.




As for detection, I presume it may be a reply system in your web browser. I've heard of programs being develop that are detecting ad blockers. You have every right to use ad blockers, but Jagex has every right not to let you play for free for blocking those ads.


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You just don't understand marketing concepts. The more annoying and multiple times of seeing it, makes you remember it. These are used to draw in money for the site.




That's true, they know 99.999% of the people would never click on it, it's just to make you remember it. Also, there are some ads (probably those) which are paid every 1000 views (same price as 1 click for 1000 views).

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I guess the rules that most people take issue with are:




6: Account sharing/trading - the only real plus is that it is something of a deterrent to account stealing, though a quitting player would often prefer to pass on a good account to a friend than let all that training go to waste.




8. Multi logging / Item transfer - eg. drop trading. If you are a high level smith, you can theoretically armour everyone else in your clan, but not your own lower level .




11. Most forums also ban "website advertising", but not to the point that you cannot even mention one.




12. Real world trading - while the ban may be a detterent to item theft or "sweat shop" creation/collection of items/gp, it also cuts of a possible source of extra paying members ... those who would fund membership by selling items.




13. Personal details - while nobody in their right mind should ever give identifiable information , as the axe-man in Runescape might not be averse to using one for similar purposes in real life, many players want to use internet chat beyond the limited and clumsy implementation in the game.

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Most of the time my slow computer can't hook the ads to me. I get a white screen the says exloper was unable to link the web page to you.


I will shoot down any one with my bitting wit, and sarcasm!

What POSSIBLE reason would someone have to make a fake like that?Does he profit from faking a picture like that? Does it help him at all?Jesus Christ, stop being so suspicious. This is Tip.it for God's sake, not RuneHQ. -_-
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