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RS and Sun Java? - With the all fabeled dragon kite.


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i dont know about the ads...




but isnt the shield "just" gilded kite?


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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Well, RS must be one of the biggest and best games ever designed to run in Java, so its not too surprising.




And no, the kite isn't just a gilded kite, it shows it on other shots as well. The centre is darker than a gilded kite.

99/99 Fletching, 99/99 Cooking, 96/99 Strength


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i dont know about the ads...




but isnt the shield "just" gilded kite?


It looks like a gilded dragon kite!




Everyone shut up now! We dont want to start a rummor that will reck the foundations of the rs economy.

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That's an heraldic kite and the weapon he is holding is a whip, with a few minor changes in some of the shots.






Yeees.... :roll:




Like that white thing is a whip, and that red and gold shield is a heraldic kite :roll:


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That's an heraldic kite and the weapon he is holding is a whip, with a few minor changes in some of the shots.






Yeees.... :roll:




Like that white thing is a whip, and that red and gold shield is a heraldic kite :roll:




I think you will find not....Go look up a heraldic kite, it looks nothing like it. This looks like a dragon kite, with gold trimming around the edge, and a gold dragon emblem on the face of it. The weapon on the other hand, does look like a whip when held by his side, but on the other screeny, wher he is attacking, it does not. The whip extends when you hit with it, this weapon does not seem to, it looks rigid.




I think these are 2 new items. I might send in a query to somewhere. Any ideas where to send queries like this!? (other than Jagex :wink: )

99/99 Fletching, 99/99 Cooking, 96/99 Strength


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I think these are 2 new items. I might send in a query to somewhere. Any ideas where to send queries like this!? (other than Jagex :wink: )






Customer Support? :P Only I can think of o.O


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That's a nice kite, I want it. *Drools*




It's amazingly stupid to show pictures of things who do not exsit yet.. Wow Jagex, you did it again :roll:

2480+ total

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wow jagex , really intelligent, first you showed us the dragon 2 hander, which got released thank god, then you showed us the dragon pickaxe, which got removed :roll: now you show us a dragon kite, but the thing is , will andrew call the Java company angrily telling them to take off the imaginary pic or will he release the "dragon" kite :wink: . time will tell us wont it....


Join the sodb now!

Thanks to misterxman for the great avatar!

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It's probably out already as a super super rare treasure trail reward. But it's *THAT* rare that nobody's gotten it yet. lol




No but seriously... they just prolly made it only for screen shots and advertisements. You gotta admit it does look pretty kewl.

We don't rebel to sell it just suits us well, we're the bright young things.

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