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legend of the chicken slayer...


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okay well about some time last year i started a thread talking about the best uses for guthans like money wise the most effiecient and such.. well some people couldnt get the concept and got confused and such and even had a few saying something along the line of " if you couldnt afford the upkeep why did you buy it?" well after a while longer of confused disscusion i gave an example that " killing chickens or goblins would be a complet waste" that got the thread on track.. but recently i wondered... how many chickens could you kill with a guthans spear? could you actully even break even (by selling the feathers) ? this bugged at me for a while and thus starts my recent stupidity...........




so i repair my full guthans to it full glory *angels sing of the shiney newness* so i go off to break my suit on chickens... i quickly realize that with all the 1 hitting im doing im going to break the warspear waaaay before i break the rest of the suit.. so.. i bank the rest of the suit and decide to take the spear and a dds to switch out too as soon as a random apears so it wont mess with my data.. i go hunting these fierce monsters and after a while of killing i realize its going to take waaaay longer then originaly thought because a large portion of my time is spent banking the trophys from these fowl beasts( raw chicken) [i keep the feathers on my to avoid getting them mixxed up] so i decided that for time sake ( and my sanitys) ill degrade it to 75% and stop the moment it hits 75% thus it has been degraded 25% and i can get a good estimate of the number of ze chickens plus amount of feathers earned




the following was gained by the 25% degrade




my spear just degraded and i have a total of 1239 raw chickens and 7450 feathers from the kills now if i sell the feathers for 10each i could actully profit from using the spear since it will only cost about 25k top repair


i buried all the bones and probly going to use the chickens to kill black dragons lol but yea i got about ... 15k combat exp and little over 4k preyer exp all in all.. a complet waste of time :) just liek this thread i guess lol




and incase anyone wants to ask no i wont test on other monsters to see how many of whatever i can kill before it degrades... unless i get majorly paid because i wasted so much time for this when i could have been doing other things like... killing imps maybe.. hey they got more hp :-P




hope you enjoyed my stupidity





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kool story, you must have been very bored to do that



Currently training all skills to or above 60.


Barrows drops: 87 runs done so far. Torag Platebody on 4th run. Guthan Chainskirt on 35th run. Dharok Helm on 45th run. Torag platelegs on 49th run. Ahrim Robeskirt on 86th run.

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lol, using guthan's on chickens... wonders will never cease to amaze

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hope you enjoyed my stupidity


Hehe yes I did, thanks for the laugh :)




What I wonder is how many people who asked why you were killing chickens? People always tend to ask when a high level player kill low level npc's....somehow they dont understand that it could be done for fun or for other reasons ;)

Please think before you ask a question. If you ask the right question, its much more likely you get the answer you are looking for :)




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Chickens don't even hit me when I'm fighting them in my ÃÆÃâÃâüber l33t full bronze... You must've been really bored.


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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hope you enjoyed my stupidity


Hehe yes I did, thanks for the laugh :)




What I wonder is how many people who asked why you were killing chickens? People always tend to ask when a high level player kill low level npc's....somehow they dont understand that it could be done for fun or for other reasons ;)




actully i had a few people just stop and watch me i guess it was amuseing.. one guy even said " Is it really necicary to call the forces of darkness on a chicken?" I got a good laugh from that one and i think i got a ascreenie if anyone wants to see it





this random comment brought to you today by ADD: ADD, bringing random entertainment to all for generations

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Nice what can bordom not do.


I will shoot down any one with my bitting wit, and sarcasm!

What POSSIBLE reason would someone have to make a fake like that?Does he profit from faking a picture like that? Does it help him at all?Jesus Christ, stop being so suspicious. This is Tip.it for God's sake, not RuneHQ. -_-
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Is it just me or did you waste 2 minutes of my time to find out: "I am going to see how much loot I can get from chickens before my guthan's degrades?" I gave up reading halfway through because I couldn't understand the language in which you were speaking, so maybe I just misunderstood. You have too much time on your hands, but you do have a TON of patience. Sorry about the flame-like tone of my post, but I couldn't think of how to say it in any other way :?




FTW = for the win

Last.fm: http://www.last.fm/user/Aaronm14/


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And the bible is the big book of lies, call me a racist if you must.

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