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One of the funnest games I have ever played


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You wake up in a pool of sweat, still shouting. At least it looks like sweat. Pretty much. Well, creamy sweat.






I liked that part.



"Merv," you say. "I challenge you to a duel."




"The hell are you talking about, Marty?" says Merv.




The duel begins...




You go down in a blaze of glory, falling backwards and coating the street and cars around you in a layer of creamy buttermilk goodness.





The duel ends... I lost :( I got 422 points for dieing o_O




McDonald's introduces the [bleep] McNuggets.




KFC becomes JFC.






I got 59201 points for doing that xD



Do not hide. Confront Pam about the diary.




Hide under the diary. Confront the bed about Pam.


"So, bed, what's the deal?" you ask accusingly. "Word has it you and Pam are sleeping together!"




Before the bed can respond, Pam walks into her bedroom and finds you on top of her bed, talking to it, with a diary on your head.




"What the [bleep]?!" she says.




Assuming she can't see you underneath the diary, you remain silent, so as not to blow your cover.




I like these games. Just that little bit of humour can really make a difference.

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"Happy birthday, Bradford," she says. "Thats your birth stone, Frodomite.It will bring you protection."




"Thanks,Puala," you say. You put the stone down in front of your underwear




that part HILLARIOUS

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"You reach around for something really crusty... "








"Ghandi sits at the dining room table passed out next to a gigantic empty bowl of beans."








Final score: 85 :\




I died when my rear end ate my hand, and I cut off my hand because of it. :\ This game owns. What other game can you do that in?




"at one point you laughed so hard you farted, which wouldn't have been so bad except that it had come right as Merv was saying "I do". The priest had to repeat the question, but other than that, things went smoothly. "





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You bolt up to the bathroom, push open the door, and hork your brains out in the toilet bowl.




It's not until you've composed yourself that you realize that Pam was on the toilet while you uked between her legs.




:lol: that was the funniest one yet hahaha

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Then one afternoon while playing in the bathroom, you came across something floating in the toilet. It was small, oblong, and brownish, and oh-so-cute. Rebellious, you decided to break the rules and keep it as your pet. You named it "Wally".














Edit: HAH!




Fortunately for you, at Merv's suggestion, as a safety precaution, you set your underwear to self-destruct after 30 minutes away from your butt.




Final score? 37920.


It really has

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You pat yourself on the back heartily.




So heartily, though, that you knock yourself right over!




You stumble, trying to regain your balance, but end up tripping over yourself and taking a head-first tumble down the stairs.




You hear your own neck snap as you hit the bottom stair.




"Dammit, Brad, get off the stairs," says Sarah a few minutes later.




You don't move.




"Mom!" yells Sarah. "Brad's sleeping on the stairs!"




Pam comes over and (almost out of habit) kicks you in the sack. When you don't respond to that, Pam realizes that...




You have died.




Your final score is:






What a nice little game... Guess I should have looked through the diary, eh? :oops:

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You pat yourself on the back heartily.




So heartily, though, that you knock yourself right over!




You stumble, trying to regain your balance, but end up tripping over yourself and taking a head-first tumble down the stairs.




You hear your own neck snap as you hit the bottom stair.




"Dammit, Brad, get off the stairs," says Sarah a few minutes later.




You don't move.




"Mom!" yells Sarah. "Brad's sleeping on the stairs!"




Pam comes over and (almost out of habit) kicks you in the sack. When you don't respond to that, Pam realizes that...




You have died.




Your final score is:






What a nice little game... Guess I should have looked through the diary, eh? :oops:




Just keep saying "huh?" and you will get a screen which just flashes "Poop!".

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You close the door in Merv's face.




And then you see them.




There, lying on right on the floor of the living room.




Milton and Sandy.




Playing Connect Four.




Thats a good one

well today at 11:30 am 14 years ago i was born.. wo0t!!!
At 11:30 you should start holding your head underwater wo0t!!!
Stop acting such a moron.
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