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Full Zombie


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keep killing hill giants and keep burying their big bones :P


Miami Heat 4ever fan.

Yes, i'm a girl! I like to watch NBA, so? =]]

Thanks star_in_the_sky for the AMAZING sig and eckered for the great avvy!!

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Mossies aren't that great for zombies... I was there for a week or so, 2 hrs a day, and I haven't even saw the zombie :(




I say head to the bone graveyard out in wildy and burry away... Though you might die alot :P... yeah, stick with bone burrying, preferably mossies...




It is also called a random event for a reason...




Good luck and farewell to you...

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I just got the shirt and boots about 10 minutes ago... How rare is this event, and can he gve you the same item twice?


There is a bad news(may be a good news for someone), I just noticed that we can not get leo often recently, coz we may get all other events also while burying bones like MoM and strange box(mostly) , drunken dwarf, swarm, evil chiken, highwayman, captain, sandwich girl, genie etc even camo(we only get zombie, shade and leo b4 april while burying bones, thats y ppl got full zombie so easy). So leo event becomes a lil uncommon nowadays, but u will still get him for random, just do ur normal combat training and bury any bones they droped, whatever they r, whatever small or big bones.




Thats a bad news to me, coz I got only 1 or 2 per day now its really hard to achieve my goal.




And yes, Leo does give u a replacement item if u lost one.




Hope that helps.

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ok this event is a bit old now but when it first dropped i went straight to the ice caves and slaughtered ice giants...got full zombie and emotes in a few days of training. now to answer all the questions i saw (if these have already been answered then i apologise)


1. how do i get gravedigger?!


you bury bones and leo will turn up eventually




2. what do i get from gravedigger?!


you get zombie clothes (shirt, boots, trousers, gloves and a mask) and 2 emotes (zombie walk and zombie dance)




3. when i have all the gravedigger items will i still get gravedigger events?!


yes...yes you will. but instead of getting more clothes you get 500gp




4. why cant i use emotes in gravedigger?!


well its so you cant run around...at least thats my theory


if you know your rs as well as i do then you will know theres a keyboard shortcut to run so you can run when you cant get into your emotes screen...sly to the max




5.whats this magical shortcut?!


ah thats a secret (press and hold ctrl and click where you want to run)




ok i hope that answered all your questions on the gravedigger event...anymore just send me a pm and ill reply when i can.


Empire Mind:Nbk killed your clan.



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I went to the wildy and spent 3 hours at the chaos alter above varrock, all i got was a swarm... 3 hours the next day, a shade... then i gave up and headed to hilly's, none so far from 1/2 and hour of killing with a rubber chicken and a rune long

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Some claim getting events if from gaining large ammounts of Xp rather than smaller(so normal bones are out)... see my previous post...


Dragon bones are probably best for getting it if that theories correct, but i must say i've never noticed it... i have very few random events coming to me, see my thread lower

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