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We have a new problem with the names being confusing...


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Well mostly and hopefully all of you knew about the o0o0o0o problem with names so it would mislead players when looking up your stats reporting you etc. etc. Well now we got a new problem... Maybe its not new but it is there... I have recently seen an increasing amount of players with names like N______K which is delibretly confusing if you ask me. In game their is no underscores ( _ ) which makes it even more hard to figure out. Unless you know how much space there is between each _ then maybe you can look them up or you can just keep guessing. In the end however it is an unfair advantage because it misleads players.

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I swear I want to strangle the guy who made the :roll: emoticon it bothers the living hell out of me because i find it just abnoxious. I am trying to bring something up in the community then i get that annoying icon.




I think you took my post wrong, i was on your side, the icon was getting at the fact that jagex will wait till things are way out of control before they do anything about it. jeez calm down, maybe go for a walk :roll: :roll: :roll:

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Maybe replacing 4 or more spaces with "_", but only replacing one would make names just look plain stupid. It's not much of a problem if someone has 2 or 3 space in between words; if you have common sense, you can see this. Oh, and because i love you: :roll: .

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There are also the names that are like il il lli il the capital i looks exactly like a regular "L"








ill i Lilllil il: scamming people! 250k!




boozhoochief: ...






Um Capital I is diffrent though cuz look it has the line above and below it looky here:




I l

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yes it owuld only work if u had 3 accounts 1 with 6 spaces between one with 7 and one with 8 then when you look up it will be very difficult to tell the difference



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. Oh, and because i love you: :roll: .




I love him, too. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:






My old hybrid's name was atreyu__Pk, I only used spaces because Atreyu_Pk was taken.. It is a good way to get names that are already taken, just adding a space..






The name 69 Arrows isn't taken.. Just to prove a point.. seems like it would be, but there are 2 spaces :lol:








I love you Btw :roll: :roll:



|Msg me me in-game | IrreIephant|

^ capital i

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I don't think this is as bad as the 0o0o0o0 problem. If you are trying to report someone, and 1 space doesnt work, just try 2 spaces, and so on.




The 0o0o0o0o0 thing was much worse, because there were many more combinations to go through to try to get the right one.




As for the highscores. I personally don't like other people randomly looking up my skills. Its my business, not yours. I'm not a staker, and I understand how its a good tool for them, but I still find it annoying.

Look, if your mom still drops you off at school, you ain't gangsta, pull up your damn pants!


3 down, 7 to go

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get a life kid.. this isn't as bad as 00o0o0oo0 and just like the previous post stated.. if 1 space doesn't work try 2.. or 3.. not hard and doesn't take long. :shock:


seriously people need to stop complaining over little things.

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get a life kid.. this isn't as bad as 00o0o0oo0 and just like the previous post stated.. if 1 space doesn't work try 2.. or 3.. not hard and doesn't take long. :shock:


seriously people need to stop complaining over little things.






your the one wining :roll: just wait until your staken and you come across names like those, its a unfair advantage, are there ways around it yes their are but does that make it as fair as an average name? No it doesnt. This is my point , my point is not omGawd ;shift 111ont122122!!! Jagexz must like listhen or im gonna die of brainf dammage cuz diz confusin

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I don't think this is as bad as the 0o0o0o0 problem. If you are trying to report someone, and 1 space doesnt work, just try 2 spaces, and so on.




The 0o0o0o0o0 thing was much worse, because there were many more combinations to go through to try to get the right one.




As for the highscores. I personally don't like other people randomly looking up my skills. Its my business, not yours. I'm not a staker, and I understand how its a good tool for them, but I still find it annoying.




Exactly. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:


Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

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You're the one whining. :roll: Just wait until you're staking and you come across names like those, it's an unfair advantage. Are there ways around it? Yes, there are, but does that make it as fair as an average name? No it doesn't. This is my point. My point is not "omGawd ;shift 111ont122122!!! Jagexz must like listhen or im gonna die of brainf dammage cuz diz confusin."




Arr Oh Eff El. The first part of your post looks the same as the second part where you tried to be one of those "1337sp3ak n008s"... First off there's a little thing called 'Capitalization.' I'm going to make some corrections for the fun of it.




*Bold posts are corrected, by me. :D




Back to the point, I see what you're getting at, and I can see where it gets frustrating. But if you are going to duel, either don't duel these people, or take your time to look them up on the highscores. If you can't find them, or are confused between two accounts, simply deny their duel request.

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I don't think this is as bad as the 0o0o0o0 problem. If you are trying to report someone, and 1 space doesnt work, just try 2 spaces, and so on.




The 0o0o0o0o0 thing was much worse, because there were many more combinations to go through to try to get the right one.




As for the highscores. I personally don't like other people randomly looking up my skills. Its my business, not yours. I'm not a staker, and I understand how its a good tool for them, but I still find it annoying.




Exactly. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:




Okay, so what if someone's name was:




"E X A M P L E" or




"N A M E"




Perhaps without a sarcastic reply, or flame ;).

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I swear I want to strangle the guy who made the :roll: emoticon it bothers the living hell out of me because i find it just abnoxious. I am trying to bring something up in the community then i get that annoying icon.


:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

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Mate this _ problem is nothing, you click all day long and type all day long on your little rubbish computer hours on end, but you then complain when you can't be botherd to experiment how many spaces are in their name?!?!




:roll: great thread :roll:

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There are also the names that are like il il lli il the capital i looks exactly like a regular "L"








ill i Lilllil il: scamming people! 250k!




boozhoochief: ...




Thats way easy to tell.. Jagex fixed the capital "I" and lowercase "L" at least a year ago :roll:

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quit spamming with :roll:


:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:


everyone loves :roll: :roll:


yeah i was happy they fixed the O0 thing but i really dont think __ \_ will be a problem for at least a while yet. maybe never :roll: who knows :roll: :roll:




by the way :roll: i used the :roll: emote becasuse i enjoy copying everyone else. :roll: personally :roll: i have never used it (or rareley) before this post :roll:


so here you go my :roll: count is now 15




yeah and the I l problem is onley prevelant in fonts like arial and other sans sarif fonts.


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