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Picture of "wave" spell


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Yep, that would be cool. You woudn't want pictures though, as they all look more or less the same. Animated gifs ould be better.




I would make one, but I am not a member :cry: Ah well.

99/99 Fletching, 99/99 Cooking, 96/99 Strength


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ill get you a picture of the wind strikes now :)


lost my zamarak staff the other day and I have not gone to get it back yet :oops:




Woot, our savior! Sorry to hear you lost your staff, is it hard to retrieve? Is it possible/do you have the other two staves? (to show us the other god spell animations)

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Yes it' d be cool if we had a guide with animated gifts of every spell but i think it'd be hard work for the admins :roll:




I'm sure if they posted that they were working on it and were accepting cropped images, people would help. Especially if they get their name put as at the bottom of the guide :P




Uh-oh! school bell (tone rather). Will be home soon....

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I'm sure if they posted that they were working on it and were accepting cropped images, people would help. Especially if they get their name put as at the bottom of the guide


Good one Narakia :lol: .


It would be much easier so. Maybe we should propose it. People can anyone tell it to admins? We could all send pix and it'd be much easier for them and we also would have a great guide in tip.it.



Thx axeraider for the sig :D

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Sue_Kitsu posted a better Claws Of Guthix picture , i just couldnt seem to screeny at the right time lol



















I like to fart silently but deadly in movie theaters
Ard Choille says (11:41 PM):

I wouldn't dare tell you what to do m'dear

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lol severation how are they meant 2 no what torags set is meant to look like? i'd post some pics but looks as if ure question has been answered


"A disbelief in magic can force some poor souls into believing in authority and business"

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