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is this guy kidding me?


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so im standing in the wild killing green dragons for bones when all of a sudden a lvl 103? 104? attacks a lvl 94.




the lvl 94 protects from melee


the 104 says prayer nuub protecting against some one with lobbs who isnt even pking!




(i think to my self....you just attacked him....ur not pking?)




i call the 104 an a$$ hole




the lvl 104 talks about how much cooler he is and that he can kill me (duh)




i say yea im noob whatever shove it dude and keep killing my dragons




he says "ur annoying noob im gonna have my mage friend kill you"




next thing i know im tele blocked and getting hit for 20-22-24-12 ded




im only lvl 75 why do people act like this...lost 17 bones becouse of him

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Its the wilderness, when you go in you run the risk of being killed, thats why green drags where put in the wilderness because it would be too easy money if you just walked into a dungeon and killed them , this is the risk you must take if you want the hides and bones quicker .


Got Xbox Live? Gimme a call - Gamertag = Razoid

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WARNING: By entering the Wilderness you are possibly exposing yourself to Pkers. Sure, they might kill you but the real problem is their effect on your IQ. These people usually fail to


A) String together a proper sentence


B) Speak fluently in ANY Language


C) Have an IQ of over 7


It is YOUR responsibility to watch out for these shadows on society and turn your public chat off or use the Ignore button.


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lmfao i keep my head up because it doesn't matter to me... they can all cuss me out threaten to have freind kill me ect.... let em try :twisted:




he was a nub for calling the TRAINER a prayer nub... so :shrugs:



New sigzor^^

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I can't believe you're even complaining about this. You 1) cursed at him and 2) insulted him...in the wilderness.




He had you by almost 30 levels...and you're in the wilderness. So you cuss and him and insult him...and then you complain that he had the audacity to kill you.





124 Combat

Retired Echo of Silence Council


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WARNING: By entering the Wilderness you are possibly exposing yourself to Pkers. Sure, they might kill you but the real problem is their effect on your IQ. These people usually fail to


A) String together a proper sentence


B) Speak fluently in ANY Language


C) Have an IQ of over 7


It is YOUR responsibility to watch out for these shadows on society and turn your public chat off or use the Ignore button.


lol, i agree

Currently hunting for clues. Any advice? PM me please =)

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Really? Oh well let us think deeply about this subject, ever consider he might have been taunting the victim to make him mad? Angry people make mistakes and if the "prayer nuub" had been silly enough to be affected by the taunts then he might have turned prayer off or at least stayed longer to argue with the pker.




Kind of like you - instead of leaving you stayed to talk with him and died.

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OMG I DIED IN THE WILDY.. THAT GUY WAS A NOOB! I insulted him and then had friend PJ ME! What a noob!!! He made me loose my DBones...




I am replying with your title...






Dude.... go rant on RuneHQ... this is more of there kind of story




sorry but I would of PK'd you too

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Has the IQ dropped so much among the users of tip.it users?




Only Meili seem to have actually read the post and answering to it.




1. he is not complaining he died.


2. the lvl 104 did not kill him, he called his friend to kill him AND no it wasn't a PJ.




Jesus ppl read AND think before you post your replies.




On topic: i agree with meili, he must have been just provoking the lvl 90something to make him loose his concentration. And you should watch your language out there, no1 likes to be called by names.




Killing trainers is low but some people get kicks out of it, just like abyss pkers think they're so cool when they can kill someone with no food and no pray but tele away when fought back.

Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either

a fool or a coward.


Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law

is both.


For a wounded man shall say to his assailant:

"If I live, I will kill you, If I Die, you are forgiven."


Such is the Rule of Honor.

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Has the IQ dropped so much among the users of tip.it users?




Only Meili seem to have actually read the post and answering to it.




1. he is not complaining he died.


2. the lvl 104 did not kill him, he called his friend to kill him AND no it wasn't a PJ.




Jesus ppl read AND think before you post your replies.




On topic: i agree with meili, he must have been just provoking the lvl 90something to make him loose his concentration. And you should watch your language out there, no1 likes to be called by names.




Killing trainers is low but some people get kicks out of it, just like abyss pkers think they're so cool when they can kill someone with no food and no pray but tele away when fought back.




The grammar here just makes me sad :'(

Some people dream of success, while others make it happen.

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Has the IQ dropped so much among the users of tip.it users?




Only Meili seem to have actually read the post and answering to it.




1. he is not complaining he died.


2. the lvl 104 did not kill him, he called his friend to kill him AND no it wasn't a PJ.




Jesus ppl read AND think before you post your replies.




On topic: i agree with meili, he must have been just provoking the lvl 90something to make him loose his concentration. And you should watch your language out there, no1 likes to be called by names.




Killing trainers is low but some people get kicks out of it, just like abyss pkers think they're so cool when they can kill someone with no food and no pray but tele away when fought back.




The grammar here just makes me sad :'(


Wow someone missed out a letter!!!! Sheesh




Oh and you get killed if you bad mouth a stronger player it's kinda simple.

put him in jail


Then i'll just wait for him to drop the e-soap

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